Climate zones of Africa. climate zones of africa climate zones of east africa


The African continent crosses the equator, that is, most of it is located between the tropics. Naturally, this situation greatly influenced the climate of Africa. It is also influenced by such climatic factors as the trade winds, features of the circulation of air masses, ocean currents and features of the relief of the mainland and its latitude.

General climate characteristics, briefly

When describing the general characteristics of the African climate, first of all, we must not forget that winter and summer in different hemispheres occur in different months:

  • North hemisphere : winter in December, January, February;
  • Southern Hemisphere : Winter in June, July, August.

Summer in Africa is very hot. The thermometer does not fall below +20 degrees. Winter also does not claim to be particularly "cold".

Even in the coolest regions of South Africa, the thermometer does not fall below +8 degrees. Thus, it is not surprising that the lowest position of the sun in this region is similar to the position of the sun in central Russia on the day of the summer solstice.

Rice. 1 Climate of Africa. climate map

In general, according to its climatic conditions, Africa is very clearly divided into 4 regions:

  • North Africa(dry and hot; tropical deserts and dry-loving Mediterranean forests);
  • South Africa(dry and hot; tropical deserts);
  • Central Africa(humid; equatorial and subequatorial moisture-loving forests);
  • East Africa(moderately humid; savannahs and woodlands predominate).

Rice. 2 East Africa in summer (savannas and woodlands)

African climate types

There are several climatic zones in Africa. Since the equator crosses the mainland in half, they repeat to the north and south of it. So in Africa (judging by the climate map) there are 7 climatic zones (on both sides of the equator):

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  • equatorial climatic zone;
  • two subequatorial belts;
  • two tropical belts;
  • two subtropical zones.

All climatic zones differ from each other primarily in the amount and mode of precipitation. So in the equatorial and subequatorial zones, 2000-3000 mm of precipitation per year is considered the norm (the wettest place in Africa is at the foot of Mount Cameroon, up to 9500 mm of precipitation per year can fall here). But in some regions of the subtropics, the norm is 300 mm per year.

Equatorial climate zone

Humid and hot climate. average temperature fluctuates around +23-+28, and the daily temperature amplitudes are much more significant than annual fluctuations. There is a lot of precipitation (up to 2000 mm), they fall evenly throughout the month. It can be said. That in this belt there is always one season.

Subequatorial climate zone

In the south and north of the continent, the situation is almost the same. The average temperature keeps around +23-+25. In summer there is a large amount of precipitation, in winter less. There is a seasonal change in the movement of air masses, monsoons are frequent. It is in this belt of the African continent that the deepest and longest rivers flow.

Tropical climate zone

In the tropical part of the continent, in the north and south, the situation is somewhat different from each other. Although in both parts of the tropical belt is dry and hot weather.

There is practically no precipitation in the northern part of the continent. In summer, the temperature can stay at around +40 degrees (the absolute maximum was recorded in the Libyan desert - +58 degrees), in winter - +18 degrees.

Rice. 3 Libyan Desert

In the southern parts it is colder and there is more rainfall. In the west (Namib Desert) precipitation is practically absent. In summer and winter, the temperature is almost the same (average annual - from +20 to +15 degrees). In the east (Dragon Mountains) the humidity is the highest. This is facilitated by the movement of air masses from the equator and their collision with warm air coming from the ocean.

It was in the tropical zone of both hemispheres that desert spaces were concentrated. Due to the absence of clouds, the daily temperature fluctuation in the desert is very high. During the day, the sun can heat sand and stones to a temperature of +70, and at night the whole space cools down and, in some cases, the thermometer can drop below zero. In the deserts, African simum winds often blow, and at night you can hear the crackling of stones.

Subtropical climate zone

If we compare the southeastern and southwestern coasts of Africa, then in the same season, with the same climatic zone, there is a sharp change in climate. The southwest (subtropical Mediterranean climate) has dry and hot summers, while winters are also warm but humid. On the southeast coast, summers are hot and humid (due to warm air masses from indian ocean). And the winter is cold and dry (the Cape Mountains prevent the penetration of precipitation).

