Catholic features and traditions of baptism. Can a Catholic be an Orthodox godfather?


This article will focus on what Catholicism is and who are Catholics. This direction is considered one of the branches of Christianity, formed due to a large split in this religion, which occurred in 1054.

Who are in many ways similar to Orthodoxy, but there are differences. From other currents in Christianity, the Catholic religion differs in the peculiarities of the dogma, cult rites. Catholicism supplemented the "Creed" with new dogmas.


Catholicism is widespread in Western European (France, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Italy) and Eastern European (Poland, Hungary, partly Latvia and Lithuania) countries, as well as in states South America where it is practiced by the vast majority of the population. There are also Catholics in Asia and Africa, but the influence of the Catholic religion is not significant here. compared to the Orthodox are a minority. There are about 700 thousand of them. The Catholics of Ukraine are more numerous. There are about 5 million of them.


The word "Catholicism" is Greek origin and in translation means universality or universality. In the modern sense, this term refers to the Western branch of Christianity, which adheres to the apostolic traditions. Apparently, the church was understood as something general and universal. Ignatius of Antioch spoke about this in 115. The term "Catholicism" was officially introduced at the first Council of Constantinople (381). The Christian Church was recognized as one, holy, catholic and apostolic.

Origins of Catholicism

The term "church" began to appear in written sources (letters of Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna) from the second century. The word was synonymous with municipality. At the turn of the second and third centuries, Irenaeus of Lyon applied the word "church" to Christianity in general. For individual (regional, local) Christian communities, it was used with the appropriate adjective (for example, the Church of Alexandria).

In the second century, Christian society was divided into the laity and the clergy. In turn, the latter were divided into bishops, priests and deacons. It remains unclear how the management in the communities was carried out - collegially or individually. Some experts believe that the government was initially democratic, but eventually became monarchical. The clergy were governed by a Spiritual Council headed by a bishop. This theory is supported by the letters of Ignatius of Antioch, in which he mentions bishops as leaders of Christian municipalities in Syria and Asia Minor. Over time, the Spiritual Council became just an advisory body. And only the bishop had real power in a single province.

In the second century, the desire to preserve apostolic traditions contributed to the emergence and structure. The Church was supposed to protect the faith, dogmas and canons Holy Scripture. All this, and the influence of the syncretism of the Hellenistic religion, led to the formation of Catholicism in its ancient form.

The final formation of Catholicism

After the division of Christianity in 1054 into western and eastern branches, they began to be called Catholic and Orthodox. After the Reformation of the sixteenth century, more and more often in everyday life, the word "Roman" began to be added to the term "Catholic". From the point of view of religious studies, the concept of "Catholicism" covers many Christian communities that adhere to the same doctrine as the Catholic Church, and are subject to the authority of the Pope. There are also Uniate and Eastern Catholic churches. As a rule, they left the power of the Patriarch of Constantinople and became subordinate to the Pope of Rome, but retained their dogmas and rituals. Examples are Greek Catholics, the Byzantine Catholic Church and others.

Basic dogmas and postulates

To understand who the Catholics are, you need to pay attention to the basic postulates of their dogma. The main tenet of Catholicism, which distinguishes it from other areas of Christianity, is the thesis that the Pope is infallible. However, there are many cases when the Popes, in the struggle for power and influence, entered into dishonorable alliances with large feudal lords and kings, were obsessed with a thirst for profit and constantly increased their wealth, and also interfered in politics.

The next postulate of Catholicism is the dogma of purgatory, approved in 1439 at the Council of Florence. This teaching is based on the fact that the human soul after death goes to purgatory, which is an intermediate level between hell and paradise. There she can, with the help of various trials, be cleansed of sins. Relatives and friends of the deceased can help his soul cope with trials through prayers and donations. It follows from this that the fate of man in afterlife depends not only on the righteousness of his life, but also on the financial well-being of his loved ones.

An important postulate of Catholicism is the thesis of the exclusive status of the clergy. According to him, without resorting to the services of the clergy, a person cannot independently earn God's mercy. A priest among Catholics has serious advantages and privileges compared to an ordinary flock. According to the Catholic religion, only the clergy have the right to read the Bible - this is their exclusive right. Other believers are forbidden. Only editions written in Latin are considered canonical.

