Influence of rosacea on acne rosacea. Not Santa Claus, but a red nose. Couperose or rosacea? External factors in the development of rosacea

Child's world

your face in recent times red? If it's more than just pink, then you have rosacea. It is a chronic skin disease resulting in permanent redness. Because rosacea has no known cure, we would like to find the best way to prevent flare-ups and treat symptoms. Read below what is rosacea and how to treat it at home?

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic and progressive condition, resulting in constant redness, dilated capillaries, congestion, and finally papules and pustules (pimples!).

How do I know if I have rosacea?

Affected faces from rosacea will usually suffer from redness of the skin and sometimes a burning sensation.

What causes rosacea?

Rosacea is usually caused by sudden changes in temperature, sun, emotions and stress, hormonal changes, certain beauty products, spicy foods, drinking alcoholic beverages such as wine, and hot drinks such as coffee.

What should you avoid if you have rosacea?

First and foremost, the triggers mentioned above should be avoided. Then, a proper, gentle and dedicated skin care regimen should be followed to control and treat skin sensitivity. It is recommended to visit a dermatologist for a professional point of view.

What treatments can be used to treat rosacea?

Gentle products designed to soothe the skin are the main focus. Doctors mostly rely on antibiotics to control certain populations of microorganisms that can worsen the condition. In addition, doctors recommend sunscreen to reduce skin damage.

Mild or severe rosacea?

Treatment should be tailored to suit the current condition of the skin and affected areas. If rosacea is not treated properly or worsens, further damage to the skin needs to be monitored. Couperose products for home use can be used at any stage, but it is recommended to have a periodic skin examination.

What Ingredients Should You Look For In Products To Eliminate Rosacea?

Green tea, licorice extract, chamomile extract and French rose extract are very effective ingredients for controlling rosacea symptoms when used on a regular basis. In general, any ingredients that can reduce skin irritation and soothe the skin are ideal to use.

Couperose is a skin disease caused by weakening of blood vessels, when the walls become thin and begin to shine through. Typical places of appearance are the area of ​​the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. Couperosis is often referred to as "asterisks" or "mesh" because of the characteristic pattern.

It is absolutely natural for the skin to turn red due to heat or cold, emotions, physical activity, under the influence of alcohol, spices or coffee. Vessels expand and narrow after a while, the skin restores its usual shade. However, some vessels do not constrict and the redness remains. Couperose is painless, but uneven skin color definitely causes emotional discomfort.

Reasons for the appearance

In most cases, the main reason for the appearance of rosacea is a genetic predisposition. Also, the cause for the appearance of stars can be sunburn, frostbite, spicy foods, frequent drinking, smoking, and other bad habits.

Couperose and rosacea: what's the difference?

Couperose is a condition of small and large blood vessels that gives the skin a red hue. Sometimes the state of rosacea can reach a fiery red color - it seems that the skin is incredibly irritated, but in fact there are no painful symptoms. Also, rosacea is often confused with rosacea.

Rosacea - redness, a painful condition of the skin, strongly resembles acne - there are small pimples, the skin is uneven, itching often occurs. While there is no explanation for what causes this skin ailment, it is known that it can become chronic.

The photo on the left shows rosacea, on the right - rosacea. The difference is almost invisible. For a proper diagnosis, see your doctor.

It is important to remember that rosacea only looks like acne, so treatments that can be applied to pimples, blackheads, and blackheads can make things worse. Therefore, it is important not to self-medicate, but to consult a dermatologist who will diagnose and prescribe appropriate care.

What to avoid with rosacea

  • From prolonged exposure to direct sunlight
  • From visiting the sauna or bath
  • From drinking alcohol
  • From sudden changes in temperature
  • From washing very hot or strong cold water
  • From the ingress of perfume on the places where rosacea or rocea appears

What to do with rosacea

Be sure to see a doctor

As soon as you notice the first signs of red "stars", consult a doctor so that the diagnosis is correct - rosacea or rosacea, or acne. Perhaps you will be prescribed a diet or an operation to remove the "mesh" with a laser is recommended.

Use moisturizers

We recommend cosmetic products based on vegetable oils, extracts and minerals from the Dead Sea, which help to saturate the skin with all useful microelements, tighten the oval of the face and improve skin tone.

The exact cause of the appearance of such a disease has not been fully established.

Chronic, recurrent dermatosis of the epidermis, which is characterized by a course in stages that has a polyetiological nature with possible angioedema of the venous system, is commonly called rosacea.

Possible Causes of Rosacea

The exact cause of rosacea is still unknown. But there are a number of possible factors that can cause rosacea, including abnormal blood vessels and a reaction to microscopic mites, which are always found on the skin.

While the exact cause of rosacea remains a mystery, there are a number of things that can cause the condition to worsen. These reasons include:

exposure to sunlight;

Physical exercise;

Hot drinks;

alcohol and caffeine;

High or low air temperature;

Certain foods, such as spicy foods.

Types of Rosacea

Rosacea is classified into 4 types.

Type 1 is characterized by redness of the face, hyperemia, visible blood vessels

Type 2 - the presence of acne, enlarged pores, sensitive skin.

Type 3 - the appearance of edema, thickening of the skin, especially around the nose, redness and other symptoms of other types.

Type 4 - the appearance of rosacea around the eyes, the so-called eye rosacea.

Some people may have symptoms of several or all types of rosacea.

Signs and symptoms of rosacea

Depending on the type of rosacea, people may experience the following symptoms:

  • redness on the face, especially on the cheeks and nose
  • spider veins, which are damaged blood vessels
  • swelling and soreness of the skin
  • skin sensitivity characterized by a burning sensation or sweating that responds easily to sun protection and skin care products
  • tingling and burning on the skin
  • dry, rough, itchy, or flaky skin
  • skin turns red easily when embarrassed
  • acne-like pimples and overly oily skin
  • large visible and inflamed pores
  • swollen patches of skin (plaques)
  • uneven skin texture
  • skin growths, especially common around the nose, but may also appear on the chin, forehead, cheeks and ears
  • sensitivity of the skin around the eyes, tearing, redness, dryness, burning and itching in the eyes, increased sensitivity to light, blurred vision and pain

Rosacea may first appear as a small rash, raised patches, or redness, after which the symptoms may become more pronounced and intense. This disease is not contagious and often the symptoms may come and go depending on exposure to risk factors such as stress, overexertion, sunlight, and also if your daily diet causes any autoimmune reactions.

Rosacea doesn't necessarily get worse over time, and for many people, even if they don't attempt treatment, their symptoms may not get worse even years later.

Rosacea symptoms

Symptoms often begin with reddening of the skin over a short period of time. In addition, symptoms such as:

burning sensation;

Constant redness of the skin, especially in the center of the cheeks and in the nose area;

Small blood vessels become visible;

Acne-like pimples appear;

Excessive sweating and oily skin;

Enlarged pores;

Uneven skin texture.

There may be increased sensitivity to light, dryness, burning, itching, blurred vision.

Rosacea treatment

The etiology and pathogenesis of this skin disease are not fully understood. Rosacea manifests itself as a lesion in certain areas of the face (cheeks, nose, forehead), accompanied by pink inflamed acne, vascular "asterisks".

The appearance of the patient is rather unaesthetic. It is also difficult for decorative disguise.

Treatment of this disease should be comprehensive and take place under the supervision of a dermatologist. The tactics of rosacea therapy are developed depending on the gender, severity, duration of the disease, individual drug tolerance, the age of the patient, and the psychosomatic state of the person.

plays an important role in the treatment special diet. A person should exclude the following foods from the diet:

  • animal fats;
  • smoked food;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • spicy dishes;
  • hot food.