Table"Characteristics of the climatic zones of Africa"(data from this table can be used in geography lessons grade 7).

climate zone Average temperature (summer and winter) Pressure (high, low) Precipitation
Equatorial + 25 (during the year) Low (throughout the year) Lots of rainfall (throughout the year)
subequatorial Summer - +24

Winter - +18

Summer is low

Winter - high

Summer is wet

Winter is dry

Tropical Summer - +32

Winter - +18

High (within a year) Dry climate (throughout the year)
Subtropical Summer - +25 In summer - high

In winter - low

Summer is dry

Winter is wet

The impact of climate on the diversity of natural and flora Africa obviously. The climate also influenced the pattern of the river network and the regime of rivers. So, where the humidity is higher, the rivers are longer and more full-flowing. They feed mainly on rainfall. Inland waters Africa also have a certain influence on the formation of Africa's climate.

Despite the fact that the African continent has the largest waterless desert in the world, it also has the second most full-flowing river in the world - the Congo and the second longest river in the world - the Nile (in terms of full-flowing and length, the Nile and the Congo "bypassed" only South American Amazon).

Rice. 4 River Nile, Africa

What have we learned?

The climate in Africa is mostly hot, but humidity, like pressure, is also different in different climatic zones. The climate of the mainland is influenced by various climatic factors. Not the last role is played by the oceans, relief and inland waters.

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    Africa is a large continent (the second in the world after Eurasia), strongly elongated from north to south on both sides of the equator. There are four climatic zones. In the very north and south of the mainland - Subtropical(southern South Africa and northern Sahara). Next comes tropical belt(almost the entire Sahara, northern South Africa, Namibia, Angola, southern Madagascar). It takes up a small space near the equator equatorial belt. And around him almost all over central Africa largest in area subequatorial belt.

    A continent like Africa is located in the following climatic zones:

    first climatic zone: subtropical,

    second climatic zone: tropical,

    third climatic zone: subequatorial,

    fourth climatic zone: equatorial,

    fifth climatic zone: subequatorial,

    sixth climatic zone: tropical,

    seventh climatic zone: subtropical.

    The belts are listed in order from north to south.

    Africa is not in vain called the hottest continent on Earth, it really is. The central part of this continent lies in the equatorial zone, characterized by high temperature and humidity. Famous people grow here equatorial forests, impenetrable jungle. To the south, east and north lie subequatorial climatic zones characterized by a mixed climate - both humid equatorial air masses and tropical dry ones can enter here. Farther from the equator lie the tropics, the driest places on the planet with high temperatures. Here lie the Sahara, the Kalahari and the Namib. The most extreme points of the continent belong to the subtropical climate and in winter, air masses from temperate latitudes can even bring snow here.

    Africa is divided almost in half by the equator line. What climate zones is Africa in?

    • equatorial;
    • tropical;
    • subequatorial and subtropical.

    Features of Africa's climate are due to its location on the climate map of the world. Because of its position, the largest desert, the Sahara, is located there.

    Africa is located in the following climatic zones. Table

    The climate of the African belts is very similar, but there are differences. There are areas where precipitation occurs seasonally, and there are areas where the climate is milder. Animals of Africa move in a caravan in search of water bodies. During the drought, crocodiles and giraffes drink from the same stream, establishing a truce for this time.

    The climate of Africa is quite hot since it is located in the following climatic zones, namely this: equatorial, 2 subtropical, tropical and subequatorial. The equator passes through this continent, and it is washed by two oceans, the Indian and the Atlantic. Also in Africa is one of the largest deserts in the world, the Sahara.

    The African continent is the only continent in the world located on both sides of the equator. In Africa, there are already seven climatic zones, and each of them has its own characteristics.

    For example, equatorial The climate zone is supported by winds that constantly bring moisture and heat. It rains evenly throughout the year and there is no division into seasons.

    North and south occupies subequatorial a belt where winds from the equator bring heat and moisture in summer. Tropical, hot and dry winds are typical for winter time.

    The largest part of Africa is subject to tropical climate where tropical winds rule the whole year. Which creates a climate with savannahs and deserts.

    Subtropical the belt is represented by two regions on the northern and southern territories. Available in Africa and subtropical-mediterranean climatic zone in the northern and southwestern parts of the continent.