Catholic dogma determines the need for systematic confession of believers before the clergy. Everyone is obliged to have his own confessor and constantly report to him about his own thoughts and actions. Without systematic confession, the salvation of the soul is impossible. This condition allows the Catholic clergy to penetrate deeply into the personal life of their flock and control every step of a person. Constant confession allows the church to have a serious impact on society, and especially on women.

Catholic sacraments

The main task of the Catholic Church (the community of believers as a whole) is to preach Christ in the world. The sacraments are considered visible signs of the invisible grace of God. In fact, these are the actions established by Jesus Christ that must be performed for the good and salvation of the soul. There are seven sacraments in Catholicism:

  • baptism;
  • chrismation (confirmation);
  • the Eucharist, or communion (the first communion among Catholics is taken at the age of 7-10 years);
  • sacrament of repentance and reconciliation (confession);
  • unction;
  • sacrament of priesthood (ordination);
  • sacrament of marriage.

According to some experts and researchers, the roots of the sacraments of Christianity go back to pagan mysteries. However, this point of view is actively criticized by theologians. According to the latter, in the first centuries AD. e. some rites were borrowed from Christianity by the pagans.

How do Catholics differ from Orthodox Christians?

What is common in Catholicism and Orthodoxy is that in both of these branches of Christianity the church is the mediator between man and God. Both churches agree that the Bible is the main document and doctrine of Christianity. However, there are many differences and disagreements between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

Both directions agree that there is one God in three incarnations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (trinity). But the origin of the latter is interpreted in different ways (the Filioque problem). The Orthodox profess the "Symbol of Faith", which proclaims the procession of the Holy Spirit only "from the Father". Catholics, on the other hand, add “and the Son” to the text, which changes the dogmatic meaning. Greek Catholics and other Eastern Catholic denominations have retained the Orthodox version of the Creed.

Both Catholics and Orthodox understand that there is a difference between the Creator and creation. However, according to Catholic canons, the world has a material character. He was created by God out of nothing. There is nothing divine in the material world. While Orthodoxy suggests that the divine creation is the incarnation of God himself, it comes from God, and therefore he is invisibly present in his creations. Orthodoxy believes that it is possible to touch God through contemplation, that is, to approach the divine through consciousness. This is not accepted by Catholicism.

Another difference between Catholics and Orthodox is that the former consider it possible to introduce new dogmas. There is also a doctrine of good deeds and merit" of Catholic saints and the church. On its basis, the Pope can forgive the sins of his flock and is the vicar of God on Earth. In matters of religion, he is considered infallible. This dogma was adopted in 1870.

Differences in rituals. How are Catholics baptized?

There are also differences in rituals, the design of temples, etc. Even the Orthodox prayer procedure is performed not quite the way Catholics pray. Although at first glance it seems that the difference is in some small things. To feel the spiritual difference, it is enough to compare two icons, Catholic and Orthodox. The first is more like a beautiful painting. In Orthodoxy, icons are more sacred. Many are interested in the question, Catholics and Orthodox? In the first case, they are baptized with two fingers, and in Orthodoxy - with three. In many Eastern Catholic rites, the thumb, index and middle fingers are placed together. How are Catholics baptized? A less common way is to use an open palm with the fingers pressed tightly and the big one slightly bent towards the inside. This symbolizes the openness of the soul to the Lord.

The fate of man

The Catholic Church teaches that people are weighed down by original sin (with the exception of the Virgin Mary), that is, in every person from birth there is a grain of Satan. Therefore, people need the grace of salvation, which can be obtained by living by faith and doing good works. The knowledge of the existence of God is, despite human sinfulness, accessible to the human mind. This means that people are responsible for their actions. Every person is loved by God, but in the end awaits him Last Judgment. Particularly righteous and charitable people are ranked among the Saints (canonized). The Church keeps a list of them. The process of canonization is preceded by beatification (canonization). Orthodoxy also has a cult of the Saints, but most Protestant denominations reject it.


In Catholicism, indulgence is the complete or partial release of a person from punishment for his sins, as well as from the corresponding expiatory action imposed on him by a priest. Initially, the basis for receiving an indulgence was the performance of some good deed (for example, a pilgrimage to holy places). Then it was the donation of a certain amount to the church. During the Renaissance, there were serious and widespread abuses, which consisted in the distribution of indulgences for money. As a result, this provoked the beginning of protests and a reform movement. In 1567, Pope Pius V imposed a ban on the issuance of indulgences for money and material resources in general.