Dermatologists with rosacea recommend increasing the proportion of vegetables and fruits in the diet

Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to undergo a complete medical examination, which will identify the causes of the development of this disease.

For the treatment of rosacea, drugs are used that inhibit the reproduction and development of microbes and bacteria, drugs that regulate keratinization and prevent the appearance of comedones.

Treatment of the disease is aimed at stopping inflammation. Prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs, it is important to prevent the emergence of new foci of the disease.

Medicated ointments effectively help to care for facial skin prone to rosacea. Ointments and creams based on azelaic acid effectively relieve irritation, but are dispensed from pharmacies strictly according to the prescription of a dermatologist.

Laser and light therapy.

To eliminate the symptoms of rosacea on the skin of the face, therapy using laser beams and light can be prescribed. The action of these techniques is aimed at the qualitative narrowing of the blood vessels on the face, thereby the redness disappears.

The result of such procedures will be visually noticeable after several sessions. And you need to repeat laser or light therapy periodically.

The number of therapy procedures is prescribed by a dermatologist. Seek help from a dermatologist at the first manifestations of the disease.

The following methods will help you reduce the intensity of rosacea symptoms and significantly reduce the frequency of flare-ups of this disease:

1. Identify all foods that can lead to rosacea outbreaks

Since rosacea makes the skin sensitive, many people find that attempts to address the noticeable symptoms, such as chemical creams, prescription drugs, light therapy, and various lotions, actually make the symptoms worse.

These treatments for facial rosacea may reduce the signs and symptoms of the disease in some people, at least temporarily, but they do not address the root cause of the problem at all.

If natural remedies don't work well enough, you can treat facial rosacea with specially formulated creams, lotions, and gels that your doctor may recommend.

Recently, the medical community has gained some valuable insight into the pathophysiology of rosacea, resulting in the development of several effective drugs to treat and control the symptoms of this disease.

However, while these drugs may be useful in treatment, it is important to understand that these drugs cannot completely cure rosacea and are only used to control symptoms.

Rosacea is primarily an inflammatory disease that is not associated with exposure to certain strains, bacteria, or viruses in the body.

However, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics even if you don't have an infection, as these drugs can help reduce severe swelling, pustules, and inflammation.

Medications for facial rosacea usually contain an active ingredient called azelaic acid or the antibiotic metronidazole. Tetracyclines and metronidazole (including the brand names MetroGel, MetroCream, Galderma) are used along with creams containing azelaic acid such as Azelik, Azelex, Allergan, Clindamycin, Erythromycin, and Sulfacetamide.

Sulfur ointment can also sometimes be prescribed. New therapeutics are also being developed, such as vitamin D receptor antagonists.

The active form of vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) is a natural regulator of an antimicrobial peptide in our skin called cathelicidin. While we still have much to learn about the role of cathelicidin in treating skin conditions, we do know that abnormal levels of this peptide are associated with wound healing and skin conditions, including psoriasis, rosacea, and atopic dermatitis.

In the case of rosacea, some initial studies indicate that patients may have elevated levels of cathelicidin in the skin, so antagonistic drugs that block cathelicidin production may help reduce symptoms and reactivity.

In the future, we may see the manipulation of cathelicidins as an effective form of treatment for skin conditions, including the treatment of facial rosacea.

Although rosacea is not associated with an infection, a doctor may prescribe a long course of antibiotics to relieve inflammation, pus, and swelling.

Side effects of drugs prescribed for rosacea

Many additives and essential oils may help fight inflammation, which is the main cause of rosacea. Herbal remedies make it possible to safely and effectively treat various types of skin conditions, even if your skin is very sensitive.

Herbal supplements have been used for thousands of years in countries such as India, Australia and Asian countries. Even today, over 80% of people in India use traditional methods treatment, using various herbal remedies to treat skin problems.

Many natural plant extracts, spices, and herbs do more than just reduce redness, inflammation, and breakouts; they help to effectively fight the growth of bacteria, yeast, fungi, signs of aging, wrinkles, stretch marks and hyperpigmentation.

These natural remedies also help speed up circulation and therefore wound healing by improving blood flow to the affected area; reduce the number of bacteria that can worsen the condition of the skin, and prevent the death of healthy skin cells.

Some of the best essential oils and supplements for treating facial rosacea and reducing skin inflammation include:

  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Aloe vera gel (applied topically to the skin)
  • Raw honey (applied topically to the skin)
  • Essential oils: tea tree oil, lavender, eucalyptus, geranium, chamomile, rose, rosemary and thyme oils help fight skin inflammation and treat sensitive skin. To treat affected areas of the skin, simply rub three drops of oil twice a day, mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil. Always combine them with carrier oils (such as coconut oil or jojoba oil) and apply to affected areas no more than twice a day. Before using any essential oil, test for an allergic reaction by simply applying a drop of the essential oil to your wrist.

No competent cosmetologist will begin treatment of a disease without a comprehensive examination and clarification of the diagnosis. Treatment begins only after the establishment of all causative factors.

There are currently no medications that can cure rosacea completely. But treatment can control the symptoms and manifestations of rosacea. Unfortunately, rosacea treatment takes a long period of time and can only be temporarily discontinued when symptoms improve.

For most people with this condition, rosacea treatment consists of medication and home remedies.

Medical treatment includes:

Reception prescribed by the doctor medicines, including antibiotics, hormonal drugs, ointments, medicated creams;

Physiotherapy, which may include laser and pulsed light treatments.

Treatment with laser and intense pulsed light is mainly aimed at treating visible blood vessels to make them less visible.

Home remedies for rosacea focus on lifestyle changes and appropriate skin care.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude factors that can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. This is the exception of products that can lead to aggravation, skin cleansing, the use of sunscreen, moisturizing the skin.

Medical treatment for rosacea

For most people with an undeveloped form of rosacea, medicated ointments, creams or lotions and folk remedies prescribed by a dermatologist are enough.

But it happens that these funds are not enough. Enough effective drugs have now been developed to keep the symptoms of the disease under control.

But we must remember that all medicines for rosacea do not cure it, but are aimed only at relieving exacerbation. Rosacea, unfortunately, is still considered an incurable disease.

Rosacea is an inflammatory disease. But it is not caused by any bacteria or viruses.

Although antibiotics can help relieve inflammation and reduce the symptoms of rosacea. On the this moment The most effective antibiotics are the tetracycline group of drugs and metradinazole (Trichopolum).

However, it must be remembered that all antibiotics have side effects. And the treatment of rosacea takes a long time.

Some doctors believe that in order to achieve a lasting result, the medication should be taken for at least a year. But antibiotics "kill" not only "bad bacteria", but "good" ones, which in turn affects the digestive tract and the immune system.

In addition, the constant use of antibiotics can lead to the formation of resistance to them, and in this case, the drugs simply cease to work.

Laser treatment

Rosacea laser treatment is used all over the world. Basically, it also aims to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and aims to improve the condition of the blood vessels.

Hypertrophic skin can also be eliminated with a laser. The laser in this case is the best scalpel, which allows you to remove a layer of tissue with great accuracy.

In addition, under the influence of high temperatures, the pustules dry out.

Treatment with intense pulsed light allows you to remove redness of the skin, make blood vessels less visible and improve complexion.

Rosacea treatment at home

Home treatment of rosacea is aimed primarily at eliminating the causes that can cause an exacerbation of the disease. This includes:

Permanent protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation;

Avoid stressful situations;

Proper nutrition and compliance with the diet;

Appropriate home skin care;

Skin protection goth high and low temperatures.