    The entire territory of Africa is one way or another included in various hot climate zones. It is crossed by the equator line approximately in the middle.

    But the specific manifestations of the hot climate in Africa are heterogeneous. Dry deserts (such as the Sahara and Kalahari) predominate in the north and south of the continent. The central part is dominated rainforests, separated from the desert belt by savanna steppes, which are characterized by alternating wet and dry seasons.

    Accordingly, the center of Africa is a zone equatorial climate, further subequatorial, tropical, and on the southern and northern extremities, a zone of subtropical climate is distinguished.

    Africa, in size, is the second continent after Eurasia and is washed by two oceans:

    • Atlantic
    • Indian.

    Climatic zones Africa begins with the equatorial, followed by the subequatorial, then the tropical climatic zone, the subtropical zone.

    Africa is located in seven climatic zones, namely:

    1. in the equatorial
    2. in two subequatorial
    3. in two tropical
    4. in two subtropical

    The largest area is occupied by the subequatorial belt.

    It should be noted that although Africa is considered a very hot continent, it is conditionally divided into several climatic zones, the conditions for existence on which are different. Therefore, when choosing a place of residence, it is imperative to coordinate climatic preferences.

    So, there are 7 (SEVEN) belts. We look in more detail.

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In what climate zones is Africa located and got the best answer

Answer from Elizabet[guru]
Climate zones of Africa

The equatorial climate belt is almost entirely surrounded by the subequatorial climate belt (equatorial monsoon climate), covering Sudan, East Africa and northern South Africa up to the Zambezi River. The Abyssinian highlands and the high peaks of East Africa, located in the belt of this climate, are characterized by a clearly pronounced vertical climatic zonality (up to winter-nival in the Abyssinian Highlands and constantly nival in Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Rwenzori, etc.). The Abyssinian highlands are distinguished, in addition, by a sharp expositional difference in the climate of the western and eastern slopes.

The northern and southern boundaries of the subequatorial climate are determined by the summer (for each subcontinent) position of the tropical front. During the year, summer wet and winter dry seasons alternate here, and temperatures fluctuate noticeably due to the change of humid and hot equatorial air (in summer) and dry and very hot continental tropical air (in winter). This type of climate covers about 1/3 (almost 10 million km2) of Africa. The alternation of summer rains and winter drought is even more pronounced on the African continent than in India, therefore Africa can be called the country of classical equatorial monsoons with more reason than India.

Tropical (trade wind) climate belts are located in both parts of the continent to the south and north of the equator, between the winter position of the polar front and the summer position of the tropical front. Deserts occupy a total of almost half the area of ​​the mainland, and for this reason Africa is rightly called the classic area of ​​desert development. This climate is characterized by the constant dominance of continental tropical air, great dryness of the air and high, especially summer, temperatures.

The largest area of ​​the desert is occupied in the northern part of the mainland, where the world's largest desert, the Sahara, lies.

In the southern part of Africa, desert landscapes are limited by the southwestern region of the Kalahari and a narrow strip of coast, where, by analogy with the Atlantic region of the Sahara, the climate of a trade-wind oceanic desert is distinguished with a predominance of marine tropical air (in descending currents of the eastern periphery of the oceanic pressure maximum).

In the rest of the tropical belt of South Africa, in the continental sector (between Zambezi and Orange), the climate is arid to semi-arid, with thermal convection summer precipitation. Along the east coast, in the tropical zone, the climate is maritime, trade winds, with a summer maximum of precipitation.

The extreme north and south of the mainland lie in subtropical climate zones with seasonal changes in air masses (sea tropical air in summer, sea air of temperate latitudes in winter) The Atlas Mountains, the coast of Libya and the United Arab Republic and the southwestern outskirts of South Africa have a Mediterranean variety of this climate with winter cyclonic precipitation, on the southeastern outskirts of South Africa - monsoonal subtropics with a summer maximum of precipitation.

Answer from Luda[active]
equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical

Answer from human[newbie]
(equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, subtropical)

Answer from Anya[active]
robe belt!

The climate of Africa can be described as a unique phenomenon due to its location.

Africa is the only continent in the world that lies on two sides of the equator.