Celibacy in Catholicism

Another major difference Orthodox Church from the Catholic is that all the clergy of the latter gives Catholic clergy no right to marry and generally have sexual intercourse. All attempts to marry after receiving the diaconate are considered invalid. This rule was announced during the time of Pope Gregory the Great (590-604), and was finally approved only in the 11th century.

The Eastern churches rejected the Catholic variant of celibacy at Trull Cathedral. In Catholicism, the vow of celibacy applies to all clergy. Initially, small church ranks had the right to marry. They could be dedicated married men. However, Pope Paul VI abolished them, replacing them with the positions of reader and acolyte, which ceased to be associated with the status of a cleric. He also introduced the institution of lifelong deacons (who are not going to advance further in church careers and become priests). These may include married men.

As an exception, married men who converted to Catholicism from various branches of Protestantism, where they had the ranks of pastors, clergy, etc., can be ordained to the priesthood. However, the Catholic Church does not recognize their priesthood.

Now the obligation of celibacy for all Catholic clergy is the subject of heated debate. In many European countries and the United States, some Catholics believe that the obligatory vow of celibacy should be abolished for non-monastic clergy. However, the Pope did not support such a reform.

Celibacy in Orthodoxy

In Orthodoxy, clergymen can be married if the marriage was concluded before ordination to the priestly or deaconate. However, only monks of the small schema, widowed priests or celibates can become bishops. In the Orthodox Church, a bishop must be a monk. Only archimandrites can be ordained to this rank. Bishops cannot simply be celibates and married white clergy (non-monastics). Sometimes, as an exception, hierarchal ordination is possible for representatives of these categories. However, before that, they must accept a small monastic schema and receive the rank of archimandrite.


When asked who the Catholics of the medieval period were, one can get an idea by familiarizing themselves with the activities of such an ecclesiastical body as the Inquisition. It was the judicial institution of the Catholic Church, which was intended to combat heresy and heretics. In the twelfth century, Catholicism faced the rise of various opposition movements in Europe. One of the main ones was Albigensianism (Cathars). The popes have placed the responsibility of fighting them on the bishops. They were supposed to identify heretics, try them and turn them over to secular authorities for execution. The highest punishment was burning at the stake. But the episcopal activity was not very effective. Therefore, Pope Gregory IX created a special church body, the Inquisition, to investigate the crimes of heretics. Initially directed against the Cathars, it soon turned against all heretical movements, as well as witches, sorcerers, blasphemers, infidels, and so on.

Tribunal of the Inquisition

Inquisitors were recruited from various members, primarily from Dominicans. The Inquisition reported directly to the Pope. Initially, the tribunal was headed by two judges, and from the 14th century - by one, but it consisted of legal consultants who determined the degree of "heretics". In addition, the court employees included a notary (who certified the testimony), witnesses, a doctor (monitored the defendant's condition during executions), a prosecutor and an executioner. The inquisitors were given part of the confiscated property of heretics, so there is no need to talk about the honesty and fairness of their court, since it was beneficial for them to recognize a person guilty of heresy.

inquisitorial procedure

Inquisitorial investigation was of two types: general and individual. In the first, a large part of the population of any locality was surveyed. At the second time, a certain person was called through the curate. In those cases when the summoned did not appear, he was excommunicated from the church. The man swore an oath to sincerely tell everything he knew about heretics and heresy. The course of the investigation and proceedings were kept in the deepest secrecy. It is known that the inquisitors widely used torture, which was allowed by Pope Innocent IV. Sometimes their cruelty was condemned even by secular authorities.

The accused were never given the names of witnesses. Often they were excommunicated, murderers, thieves, perjurers - people whose testimony was not taken into account even by the secular courts of that time. The defendant was deprived of the right to have a lawyer. The only possible form of defense was an appeal to the Holy See, although it was formally prohibited by bull 1231. People who had once been convicted by the Inquisition could at any moment be brought to justice again. Even death did not save him from the investigation. If the deceased was found guilty, then his ashes were taken out of the grave and burned.