Sun protection

Since sunlight often causes rosacea to flare up, continued use sunscreen is a must, even on cloudy days.

Sunscreen should be at least SPF 30. Using sunscreens made for children's skin can reduce skin irritation.

Exposed areas of the skin should be covered with clothing, a hat from the sun. Especially in the summer.

stressful situations

Stress is also one of the causes of the disease. Managing stressful situations will help control the disease. In these cases, the following may help:

Relaxation methods such as breathing exercises, yoga and meditation;

Regular exercise while avoiding large physical activity which may exacerbate. It is best to choose swimming or walking.


In hot weather, be sure to protect your skin from the sun. AT cold weather you also need to cover your face from the cold and wind.

Nutrition for rosacea

The session is carried out under local anesthetics with the help of devices

With the progression of the disease to the stage of rhinophyma, in most cases, surgical intervention is prescribed, which consists in cutting out pathological tissues that have grown to large sizes.

Operative techniques are also considered mechanical skin resurfacing and dermabrasion. They help to remove the surface layer of the epidermis along with the upper ball of the dermis itself. The session is carried out under local anesthetics using devices equipped with a special surgical cutter.

After these procedures, maintenance therapy with special drugs is prescribed to avoid the onset of repeated relapses.

Early diagnosis and timely treatment at the initial stages of the disease can eliminate the aggravation of pathological processes of skin lesions, which can lead to a complete restructuring of epidermal cells with the degeneration of their structure.

We would like to warn you that folk recipes treatments require mandatory agreement with the attending physician, as well as a preliminary test for an allergic reaction.

They will not completely cure you of this pathology, but they will significantly relieve inflammation and will contribute to the speedy healing of the skin.

Pharmacy funds

In the treatment of this disease, it is important not only to treat the skin with special creams, but also to clean it properly. It is important to do this with the pads of your fingers so as not to further injure.

It is also desirable that the cleanser contains less than 10% soap and should have a neutral pH. The product should be selected depending on the type of skin:

  • For dry, combination and normal, products that do not contain soap at all are suitable.
  • For very dry skin, you need products that leave a thin film to retain moisture.
  • For oily types with rosacea, products with a small amount of soap are suitable, but you can not rub or scrub the skin.

The most commonly used tools are:

  • cleansing gel, leaving a hydrolipidic film on the skin;
  • a series of Klerasil Ultra (gel and lotion), which have an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect;
  • remedies for cleansing from Cetafil;
  • Keraknil gel for problem skin prone to acne;
  • thermal water Aven relieves inflammation, and the lotion cleanses.

Facial cleansers for rosacea

One of the provoking factors for exacerbating rosacea is the sun, so it is important to use special products with protection from the rays. To choose right product, the following guidelines must be observed:

  • Minimum protection factor SPF 30.
  • The cream should block UVA and UVB rays.
  • The composition should contain physical blockers, that is, titanium dioxide and zinc.
  • Sunscreen should be used even on an overcast and cloudy day, in autumn and winter. Angelios products have proven themselves well. They are fragrance-free and suit all skin types.
  • When on the beach, the product should be applied half an hour before going outside and reapplied every two hours, especially after swimming.

Sunscreen for rosacea

People suffering from rosacea, especially women, begin to feel insecure, so makeup can be used to smooth out the unpleasant manifestations of the disease. However, it must be done correctly so as not to cause irritation and exacerbation. It is important to observe the following nuances of applying makeup:

  • No matter how seriously rosacea manifests itself, too many tonal and corrective agents should not be used. Multifunctional products are very good, for example, a moisturizing day cream with a tinted effect or a foundation with an SPF.
  • On the affected areas, a corrector with a green pigment will help. It must be applied pointwise.
  • All cosmetic products must be soap-free or labeled "oil-free".
  • Antibacterial brushes should be used for the tonal foundation, they should be washed every time after applying makeup.

Concealers for rosacea
  • With rosacea, the use of mineral cosmetics is highly recommended.
  • Eye products must be ophthalmologically tested, suitable for sensitive skin and not waterproof.
  • Lipstick should not be bright colors, as this will draw attention to the problem and emphasize the imperfection of the skin. good option becomes a neutral lip gloss.

Makeup for rosacea

Clinical assessments of the skin and its level of hydration show that moisturizing rosacea-damaged skin can help restore the skin.

It has been found that when patients regularly cleanse and moisturize dry, rough, blotchy skin, visible symptoms, discomfort, and skin sensitivity are markedly reduced.

Capillaroprotector for skin prone to rosacea from Kora (Russia)

The pharmacy presents medical cosmetics for rosacea on the face in the widest range. These are cosmeceutical products that are very effective and have passed a large number of laboratory tests and test controls. TOP 5 will tell you what to focus on.

Creams for rosacea perform the following functions:

  • restoration of the structure of the walls of blood vessels, their strengthening, strengthening of elasticity and elasticity;
  • protection of the skin from the negative effects of the external environment. These include jumps in temperature, humidity, the action of the wind;
  • increase in firmness, elasticity of the skin;
  • restoration of water balance;
  • nutrition of the skin with substances necessary for normal functioning.

One of the flaws in appearance is rosacea on the face.

When using a cream against rosacea on the face, you should pay attention to its composition. The following components are effective from asterisks:

  • angioprotectors. Stimulate the metabolism in the vascular walls. The result is an increase in microcirculation in the treated area. The process of metabolism between blood vessels and skin cells is normalized. Angioprotectors include Hesperedin, Rutozid, Troxerutin. There are herbal stimulants extracted from horse chestnut, grape seeds, needles;

The daily use of a high-quality anti-couperose cream prescribed by a dermatologist on the face has on the diseased skin not just a cosmetic effect, but a real treatment.

With rosacea, it is recommended to use special caring cosmetics. It will help improve skin condition, get rid of stars. Many cosmetic companies with worldwide recognition produce products with such a functional purpose. These include:

Pharmacy creams can be used on all problem areas, including those with asterisks on the legs.

The best pharmacy creams:

  • "Troxevasin". Used in the treatment of various vascular diseases, eliminates inflammation, swelling. It contains rutin, which strengthens the surface of blood vessels, stimulating blood circulation. It is recommended to use in order to prevent the disease or in the treatment;
  • "Heparin ointment". When used, it eliminates the inflammatory process, has an antithrombotic effect, anesthetizes. The ointment eliminates the vascular network, prevents its appearance, improves the condition of the epidermis. It is recommended to use heparin ointment with caution, because sometimes it causes an allergic reaction;
  • calendula ointment. Contains plant extracts with capillary-strengthening action. When using the ointment, blood microcirculation improves, dryness of the skin and the inflammatory process are eliminated. It is forbidden to use during pregnancy, lactation.

2. Apply sunscreen daily

Among the external agents for the treatment of rosacea, various creams and gels are widely used. Some must be prescribed by a doctor, while others can be purchased independently at a pharmacy without a prescription. But even in this case, it is better to once again consult with the attending therapist. These include:

  • Metronidazole. It is the main substance for the treatment of rosacea. Based on it, there are cream, gel and lotion, for example, Rosex, Rozamet. The product is applied twice a day to the affected skin. As soon as remission occurs, the applications are reduced to one time. In addition to antimicrobial action, these creams moisturize and soothe the skin well.