Interestingly, the equator is not only Earth divides into two hemispheres, it also divides the African continent almost equally.

The climate is very big influence on the nature of the area, because it determines the weather patterns, as well as shifts weather conditions.

The soil of the area, flora and fauna, various sectors of the economy, as well as


The formation of certain climatic conditions in Africa is influenced by a variety of factors that subsequently determine the life and livelihoods of people who live in a particular type of climate.

Africa is tracked to be the hottest continent, due to its location in the hottest climatic zones.

Interesting is the fact that three of the four climatic zones on the continent are repeated twice.

Due to the fact that Africa is crossed by the equator, around which the equatorial climatic zone has formed, the remaining climatic zones mirror each other.

Subequatorial, tropical, subtropical and temperate belt found twice on the continent.

Equatorial climate zone of Africa

The equatorial belt occupies an area along the Gulf of Guinea and runs all the way to the depression in the Congo and.

whole year equatorial warm air mass prevails here, which determines the weather conditions.

In this part of Africa, there are no seasons with temperature fluctuations and changes in weather conditions, it is constantly very hot here and it often rains. Precipitation falls evenly throughout the year.

365 days a year the temperature is high here - from 24 °C to 28 °C.

The equatorial climate is characterized by abundant rainfall. During the year, in different parts of the equatorial part of the continent, from 1500 to 2500 mm of precipitation falls.

Because of this, very high humidity and heat are formed, which are difficult to endure, relief comes from the coolness of the night.

In the African equatorial part, one can observe constant cloudiness and frequent fogs.

Almost every day before lunch, clouds gather, which in the afternoon, in the late afternoon, materialize in rain or a thunderstorm.

They present a splendid abundance of plant and animal life which has not been fully explored.

On two sides of the equator, and also east of equatorial belt subequatorial climatic zones stretched out.

This climate zone also very hot, with temperatures ranging from 26 to 30 °C in summer and 15 to 17 °C in winter throughout the year.

Subequatorial climatic zone of Africa

In the subequatorial climatic zone, rainy and dry seasons are clearly visible.

The duration of rains, as well as the numerical indicators of precipitation, decrease as the belt moves away from the equator.

This most directly affects the flora of the area.

In places where there is not enough rainfall, tree vegetation practically does not grow, lush forests are replaced by light forests, which smoothly turn into shrouds.

It is very interesting to note the alternation of the rainy season in the subequatorial climatic zones and the predominance of the dry season.

At a time when in one of the subequatorial zones of Africa there is a rainy season, which brings the equatorial air mass, in the other subequatorial zone at this time the air mass from the tropics dominates, which entails the onset of the dry season.

Tropical climate zone of Africa

A characteristic feature of this climate is dry hot weather and a minimum amount of precipitation, which decreases with distance from the center of the continent and further into its interior.

Africa, for the most part, is located in a tropical climate, so there are a lot of deserts here, the formation of which is facilitated by dry air, a remote location from the ocean, as well as increased pressure due to tropical air masses.

These are ideal conditions for the development of numerous deserts and savannahs.

The Sahara is the largest desert on the planet, which is located in tropical Africa. Not a single drop of precipitation may fall here for years, and it is extremely difficult for a person to stay here.

The air is filled with fine dust and very often blow strong winds that create sand dust storms.

Wind and dust form fanciful out of the sand.

The tropical zone, in addition to aridity, has a very sharp daily temperature difference.

During the day, the thermometer rises above 40 ° C, heating the sand and air, and at night the temperature drops sharply by a couple of tens of degrees and can drop down to negative values.

The maximum air temperature around the world was recorded in the Libyan desert of the African tropical belt and reached 58 ° C.

The northern coast, as well as the extreme south of the mainland, occupies the subtropical zone, which is characterized by a change in air masses and the division of the year into seasons.

The average temperature in a year is about 20 °C. It varies significantly depending on the summer and winter seasons.

Subtropical African climate

The subtropical belt of Africa in the northern and southwestern parts of the continent is characterized by a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and moderate rainfall in winter.

The southeast is dominated by a subtropical humid climate.

It contributes to the fact that throughout the year, precipitation is distributed fairly evenly.