Punishment system

The list of punishments for heretics was established by bulls 1213, 1231, as well as by the decrees of the Third Lateran Council. If a person confessed to heresy and repented already during the process, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. The Tribunal had the right to shorten the term. However, such sentences were rare. At the same time, the prisoners were kept in extremely cramped cells, often shackled, ate water and bread. In the late Middle Ages, this sentence was replaced by hard labor in the galleys. Recalcitrant heretics were sentenced to be burned at the stake. If a person turned himself in before the start of the process over him, then various church punishments were imposed on him: excommunication, pilgrimage to holy places, donations to the church, interdict, different kinds penance.

Fasting in Catholicism

Fasting among Catholics consists in abstaining from excesses, both physical and spiritual. In Catholicism, there are the following fasting periods and days:

  • Great Lent for Catholics. It lasts 40 days before Easter.
  • advent. The four Sundays before Christmas, believers should reflect on his forthcoming arrival and be spiritually focused.
  • All Fridays.
  • Dates of some major Christian holidays.
  • Quatuor anni tempora. It translates as "four seasons". it special days repentance and fasting. The believer must fast once every season on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
  • Fasting before communion. The believer must abstain from food one hour before communion.

The requirements for fasting in Catholicism and Orthodoxy are for the most part similar.

Thank you. I got it

girls, who knows - is it possible for the Orthodox to take a Catholic as a godfather? Or does it depend on income?


Zmeik, I am a Catholic, the godmother of an Orthodox child. And the funny thing is that my child’s godparents will most likely be Orthodox ... And they will certainly not be baptized in the Orthodox faith ...

As the father of my godson explained, it is important that the godfather of the boy was Orthodox ...

Dear little snake, the meaning of the godfather or godfather is a person who, along with parents, will be responsible for the soul of the child. Those. the function of the godfather in instructing the child in the faith in which he is baptized and, of course, prayer for the child. A good godfather can be a support for a child in life.

This discovery makes it clear who the proto-Christians were who baptized or, as it is now increasingly said, who certified Jesus Christ.

It has now been proven that the proto-Christians, the Essenes, were also engaged in the social sciences, sociology, and issues of social organization.
So, two versions of the Charter of the future society were discovered: the kingdom of high morality ("Kingdom of Heaven").
Questions of economics, finance and politics, apparently, were also not alien to the "first academics". The so-called "Copper Scroll" was also found and sawn, which contained extremely secret information about secret burials in the cities of the Mediterranean, about 180 tons of gold and silver, obviously prepared for social reforms, which Jesus Christ specifically speaks of in his famous .and almost no one correctly read the Sermon on the Mount, where he first of all mentions the Beggars, who are strong in their intellect (spirit). Well, that's another conversation.

Such an answer to the question about the age of baptism will be, in my opinion, the most constructive: if a child is baptized after the beginning of reading, then this will give Orthodoxy a new impetus to the origins - to enlightenment and intellect, as the basis of true spirituality. Of course, a more comprehensive set of recommendations and baptismal supplies is needed. On this basis, in 1996 - 1999, a development and upbringing program was developed: "Gifted and talented children for every family." - [link-1]
As I understand it, there are three versions of the "Baptismal Kit" according to the new, modern rite of baptism, which will inevitably replace the old one - depending on what kind of future the parent wants to give the child? The most important thing is to give the child giftedness through baptism after the child begins to read, before walking ...
But I believe that it is necessary to baptize when the child receives his first higher education- in new system this happens at the age of 11 - 12 years - then it will be a truly conscious choice.

And if you have a desire to go to the Temple - go by all means. Tomsik Oh, and if you can't turn your back to the altar, how do you get out??? go_romanovs Normal and calm. You can not stand with your mouth open, with your back to the altar during the service. Inanna Do not complicate, your desire is saving... come in, stand, listen to the liturgy. No one will force you to make the sign of the cross. Candles can be put, they are sold at the porch, in a small shop. You can also order prayers there. We have Holy Water in the Temple, in the baptismal. Our father does not leave for another 2 hours after the service, everyone goes to him for advice, many strangers, he does not refuse anyone. Do not be afraid. Of course, you need to be in a headdress, preferably in a skirt. And remarks, if they suddenly do, do not take it as a slap in the face, but as ur ...