Metronidazole cream 1% (Rozomet)
  • Cream Dirozeal helps fight itching, burning, tightness of the skin. It is used to eliminate redness, improve cell renewal, thicken the layers of the dermis, thereby hiding the vascular network. It also helps with swelling, normalizes blood circulation. It can be used as a corrector, as the green pigment fights redness.
  • Erythromycin ointment is also used against rosacea. It includes an antibiotic, so it is recommended to use it for more than 5 days.
  • Azelik, Finacea and Sulfacetamide also contain antibiotics. Azelaic acid products are applied twice a day to clean skin. As a rule, the first effect can be seen after 4-5 days. Side effects such as itching, burning, redness go away after a couple of days.
  • Retin A cream and other products containing tretinoin are also used a couple of times a day for a month. Sometimes there are complications like itching, peeling, redness and pigmentation.
  • Adapalene has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the formation of comedones, improves cell metabolism, and eliminates the appearance of peeling. As a rule, the cream is applied before going to bed on clean skin. It, unlike the gel, additionally moisturizes the skin.

Adapalene cream 0.1%
  • Retinoic ointment has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating properties, they regulate the production of sebum and improve cellular metabolism. But it loses its qualities if antibiotics from the tetracycline group are co-prescribed.
  • Ointment Yam is used due to the development of rosacea due to demodicosis. It is used as a mask or application. The duration of the procedure is from five minutes to one and a half hours.
  • Antiruzher and Rosaliak are used to eliminate redness. They do not have fragrances and dyes, but moisturize the skin well.
  • Sensibio AR products have anti-inflammatory properties, plus they moisturize the skin well. Often they are prescribed during a period of increased sensitivity, after operations. They can be used as independent drugs, and sometimes combined with antibiotics or cosmetic procedures such as laser, electrocoagulation.
  • Contractubex is used after surgery to avoid the formation of scars and scars after abscesses.

Pharmaceuticals in the treatment of rosacea

If medicinal creams and drugs for the treatment of rosacea are prescribed by a doctor, then daily care products and cosmetics are often chosen independently. And mistakes often happen, but they are costly. chief side effect is a relapse.

To choose a moisturizing time to avoid complications, you need to consider the following points:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • does not provoke irritation and inflammation;
  • lack of fragrances and fragrances, as well as dyes;
  • protection at least SPF 30;
  • non-comedogenic;
  • if possible, natural composition;
  • hyaluronic acid is preferred over glycerin;
  • products for sensitive skin.

Moisturizers for rosacea

If there are damages on the skin, then Epithelial cream is prescribed, which contains hyaluronic acid. It moisturizes well and promotes cell regeneration. It is advisable to consult your doctor when choosing a cream or other cosmetic product.

Anyone with symptoms of rosacea or any redness of the skin should regularly apply sunscreen to sensitive areas of the skin (especially the face). UV light aggravates the symptoms of rosacea and can cause inflammation.

Studies show that daily skin care regimens, including the use of sunscreen, provide a significant reduction in the severity of rosacea symptoms.

The human body's exposure to the sun is essential for the production of vitamin D in the skin, so exposure to the sun is vital, but you also need to take good care of your facial skin.

According to recent studies, sunlight is considered one of the strongest factors that negatively affect the skin condition in rosacea. However, you should be extremely careful when choosing sunscreens, as studies show that many sunscreens are toxic and can therefore worsen your symptoms even further.

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No need to delve into yourself in order to understand what is wrong in life, and why angiomas, asterisks and cobwebs appeared. Most often, this phenomenon is transmitted genetically, that is, the closest relatives had dilated vessels, which rewarded their descendants. But many reasons can be the impetus for spider veins to appear on the face: pregnancy, bad habits, love for a sauna or a solarium.

Such cobwebs also appear differently for everyone. Sometimes red cheeks do not mean a healthy blush. After all, if you look closely, you can see a huge number of capillaries and small vessels, sometimes the symptoms appear on the arms and legs in the form of an intricate web.

Alternative methods of treatment of telangiectasia

As we know, there are two ways to solve almost any beauty problem, and spider veins are no exception: treatment at home, and a professional solution to the problem on the face. Home methods include folk remedies, these are masks, peelings, tonics, taking special infusions. And professional ones are laser resurfacing, removal of the upper and middle layers of the dermis, and others.

Traditional medicine advises treating telangiectasia from the inside, that is, it is necessary to act not only on the face, but also on internal organs and systems. To do this, we need to: consume useful substances (for example, vitamins for hair and skin of group P); frequent exposure to fresh air (so you can prevent the development of rosacea); Improving immunity, it is possible with the help of vitamin teas and infusions, it is possible by hardening the body.

In addition, it is also necessary to make special face masks. It is worth remembering that with spider veins on the face, you can not use cosmetics and folk methods containing alcohol. This may make the situation worse. We offer beauty recipes proven over the years that will help solve the problem of telangiectasia.

It is necessary to take grapes, wash them and crush them into gruel. This mixture should be applied to the face and left for half an hour. This technique will help cleanse the skin, refresh it, give it a healthy color.

Peanut oil, jojoba oil also helps a lot. You need to add this remedy to your favorite face cream or dilute it with olive oil in proportions of 1: 2, lubricate your face with the mixture before going outside.

In addition to these products, try making whitening face masks, say, based on strawberries or lemon juice. They penetrate deep into the skin, and can solve the problem of superficial rosacea, get rid of age spots.

If you need to reduce the fragility of blood vessels, thereby reducing the number of red zones on the face, then wash your face with a decoction of birch earrings. Two cups of dry seeds per liter of water. You can also make herbal decoctions, we need:

  • birch leaves;
  • chamomile grass,
  • sage,
  • plantain;
  • some hops;
  • spanish moss.

We take three tablespoons of everything, fall asleep in a glass of boiling water, brew. After the mixture has cooled, you can wipe the body and face with it. Use regularly twice a day. it good prevention the appearance of acne and cracks on the skin.

To reduce the nets, mix the essential oils of tea tree, jojoba and grape seed (three drops each), add a tablespoon of olive oil. And drop by drop of such oils: cypress, lavender, mix thoroughly. Now you need to add another half a spoonful of blueberry, mimosa and olive extracts to the mixture. Mix again, wipe the face with this product twice a week, use it as an oil mask, that is, apply on the skin for half an hour and leave.

professional tools

In addition to home methods, which do not always justify themselves in this situation, there are also special salon methods.

These include:

  1. Removal of blood vessels on the face and body;
  2. Laser skin resurfacing;
  3. Ozone therapy;
  4. Photoresurfacing of the skin.

It is believed that it is cheaper and easier to remove spider veins on the face with a laser. This is often practiced, and the laser is a method that works 100%. You can clean your face with a gentle method - ultrasonic peeling, but here you need to know that with severe telangiectasia this method is unlikely to help, although it is used if the stars are located close to the eye.

How to avoid the consequences

Do not think that this method of facial therapy does not leave any traces at all. Very important proper care for the skin, especially after solving such a problem. A few cautions:

  1. Before removing spider veins on the body and face, prepare the skin: do not use cosmetics and oily masks for the next 48 hours;

  2. Before and after the procedure, do not sunbathe either in the open sun or in a solarium;

  3. There are possible consequences if laser resurfacing occurred at the time of rehabilitation after chemical peeling, this is a gross violation of the recovery period of the dermis;

  4. The consumption of alcohol in any amount is strictly prohibited in last week, this can lead to poor performance of the procedure. This method is, of course, very good, especially since doctors say that the treatment of spider veins at home is impossible.

Yet, indeed. it is better to save up for the procedure once than to suffer with this problem all your life. But there are several disadvantages and contraindications. When Not to Grind:

  1. During pregnancy;

  2. During menstruation;

  3. It is not recommended to do such operations without special need on the skin of a child;

  4. During an exacerbation of the disease (psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, etc.);

  5. With skin hypersensitivity.

If you still decide on this procedure, then do not forget about the choice of a specialist. Be sure to ask about the experience of such a practice. Remember that the price of the technique should not be very cheap, because health and beauty depend on quality and professionalism, and aesthetic procedures are highly valued.