Christening baby

At the entrance to the temple there is a vessel with consecrated water, or an assayer, into which the fingers are dipped. right hand and then they are baptized. Immediately upon entering the temple, kneeling (the right knee) is performed in front of the tabernacle. And subsequently, passing by the tabernacle, they kneel, or at least bow their heads. Catholics are baptized in a different order from the Orthodox - first the left shoulder, then the right. There are no special moments outside the liturgy when it is required to make the sign of the cross. In the temple there are rows of prayer benches, and below - low benches (they kneel on them during worship). Confession in a Catholic church is made in special confessionals - small booths for the priest and the confessor. If in the confessional...

No conveyor. In general, in the prayer house of the Evangelists, the atmosphere is pacifying, a bright spacious room without icons, beautiful chants, prayers in a simple accessible language, children do not behave forcedly during the service - they walk around the hall, sit down, sing, and no one hisses at them, does not "put pressure ". I am not ready for my baptism. There is a temptation to baptize an adopted son, becoming his godmother (they say "the godmother's prayer will absolve all sins, raise them from the bottom of the sea"), for example, in a Catholic church (at the beginning of construction, in the midst of indignant public debate, Dimochka once said that he would go there, but did not have time). I don’t understand the division into religions at all - Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Witnesses, ... - everyone believes in ONE God and His son Jesus, and just accept divisions ...
...I am not ready for my baptism. There is a temptation to baptize an adopted son, becoming his godmother (they say "the godmother's prayer will absolve all sins, raise them from the bottom of the sea"), for example, in a Catholic church (at the beginning of construction, in the midst of indignant public debate, Dimochka once said that he would go there, but did not have time). I don’t understand the division into religions at all - Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, witnesses, ... - everyone believes in ONE God and His son Jesus, and divisions are just a primitive struggle for parishioners and their money, for power and influence ("in the house My father has many mansions"). Why argue in which church to baptize a child? And why baptize a baby? 2/3 will answer - so that, like everyone else, or relatives insist, or so that they shout less, or the grandmother of an unbaptized person will not take treatment if anything ...


I completely agree with you, Natalia, and I admire your deed. So be it! Although it is very difficult, and most of us completely go into the depths of our grief, but in fact there is only one way to get out of it - to try to help the other person. Not being religious, I am sure that this is exactly what God wants from us - so that we never give up, do not become embittered and return to happiness through love, and not through leaving the world for a monastery, etc. Otherwise, why did he give us this world ?
I still can't go to church. I don't understand many things:
According to Christians, some people atone for the sins of other people with their suffering (starting with Jesus). Once, in a children's hospital, I read an article by a priest on a stand about the meaning of serious illnesses in children. So, maybe they do not need to be treated? Some kind of pagan attitude - to make a sacrifice, and everything will be decided (and the sacrifice is not a lamb, but a child!). One can gain wisdom and understanding oneself through suffering. How can someone else do this for you?
After reading the Gospel, I asked myself another question: why does the Christian church exist at all? Jesus commanded:
- do not build temples on earth, but only in the human soul;
- do not fast, do not pray, but rather go and make peace with your neighbor;
- and if there is a desire to pray, enter quietly into your house and pray there so that no one sees you.
Is not it?
That is why I would like everyone, like Natalya, to go to God (= to understanding life and their place in it) through love for people, for children, for their child, and not on the advice of priests. Even if they good people, pure in soul, etc. - Well, who can wisely manage your life, your thoughts, your feelings for you? And if the priest is a bad person or simply indifferent? There are a lot of them.

21.07.2006 12:08:03, Marina

“Don’t allow one thing for the patient to consider the affairs of life as material for obedience to the Enemy. If you have made the world an end, and faith a means, a person is already almost in your hands and it is completely indifferent what goal he pursues. If only rallies, pamphlets,
political campaigns, movements and deeds mean more to him than prayer,
sacrament and mercy - he is ours."
This is a quote from "The Letters of Balamut" by K.S. Lewis (C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters). At one time, this book pushed me to finally get baptized, and I highly recommend reading it to anyone who sincerely wants to find answers, and not just "hang out". (If anyone does not understand, these are the advice of an old sophisticated demon to a young and beginner).
As for the last statement - "if you believe in Christ and go to Christ, then only not through Orthodoxy" - I very often hear this. Indeed, in a modern satanic society, it is permissible to be anyone - a Catholic, a Sandeist, a fire worshiper, or even a pagan - but not Orthodox! Well, for me this is another proof that Orthodox Christianity is the true faith.

26.02.2005 18:35:38

Well, what is it!! It's time for the child to be baptized ... Throughout the pregnancy, I was sure that my girlfriend would have a godmother (we have been family friends for a long time). But for some reason she didn’t tell her about it, she took it for granted ... - I understand it’s my own fault: ((Here she was told, and she refused! They say she doesn’t go to church, she doesn’t follow the laws, she doesn’t know how and what , and it’s scary for her ... And what to do? I can’t think of anyone else: ((I wanted to be a godfather with a loved one, with whom I often see, communicate ... Is it possible ...

Question to all those who know: We are going to baptize our son, we have a godmother, but there are problems with the godfather ... We don't have such a person except ... grandfather (ie my father). Tell me, according to Orthodox Christian laws, can a child's grandfather become his godfather? Or can you get by with one godmother? For example, among Catholics, even two grandmothers of a child can be godmothers to him (I personally know such an example).


I wanted to baptize my son after 40 days, as soon as possible. Purely for my own comfort, because I believe. The husband initially agreed, and then protested, like, let him grow up and decide for himself which faith he wants to belong to. In principle, he may be right. But you can change your faith at any age. In short, I will give a free baptismal set for a boy, new, up to 3 months. Shipping at your expense

When asked if a Catholic can baptize Orthodox child? given by the author Lyolka the best answer is YES
You can surely be godparent despite the fact that they themselves were baptized in Catholicism. Although I myself am not a priest, many of my acquaintances turned to me for similar advice. I made inquiries about this with priests I knew and received an answer that Catholic baptism is recognized by the Orthodox Church, just as a Catholic can confess and take communion in Orthodox church. It is quite another matter, for example, the baptism of an autocephalous church (in Ukraine). Such baptism and all other sacraments (if the word sacrament itself is appropriate here) are considered invalid. By the way. Re-baptism (I have often been asked about this) is considered a great sin. The priest on this occasion said "If the mother can take the child and give birth to him again, then you can baptize him again"
With the current political confrontation between different branches of the one Church of Christ, this question seems to many to be debatable. In any case, the Orthodox, who considers Catholic Christians to be almost the children of the unclean, will of course tell you that this should never be done. Moreover, there are known precedents of strict punishments even for the joint prayer of the Orthodox with the Catholics. However, in essence, both believe in One Christ and One Christ.
Perhaps the best guide here should be your faith and your Christian conscience. After all, even a mere nominal affiliation to the Russian Orthodox Church, for example, can hardly be a decisive factor in choosing godfather: There are all sorts of people everywhere.

Answer from Infiniti[master]
I think yes

Answer from Neurologist[master]
maybe yes-)

Answer from folder[master]
no. but you can ask permission from the priest. he can give you some advice.

Answer from clubfoot[guru]
no, he can not!

Answer from --- --- [guru]
Is the child already baptized in Orthodoxy? Or Orthodox parents? Basically, NO!

Answer from Jovetlana[guru]
I have a Catholic godmother, and I'm Orthodox, it all depends on how deep you approach this. My grandmother always told me - God is one, faiths are different.

Answer from Unknown Unknown[guru]
I think no. Because even unbaptized children cannot be baptized. And even a different religion - and even more so. How can this person bring up a child according to Christian customs if he does not know them, does not adhere to them, etc.

Answer from Advokatus[guru]
If a Catholic priest baptizes an Orthodox, then only according to the Catholic rite.

Answer from Sabotage[guru]
Not! The Catholic rite of baptism is not recognized by the Orthodox Church. That is, according to Orthodox custom, he is not baptized and cannot be a godfather!

Answer from Anna S.[guru]
No and no again, the godfather must be Orthodox

Answer from OD[guru]
Your child will be Catholic, not Orthodox

Answer from Andrey Vysotsky[newbie]
Of course, maybe these are Christians, both Catholics and Orthodox .. and what the priests businessmen invent is another matter !!