Treatment will be meaningless if you do not try to save the result. Limit the consumption of junk food: fried, fatty, smoked. Try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, do facial massages and drink plenty of water. Use only high-quality cosmetics, and do not try to sit at home or stay in the shade in the heat. Be beautiful and healthy!

It is forbidden

Kill germs

If the removal of the "asterisk" was carried out using electrocoagulation or a laser, then a small wound forms in its place, and then a crust. To prevent suppuration of the wound, lubricate it in the morning and evening with a thick solution of potassium permanganate for three days after removal. Alcohol can be used instead of potassium permanganate, but the world's leading cosmetologists believe that potassium permanganate is better than any other antiseptic solution for this event.

Don't open your arms

The crust that will appear in place of the removed "asterisk" will decorate you for about two weeks. Under no circumstances should it be torn off! After all, there is still no normal skin under it, so unnecessary injury can easily lead to the formation of a rough scar.

Don't sunbathe!

You must not sunbathe for one month after the operation. The delicate skin that forms under the crust is more sensitive to the sun than the rest of the skin. Ultraviolet irradiation will cause a sharp darkening of it, and instead of a removed “asterisk”, you will get a dark spot that looks like a mole. And why then was it necessary to operate?

In order to protect the wound from the sun's rays, be sure to use sunscreen with a factor of at least 15 (SPF-15). Otherwise, the sun can cause the scar to darken.

So, you removed the "asterisks", and now you are happy with yours. appearance? Do not forget, no one is immune from the reappearance of telangiectasias. Remember: estrogens and the sun - that's what causes them!

You, say, were pregnant (or took hormones), so you got "asterisks". Now they have been removed and are you going to lead your old way of life? Not properly! Protecting your skin from ultraviolet radiation should be a daily activity for you, at least in the summer. This will also protect against the appearance of other consequences of excessive insolation: wrinkles, cataracts, cancer.

    The damage caused by the sun is cumulative. Each dose of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is added to those already received and causes the appearance of wrinkles, precancerous skin changes and cancer.

    There is no such thing as a "healthy tan" in nature. Sunburn is always a reaction to UV damage to the skin.

    Avoid exposure to the sun between 10:00 and 14:00, when UVA is most intense. Plan all outdoor activities for the early morning or evening.

    First, protect your skin with clothing, and apply protective products to the parts of the body that are left open.

    Wear protective clothing and sunscreen even on a cloudy day. Although UVR is less intense, it still occurs and adds new damage to the existing ones.

    UV rays bounce off sand, cement, and snow to increase exposure, so being in the shade may not protect you.

    When going to a mountain resort, remember the peculiarities of solar radiation at altitude. The layer of atmosphere that traps the sun's rays is thinner in the mountains, so the risk of sunburn is higher there.

    Do not use artificial solarium. Although they use mainly UV-A rays (the letter A stands for wavelength), excessive insolation can cause burns. In addition, UV-A rays increase skin aging and increase the risk of cancer.

    Certain medications (sulfonamides, tetracyclines, birth control pills) and cosmetics (lime oil) make the skin more susceptible to sun exposure.

    Protect children from the sun. Apply sunscreen from the time your child walks. Only moderate insolation of children is allowed.

Protective creams for children

Of course. But there are special sunscreens for children.

However, all these funds can only be used by children older than 9 months. Until this age, only long-sleeved shirts, long pants, hats and sun umbrellas are at your disposal.

Don't skimp on leather

Most people put on too little sunscreen. On average, 30 g of product is required to cover the face, arms, legs and upper torso of an average height adult. This volume usually fits in a handful.

Apply sunscreen evenly and massage into all exposed skin 30-60 minutes before sun exposure. Repeat rubbing every two hours. Although some companies claim that their products are water resistant, abrasion resistant and "protect all day", don't trust this. After you have sweated or bathed, apply funds again.

Compliance with these measures will protect you from the appearance of new "stars", and at the same time - from skin aging and cancer.

Provoking foods

The list of products that can provoke an exacerbation of couperosis and rosacea and, if possible, their use should be reduced to a minimum:

  • liver, yogurt, sour cream, cheese;
  • chocolate, vanilla, soy sauce, yeast products (excluding bread);
  • pickles, avocado, spinach;
  • legumes;
  • citrus fruits, tomatoes, bananas, red plums, raisins, figs;
  • spicy and very hot dishes.


  • alcohol, especially red wine, beer, whiskey, gin, vodka, champagne;
  • hot drinks including hot cider, hot chocolate, coffee and tea.

Daily skin care

Every day you need to start with a thorough and gentle cleaning of the skin:

  • it is necessary to use only sparing cosmetics. It is not recommended to use cleansers containing granules or abrasives.

  • with sensitive skin, naturally prone to the appearance of rosacea, it is necessary to use special cosmetic products that do not violate the epidermis and protect the skin from adverse external influences.

  • preparations must be applied to the skin of the face only with the fingertips, without using special devices (cosmetic mittens, massage brushes, etc.);

  • wash your face with warm water;

  • avoid the use of cleansing foams;

  • apply milk and tonic that do not contain alcohol, acetone, oils;

  • at the end of the cleaning procedure, it is better to let the skin dry on its own in the air or you can wipe your face dry with a thin paper towel;

  • You need to clean your face 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Try not to stretch or scratch your skin. Rough towels, brushes and sponges should be avoided.

After washing Wait until the water has completely dried on the skin before applying any medications or skin care products.

Before applying topical preparations, leave the face alone for a few minutes. Allow this preparation to be completely absorbed within 5-10 minutes after application, and only then apply any moisturizers or decorative cosmetics.

men it is necessary to use electric razors, giving them preference over machine tools and blades.

If close shaving is your preference, do not use dull blades, which can cause additional cuts if you shave closely. Alcohol-based aftershaves that cause burning should be avoided.

Apply sunscreen.

If you live in a sunny area, then you should apply sunscreen all year round with SPF 15 or higher. If possible, reduce sun exposure as much as possible from 10 am to 2 pm during months of intense sun exposure.

It is important to ensure that the skin does not overheat. If it is not possible to be in a cool, well-ventilated room on hot, humid days, then you should always carry cold drinks with you and drink them constantly in small sips. If necessary, you can apply a piece of ice to reduce the temperature of the skin of the face or use cold water from a spray.

Moisturizing cream.

Apply the cream as often as the skin needs moisture. When using external medicines, a moisturizer can be applied after the application of the medicines, waiting for them to be completely absorbed.

Apply decorative cosmetics to camouflage blemishes and redness on the skin.

In most cosmetic departments, cosmetics in green shades are available to mask redness. Next, a foundation can be applied to match the skin tone. It is recommended to avoid powder, which can accentuate dry skin and lead to fine flaking.

vitamin therapy - a very important moment of healing the skin. If you have rosacea (rosacea), vitamin complexes must include zinc and must not contain any components of algae or sea extracts, iodides or sea salts that can provoke acne.

Diagnosis of rosacea

The doctor can confirm the fact of rosacea already during the first examination of the skin, talking with the patient. To date, it is possible to examine the necessary areas of rashes using an ultra-precise microscope - a video dermatoscope. Additional scrapings "for rosacea" are not performed (there are none).

But a complete examination of the body to identify any violations is necessary, since the result of the treatment of rosacea is associated with the elimination of the main cause, the factor that led to the development of the disease.