Answer from Denis Evdokimov[guru]
Well, maybe, provided that one of the godparents is a member of the ROC mp the same with the RCC

I was going to baptize the child, and one of the godparents was supposed to be my friend. He is a Roman Catholic. And we didn't "bother" about it, we thought that Christians seemed to be all the same and the sacraments were the same. Already in the church before Baptism, the priest, having learned that the candidate for godparents was a Catholic, "rejected" his candidacy, and as the only option suggested that he "be baptized" into Orthodoxy. This greatly upset us, and we postponed Baptism. The money paid for Baptism according to the tariff was not returned to us (I did not particularly insist on it). After thinking about this situation, I decided that since a Christian, both by religion and by life, was "rejected" by the Church as a godfather, then I would baptize the child in another Church, in the Catholic Church. And in the future I myself will undergo catechesis and convert to Catholicism (without crossing!). And now I would like to know how correctly and according to the teachings the priest acted in my case, refusing to be godfather to a catholic? I'm not talking about the moral Christian norms, but at least according to the teachings and canons of the Russian Orthodox Church?


Dear Yuri, recognizing the act of the priest (in the form that you described) is not fully consistent with the official position of our Church, which allows, firstly, the presence of one non-Orthodox successor, while the other will be Orthodox, and, secondly, does not imply the acceptance of Catholics into Orthodoxy through Baptism (acceptance is allowed either by the third rite, through repentance, or by the second, through chrismation), I cannot help but ask another question: what, in fact, is your Orthodoxy? If, because of an episode, even if emotionally brightly negative, but in no way connected with the essence of our faith, or with the nature of the doctrinal differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, you decide without hesitation to change your confession, what is Orthodoxy for you? If the priest had been polite and delicate, would you have remained in the Orthodox Church? With such a measure of irresponsibility, of course, our faith will hold out until the first rude priest or an impolite candlestick ... You can find anything among Catholics after catechism. Will you go further to the Baptists? To the Moonies, to the Jehovists? We must base our religious worldview, our self-determination on something more fundamental than the infirmities or virtues of certain clergymen.

Good afternoon, father Alexander!
I got very a difficult situation, this has been tormenting me for some time now, I will not be able to write briefly, so I apologize in advance for your time.
I was baptized in Orthodoxy as a child, since then I have not been in the Orthodox Church - it happened that way. Neither my godparents nor my family instilled Love for God in me, for they themselves were far from it. Moreover, in my youth and adolescence, I did a lot of bad things and considered myself an atheist. When I studied at the university, I met a guy from a large religious family. Slowly, he began to tell me about God, about religion, about the Church, and then, somehow sensing my interest and desire for this, he took me to the Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (in Moscow, I am from there), and there I came to God and to faith myself, I went there for a very long time, although we parted with the guy a long time ago. Years passed, and God brought me together with my husband - he is a Latvian, and I moved to live with him in Latvia, although my relatives, as you understand, were very upset by my decision, and this is one of the reasons for our misunderstandings - they always think that I am here temporarily, although I have been living here for six years. We formalized the marriage, but he is not baptized (although better than many of those who beat their chests that he is a believer), he is even afraid to go into the temple, so as not to defile the feelings of the parishioners and servants of God. So far I have not been able to persuade him to get married, which means that I cannot convert to Catholicism, which is close to me in spirit and whose church I go to, but I really want to do this and cannot consider myself Orthodox - that would be dishonest, but I consider myself a Christian and want the reunification of the Churches.
Recently, my sister asked me to be her daughter's godmother, and I gladly agreed! I asked her to find out all the details in my homeland, since I can only come to Russia for a short time for the baptism itself, and if I need to go through the teachings, like the Catholics, then I would go through it here, at home. She said that she did not want to bother me, and found a temple where no teaching is required (I will not bore you with my thoughts on this), I replied that I would go to the temple anyway and ask the priest all the questions that interest me, so as for me this is a responsible step. Before going to the priest, I decided to read in more detail how this ceremony is held by the Orthodox, and the first thing I discovered was that the godmother must be Orthodox. Father Alexander, but it’s completely different for Catholics, Protestants - even an Orthodox can baptize a Lutheran, so it is in my husband’s family, and it’s everywhere here - Latvia is multi-confessional, I couldn’t imagine this at all. I shared my doubts with my sister, who accused me of ruining the name day (told me that I was changing God), since the money had already been paid, the photographer had been ordered, the cross had been bought, etc. I was very offended, because I do not feel guilty for the fact that I myself decided to take a more responsible approach to this and made it all worse. We quarreled very strongly and now I don’t know what to do next, how to communicate with people close to you who hurt you (this is not the first time). Tell me the direction where to "look", father Alexander.
Have a nice day!
Sincerely, Ekaterina.