Only in this way can a long-term remission of the condition be obtained and its re-development be prevented. The patient must be clearly aware that the treatment of rosacea requires a lot of time, patience and desire.

Trust in the doctor and compliance with all prescriptions is, in general, the main guarantee of success, since there is no universal medicine or one cosmetic procedure.

Prevention of rosacea

Given the specific reaction of the body to high temperatures and products that provoke vasodilation, those affected and predisposed to rosacea should not eat freshly cooked soups, main dishes, coffee, and various strong drinks.

Fatty, spicy, salty, smoked and spicy dishes should be completely excluded from the diet. The absolute ban is associated with the indirect effect of irritating food on the vegetative system of the body. When cooking, you need to be at arm's length from a working stove so that the vapors do not fall on the damaged areas of the skin of the face and without that the blood vessels dilate.

In rooms with a fireplace, stoves or heating appliances, you must be at a sufficient distance from them. And during the weekends, stay away from the fire. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, you will have to abandon bath procedures and visits to saunas.

It is allowed to take a warm shower with cosmetics recommended by a dermatologist. Never use soap as a cleanser when washing your face. Even with a balanced pH factor, soap contains a large amount of fragrances and perfumes, including alcohol additives, which are contraindicated in rosacea.

Before buying both cosmetics and cleansers and showers, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the contents of the product indicated on the label. They (remedies) should be without alcohol, acetone and oils, which can clog already inflamed pores even more, as well as without honey and bodyaga (dilating blood vessels). Women are especially carefully advised to choose cosmetic creams. During periods of deterioration, it is better to stop using any cosmetics altogether for a while.

Later, during remission, with the permission of the doctor, it is possible to use creams that do not include hormonal additions and other products that are classified as noncamedonogenic (non-comedogenic). Neither during treatment, nor during the period of remission, it is better for patients not to leave their places of residence or be in areas with similar climatic characteristics, since sharp fluctuations in air temperature, emotional overstrain can cause a new round of exacerbation of rosacea.

Cosmetologists believe that every rosacea patient should have a sun protection cream with a UF filter of at least 15 in the arsenal of cosmetics.

Treatment of rosacea is always complex and phased. At the initial stage, a diagnosis is made, an examination to identify pathological foci of the body and factors that stimulate the development of rosacea, the selection of treatment methods according to individual symptoms and recommendations of specialists: a neuropathologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Important in the treatment of the disease is the correction of gastrointestinal pathology, ovarian dysfunction (regulation of disorders of the ovarian-menstrual cycle or the course of the menopause period). It is also necessary to eliminate risk factors that exacerbate the course of the disease, avoid negative factors the environment, as well as harmful production factors.

If necessary, prescribe a diet, include vitamins (PP, B2 and B6), vitamin-containing and homeopathic preparations to stabilize the functioning of body systems. At the same time, the treatment of rosacea itself begins. As a rule, this is done through various cosmetic procedures and therapeutic massage.

A dermatologist gives detailed recommendations for skin care at home. To eliminate the consequences of vasodilation, an operation such as diathermocoagulation can be recommended, which, as it were, closes, seals large vessels, but does not remove the fine vascular network. Therefore, in parallel with this procedure, vasoconstrictor and dehyperemic agents are prescribed. Antibiotics of the tetracycline group have shown themselves well.

They significantly reduce the inflammatory process in rosacea. They are drunk for 1-2 months along with a complex of vitamins. In addition to vitamins of group B and PP, vitamins of group A and their derivatives are prescribed. Isotretinoin (the main component of vitamin A) normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat, which in itself is very important for rosacea. Proper functioning of the sebaceous glands of the skin leads to cleansing of the skin from rashes and inflammation. To enhance the effect of the use of Accutane or Roaccutane (drugs with isotretinoin), creams and ointments, which include antibiotics, will help.

After two weeks of such a multi-level versatile treatment, the doctor can record the first positive results. Further dynamics and its speed depend on the individual characteristics of the organism and the timely correction of therapeutic effects. In some cases, after three weeks it is possible to reduce the overall redness of the face, "drying" of pustular wounds, stopping the formation of new acne.

In severe cases (stage 3 rosacea without skin fibrosis), some improvement in the clinical picture may occur no earlier than after a month of enhanced treatment.

If the disease is at the stage when inflammatory formations of the skin of the nose have led to the formation of hardened rough layers, surgical intervention to remove such tissues is inevitable - dermabrasion and decortication.


Dermabrasion is the mechanical abrasion of the top layer of the skin, or, in other words, the mechanical resurfacing of the skin. The procedure is performed with a special cosmetic cutter. The cosmetologist prepares the skin for polishing - applies an anesthetic cream, gives the patient a sedative. Then the area of ​​the skin to be polished is frozen with cold gas and treated with a cutter.

Dermabrasion is considered a deep peeling, the depth of polishing is determined individually. Like any hardware procedure, dermabrasion requires precision and care. Therefore, if you want to do this procedure, sign up for a reputable clinic with an experienced cosmetologist. Dermabrasion is prescribed to remove scars and birthmarks, facial resurfacing removes the surface layer of the skin and eliminates wrinkles. Unlike other types of peeling, dermabrasion works on the deeper layers of the skin.

After the dermabrasion procedure, the skin needs special careful care. When processing with a cutter, the deep layers of the skin, in which the blood vessels are located, are affected. Therefore, after dermabrasion, the skin can bleed for 15-30 minutes, and then crusts form, which fall off on their own in a week. Dermabrasion is best done in winter and in a hospital setting, when the doctor monitors the healing process so that scars do not form on the treated skin surface.

Dermabrasion is more effective than other methods of skin resurfacing, but it is also more traumatic. Therefore, in modern clinics, along with dermabrasion, microcrystalline dermabrasion is also practiced. Microcrystalline dermabrasion is a hardware method of facial resurfacing, only resurfacing is carried out not with a cutter, but with the help of aluminum oxide powder. This powder has an abrasive effect, but does not damage the epidermis, it exfoliates superficial dead skin cells and stimulates skin renewal.

Microcrystalline dermabrasion is a cross between mechanical resurfacing and chemical peeling. The method is gentle, but it does not eliminate deep wrinkles and skin defects.

During the microdermabrasion procedure, the cosmetologist applies special regenerating cosmetics, which accelerates the healing of tissues, and the result is visible almost immediately. Microdermabrasion is used for hypertrophic scars, age spots, wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks.

What is rosacea?

Meeting a man on the street with a knobby nose and a purple bumpy face, the uninitiated will think that this person suffers from alcoholism. And they will be completely wrong.

On the face are obvious manifestations of rosacea - a serious chronic and in this case already advanced disease. In the early stages, the disease resembles the usual harmless acne against the background of short hot flashes (reddening of the skin of the face and neck).

Probably, this external similarity is the main reason for the lack of attention to the disease. But the further the process develops, the more difficult the treatment becomes, and the dermatologist will not have to conduct examinations to visually state the fact of mature rosacea.

Rosacea (rosacea, acne rosacea) is a disease that affects both men and women over the age of 40-50 years (in cases of hereditary predisposition after 30 years). Moreover, rosacea is more common in women than in men.

But rhinophyma (bumpy growing nose) occurs only in men. As a rule, the disease is inherited, but if there is a predisposition against the background of an unhealthy lifestyle (work in hot shops, frequent overheating in the sun, long visits to baths and saunas, alcohol abuse), rosacea may also appear in those who have never heard of it ailment.

And, by the way, fair-haired and overly emotional people are more “chance” to suffer from rosacea.

Symptoms and signs of rosacea

The main area of ​​the lesion becomes the face (usually the cheeks and nose), sometimes redness extends to the neck and upper back and chest.

The subjective characteristics of this skin (and actually common) disease include: a feeling of heat and mild itching. There are no “black dots” (comedones) or scars on the skin of the face.

The clinic is somewhat more complicated. In this condition, there is first passing, later becoming permanent reddening of the skin (diffuse erythema), supplemented by a network of dilated blood vessels (telangiectasias) and pustular (papulopustular) rashes (at first small and "alive", later hardening and scarring).

Rosacea is not infection so they can't get infected. In addition to deformation of the skin of the face and nose, this condition, in general, does not affect the condition of the person. But to improve the quality of life, a person with rosacea (in particular, rhinophyma) will have to undergo a serious cosmetic surgery, since there is no other way to treat it.

Rosacea matures in stages over a long period of time.

The first signs of rosacea attract attention with a capillary network on the face. This is stage 1 of the disease. You might think that the skin of the face is inflamed.

The second more alarming signal of rosacea is the rash of small colonies of acne in those areas where the vessels are already dilated and the skin is reddened (usually on the nose and cheeks). This is how stage 2 of the disease is characterized.

And even if the problem is ignored, the disease passes into the critical stage 3, when irreversible deformation and growth of damaged tissue areas of the skin begin. She becomes fat, coarse and disfigured. The skin of the nose receives the most significant damage. Rhinophyma occurs.

Causes of Rosacea

Despite the rather solid "age" of rosacea, dermatologists still cannot determine a single cause of the disease. Previously, it was believed that the main causative agent of this condition is a microscopic mite - demodex (iron), which chooses hair follicles and skin glands of people as its favorite habitats.

To date, the detection of a tick can only be related to concomitant and aggravating factors. The tick can also be found in apparently healthy people.

At the heart of the pathogenesis, modern dermatology sees disorders of the vessels of the trigeminal nerve, as part of the autonomic nervous system. In addition, many circumstances can lead to an aggravation of the condition.

For example, natural and climatic factors(active scorching sun, severe frost, winds), which in healthy people cause only a slight reddening of the skin. Harmful production conditions ("hot" shops) or the use of hot drinks (including alcohol) also leads to vasodilation, hot flashes and fixation of rosacea.

It has also been established that common parallel diseases are disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland and endocrine system, as well as ovaries. It is noted that rosacea can occur due to severe stress, incorrectly selected hormonal contraceptives and during menopause in women. Rosacea, symptoms and causes of rosacea, general characteristics.

Couperosis - is the problem solvable?

What is couperose?

Couperose - This is a violation of blood circulation in the skin. Usually rosacea begins with congestion in the capillaries of the upper layers of the skin. Due to the constant load, the walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity, become brittle, which further enhances blood stasis. External manifestations of rosacea begin with unnatural redness of the skin in the area of ​​the nose, cheeks, and sometimes the forehead. The skin is hypersensitive, there is a burning sensation. Subsequently, capillaries become visible, they create a red vascular network on the face (telangiectasia).

Couperosis is the appearance on the skin of the face of a visible vascular network, or telangiectasias. This concept is closely related to such a type of skin as sensitive. And as you know, both oily and dry skin can be sensitive.

Why does it arise?

First of all, the appearance of the vascular network is associated with the weakness of the walls of the vessels. This is only an "echo" of the state of the body as a whole, since this pathology is formed gradually and does not occur suddenly.

The reasons for the development of the disease include:

    Sensitive skin for a long time. This type of skin painfully reacts to any irritants - heat, cold, light (meaning solar radiation). It is very difficult to choose cosmetics for such skin, since any component can cause irritation. Owners of sensitive skin experience difficulties in both warm and cold seasons. Excessive sensitivity can become one of the factors accompanying rosacea.

    Weakness of the walls of blood vessels. Stagnation of blood that occurs in the vessels leads to stretching of the vascular wall and a violation of its elasticity. As a result, the vessel "bulges out" and becomes visually noticeable.

    Food provocateurs: spicy and salty foods, alcohol, spices, citrus fruits in large quantities. Such food stimulates the gastric mucosa and reflexively - expansion of the blood vessels of the face.

    Chronic diseases of the body, in particular diseases of the stomach, pathologies of the endocrine system, constant stressful situations, weakness of the immune system, and others.

Fight is possible!

Most often, couperosis manifests itself in the form of several red small vessels localized on the face. This gives unpleasant sensations, necessitates daily correction with makeup. Sooner or later, the moment comes when it is worth thinking about more serious methods of skin care.

Basic rules for the care of sensitive facial skin and skin with rosacea:

  • The use of cosmetics without aggressive ingredients, only marked "for sensitive skin."

  • The composition of cosmetics should include components that restore the hydro-lipid protective natural barrier of the skin, for example, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). These fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic - serve as a kind of "cement" in the skin, holding the epidermal flakes together. In addition, specific substances are produced from linoleic acid in the body that relieve itching, inflammation, irritation and pain. PUFAs are found in many vegetable oils (grape, raspberry, currant seed oils, linseed, rapeseed, macadamia oil, and others).

  • Moisturizers are a must.

  • Specific components for strengthening the vascular wall: plant extracts of green tea, ginkgo biloba, grape, parsley, rose, horse chestnut, vitamins C, P, K, B5. Vitamins are also recommended for internal use.

    Limitation of temperature effects: sudden fluctuations in temperature and procedures associated with elevated or low temperatures, since the vessels are very sensitive to this factor.

    Smoking cessation, since nicotine and some tobacco smoke derivatives have an extremely negative effect on the elasticity and tone of the vascular wall.

  • Restrictions in the consumption of foods that affect blood vessels: alcohol, spicy foods, coffee.

  • Caution with ultraviolet radiation, both solar and artificial (sunbed). With solar exposure, the heating effect of infrared rays is also added, which also leads to vasodilation.

    Sometimes the process is so pronounced that it takes more than one year to fight it. The sooner the treatment process begins, the better the results will be.

    Previously, it was believed that rosacea is an incurable disease. Moreover, it was believed that it was impossible to correct it at home.

    Now there are quite strong cosmetic preparations that help to reduce and / or cope with rosacea even at home.

    If, nevertheless, the problem is significantly pronounced, and cosmetic preparations for home care are ineffective, you should contact a cosmetologist-dermatologist.


    The doctor prescribes complex treatment:

    • It turns out the problem of rosacea. If the cause is known, it is better to eliminate it or at least minimize its impact. For women, it is important to consult a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.

    • Power correction.

    • Taking drugs that strengthen blood vessels.

    • Be sure to prescribe vitamins P (flavonoids, increase vascular stability, reduce capillary permeability and fragility), C (strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a vasoconstrictive and anti-edematous effect) and K (reduces the permeability of the vascular wall).

    • Preparations and nutritional supplements are prescribed with plant extracts that strengthen and restore blood vessels (grape seed oil, horse chestnut extract, arnica, hawthorn, dog rose, etc.).

    The main methods of treatment of rosacea and telangiectasias

    If the vascular network is located on the legs, you should consult a vascular surgeon (phlebologist). The specialist will help to exclude diseases of the veins and help determine the treatment.


    Vascular sclerosis - for "soldering" dilated venules (with a diameter of 2 mm or more). A special sclerosing agent is injected into the vessels.

    Microsclerotherapy- introduction into the subcutaneous veins with the help of thin needles of a special solution - a sclerosant, due to which the veins are "soldered". It is recommended to wear elastic tights or socks (compression bandage) for 5-7 days after the procedure. After sclerotherapy, hematomas (bruises), scars are possible.

    Photocoagulation (phototherapy) - treatment (cauterization) with light - the most effective safe method of removing blood vessels on the face and body. With the help of a bright flash of pulsed light, dilated vessels are damaged. This method is the most harmless - scars and crusts do not form after it. Sometimes the resulting redness goes away on its own within a few hours.

    Radio wave coagulation - cauterization of blood vessels using radio waves. It is recommended to eliminate pronounced vessels. Auxiliary method for the removal of telangiectasias.

    Ozone therapy - used to eliminate small vessels on the legs that cannot be removed using the sclerotherapy procedure (less than 2 mm in diameter). After ozone therapy, there are no scars and pigmentation.

    Laser therapy - correction of rosacea with different types of laser (pulse, continuous action, on dyes, etc.) depending on the type of rosacea. This method has a number of disadvantages. After treatment, skin burns, scars, hematomas and the process of neovascularization can be observed - the formation of a new vessel of a pure mesh.

    Electrocoagulation - cauterization of telangiectasias with a hair electrode. However, after such a session, pinpoint scars and age spots may form.

    Consolidation of the effect of treatment

    The following procedures will help to fix the treatment and prevent the appearance of new spider veins and meshes:

    • Microcurrent therapy - improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, reduces tissue swelling.

    • Mesotherapy is the introduction of drugs under the skin that strengthen blood vessels and improve the general condition of the skin.

    • Lymphatic drainage massage - eliminates puffiness of the skin, promotes the speedy removal of toxins and toxins from the skin.

    Essential oils of rosemary, thyme, marjoram, oregano, sage, lemon balm have an anti-couperous effect. They should be used after consulting a cosmetologist, adding to nourishing oils (olive, grape seed, avocado, macadamia, etc.).

    Cosmetic procedures are aimed at strengthening the epidermis and skin vessels, restoring normal microcirculation.

    For this purpose, various nourishing, moisturizing and anti-couperous procedures are useful.

    Classical massage is contraindicated!!!

    The salons will offer masks with a complex of vitamins (C, P and K), medicinal additives (rutin, escin, arnica extract, horse chestnut, witch hazel, etc.), nourishing and moisturizing additives (peanut, soybean and sea buckthorn oil, avocado oil , jojoba, grape seed oil, glycine, fructose, etc.).

    It should be remembered that rosacea requires long-term treatment, and after correction - supporting procedures.

Couperose and rosacea have distinct differences. What they have in common is that these diseases appear on the skin. But they will differ in the reasons for the appearance and characteristic features. A doctor can make a diagnosis. Self-treatment is harmful to health and leaves scars and spots on the skin. It looks unaesthetic, especially with residual effects on open areas of the body or face. Couperosis and rosacea, what are the differences between these diseases? How do you know if a person has rosacea or rosacea? How is the treatment different?

Place of manifestation Couperose
Place of defeat The disease affects the face, the cheeks, cheekbones and nose are most affected. Distributed on the face. Favorite places on the wings of the nose and cheeks. Infrequently, but can appear on the chin, cheekbones and near the eyes.
Characteristics of the disease There are noticeable skin defects on the face. Without treatment, they may not go away for a long time. To get rid of skin damage, it will be necessary to carry out therapy with a laser or pulsed light. The disease proceeds in a chronic form. Chronic form with frequent relapses. The manifestations of the disease disappear with the use of drugs, but sometimes without them.
Spread of disease It most often affects people between the ages of 20 and 60. The most frequent manifestation occurs around 40 years of age. Mostly women between the ages of 30 and 45 are affected. In children and adults over 60 years of age, the disease is almost never diagnosed.
Causes of manifestation Most often, liver problems provoke the development of the disease, which will be combined with a hereditary predisposition. There must also be external factors. Not fully explored. But many scientists argue that it occurs when the digestive organs do not work properly. This process can also be affected by disturbances in the work of the central nervous system, changes in the hormonal background, or the presence of worms in the body.
Provoking factors Frequent stress, genetic predisposition, large amounts of alcohol and nicotine, and the use of a large number of cosmetics can affect the development of the disease. Frequent and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, prolonged overheating of the skin, uncontrolled use of medicinal ointments, a large amount of spicy food, alcoholic beverages, exposure to wind and frost, up to frostbite, can push to the onset of the disease.
The picture of the course of the disease There is an expansion of the smallest vessels in the skin. This does not happen gradually, but almost immediately, but without treatment, the area of ​​​​the lesion and the clarity of the manifestation of the vascular network may increase. In this case, the skin becomes dry and flaky, it will lose its elasticity. The disease proceeds in three stages. First of all, itching, redness will begin, a vascular network will appear, swelling may occur. Then a rash appears, in which pus will be observed. Further, the development of symptoms disappears, but coarsening of the skin and active growth of skin cells begin.

To recognize the disease, you need to contact a doctor who will correctly establish the diagnosis.

Difficulties in diagnosis

How to correctly diagnose different diseases? Rosacea and rosacea are quite similar diseases. It is very difficult to recognize them at the very beginning of development. Therefore, you can not do without visiting a doctor.

How diseases are diagnosed:

  1. The dermatologist conducts an initial examination.
  2. You need to do a blood test. According to the results, it is possible to identify various disorders in the work of the internal organs of the patient, which will help to correctly diagnose dermatitis.
  3. In a chronic course, couperosis and rosacea cannot be confused.

Concomitant factors and diseases can further complicate the diagnosis. If the patient's skin is problematic and with the development of rosacea he has purulent rashes, acne, an incorrect diagnosis can be made.

Therefore, during the initial examination and questioning, the doctor must find out what condition the skin was in before the development of the disease. What must a doctor do?

Usually this:

  • find out the type of activity of the patient, namely: whether he often has to deal with exposure to high temperatures;
  • whether there were similar illnesses in blood relatives;
  • how long are observed characteristic symptoms;
  • whether he abuses alcohol;
  • Has anything similar been observed before?
  • whether the patient did any cosmetic procedures in the near future;
  • What cosmetics does he use?

There are no significant differences in the diagnosis of these diseases. Only the results of ongoing laboratory tests can affect the conduct of some procedures.


Couperose and rosacea belong to the branch of dermatology, but require different treatments. However, some measures will combine them.

This will:

  1. Power adjustment.
  2. Thorough skin care.
  3. Strict observance of the rules of personal hygiene.
  4. Prohibition on touching the face with unwashed hands.
  5. Full compliance with the recommendations of the doctor.
  6. Rejection of bad habits.
  7. Prescribing various medications.

What is the difference and are the methods different?

In the treatment of rosacea, the following methods and means will be used:

  • medicines and folk remedies that will strengthen blood vessels;
  • then, as prescribed by a doctor, vascular sclerosis, cauterization of damaged areas with light or an electrode, exposure to radio waves, a laser can be used;
  • after that, you may need to consolidate the result. In this case, the introduction of drugs under the skin or microcurrent therapy is recommended;
  • allow vitamin masks, but only in agreement with the doctor;
  • it is forbidden to carry out a regular massage of the skin of the face.

In order to cure rosacea, you need:

  1. Use antibiotics.
  2. The choice of treatment methods is individual.
  3. Mandatory exclusion of provoking external negative factors.
  4. Complete rejection of any alcoholic beverages.
  5. If the cause of the disease is professional activity, you will need to change your profession.
  6. Ridding the patient of the remaining traces on the skin of the face with the help of special procedures.

Rosacea and rosacea have similarities and differences. Therefore, you can not self-medicate, so as not to harm the health and skin of the face, so as not to carry out operations to restore the skin.