Increase the protective properties of the body. Immunity and its types how to increase the protective properties of the body. Horseradish, shrimp and bay leaf

received name the body's defenses that fight infectious agents - carriers of alien genetic information. As a rule, these agents are bacteria, viruses and fungi. During the normal functioning of the immune system, invisible cells "performers" meet bacteria, viruses and fungi hostile to the body, and destroy them.

Thanks to this, we quickly recover from SARS, we defeat influenza, other infectious and fungal diseases, we do not become infected with tuberculosis through contact with patients. The causative agents of infectious diseases that have entered our body are immediately neutralized by the cells of the immune system.

In addition, protective forces organism provide us with protection from oncological diseases, timely identifying and destroying cancer cells. However, trying to increase immunity, one must adhere to the golden mean, the increased work of protective forces causes the development of allergies when they react to their own body cells.

For human immunity the lymphatic system, bone marrow, spleen and thymus gland (thymus) respond. They are involved in the production and distribution of immune cells - lymphocytes, phagocytes and macrophages throughout the body. Immunity can be innate or specific. Innate immunity is formed in the fetus in the womb, and specific after the transfer of some disease. For example, chickenpox or measles.

Specific immunity may be natural or artificial. Natural immunity is produced by the body itself, and artificial - as a result of vaccination.

Breakdown in any link of the immune system leads to immunodeficiency - a state when the body's defenses do not cope with their task. As a result of a malfunction of the immune system, serious illnesses such as AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis, poisoning, lack of vitamins and minerals.

Unfortunately, today the number of people with weakened immune systems is steadily increasing. This is due to poor ecology, the influence of electromagnetic and radiation radiation, stress, infectious diseases, violation of the rules of admission medicines and lifestyle.

The most characteristic signs weakened immunity are the occurrence of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and bronchitis without fever, frequent colds, fatigue, pallor of the skin of the face and dark circles under the eyes. With weak immunity, the cervical and axillary lymph nodes are enlarged, and sometimes there is an increase in the spleen. Persistent allergic reactions to food products also indicate a decrease in immunity.

People with weakened immunity usually suffer from dysbacteriosis, which is accompanied by constipation, increased gas formation, loss of appetite and body weight. If you have these symptoms, then to strengthen the immune system, we advise you to consult an immunologist.

You should not self-medicate, take vitamin complexes and drugs that increase immunity without a doctor's prescription.

Strengthen immunity everyone can do it, it's just not an easy job, it requires patience and willpower from a person. First you need to change your lifestyle, walk as much as possible in the fresh air, walk daily and do gymnastics in the morning. A sedentary lifestyle and being overweight are the enemies of the immune system. But sudden weight loss is also bad for the immune system.

As they say nutritionists, with the loss of one kilogram of weight per week, the activity of T-cells that recognize pathogens is markedly reduced. Hardening plays a big role in boosting immunity. Try to take a contrast shower every morning. If this is unacceptable for you, limit yourself to foot baths - alternately immersing your feet in cold and warm water.

In order not to weaken immune carefully monitor your diet. Try to drink only pure filtered water, do not abuse medications, especially antibiotics and nutritional supplements. Give preference to natural products. Replace bakery products from premium flour with bran bread, sweets with honey and dried fruits. After flu, colds and other infectious diseases, drink infusions of wild rose, mint, lemon balm and other medicinal plants.

Boosts well immunity green tea with lemon, fresh juices fruits and vegetables, bee products. To strengthen the immune system, you can also take vitamin complexes on a natural basis. Less worries and more laughter - that's what you need for immunity. After just one minute of mental laughter, the body produces so many antibodies that they are able to protect our respiratory tract from a huge number of viruses and bacteria.

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Regular work with the wands of power gives a powerful boost to the internal immune system, stimulating the secretion of vital hormones throughout the entire endocrine system, including the important endocrine gland, the adrenal glands. Sitting at the tops of the kidneys, the adrenal glands receive a stimulating massage from the diaphragm, which actively sags downward with each breath. Rhythmic contractions of the chest during breathing exercises have a beneficial effect on the thymus gland, which produces T-lymphocytes and is located in close proximity to the heart. Power wand work cleanses and energizes the bone marrow, which produces red and white blood cells, and energizes the fascia, tendons, and bones. Rhythmic movements of the limbs, combined with deep diaphragmatic breathing, also stimulate the circulation of the lymph, keeping it clean and fresh, which helps to purify the blood and tissues. As a result, work with the wands of power expands, aligns and strengthens the protective energy cocoon of a person, protecting him from the intrusion of harmful energies of the environment.


Seven Paths of Hermetic Medicine

At all times, the sages have taught that the visible universe is only a small part of the world, and, similarly, the physical body is only a small part of the complex system called man. Modern medicine completely ignores the superphysical structure of a person and, barely paying attention to the causes of diseases, is engaged in a struggle with the consequences. Meanwhile, even the great Paracelsus complained about the materialistic simplifications of medicine. "There is big difference between the power that eliminates the invisible causes of illness, which is Magic, and the power through which simple externalities, consisting in the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, and what is ... Quackery, ”he wrote.

Isaac Newton, whom his descendants made the father of materialistic science, once came to the conclusion that there are no constants in material nature. There are only variables, fluid quantities, and material objects differ only in the rate of change. So the human body is constantly renewed: after seven years, not one of the particles that made up it before remains in it. The content is constantly updated, but the form remains unchanged. The causes of most diseases arise precisely at the level of forces through which the mysterious part of our "I" causes the material particles that form our body to form according to a strictly defined pattern. Therefore, it is easier to cure small mechanical damage, since their cause is always obvious, than small damage at the energy-informational level, the cause of which is always hidden from view.

According to hermetic medicine, the health of the human body consists of a harmonious connection of parts and the balance of the juices that feed it. Any disease manifests itself as a result of imbalance. Since everything in the physical world is formed according to energy-informational patterns, a disease can be cured only by eliminating the imbalance at this (astral) level. Since life on Earth is governed by the astral influence of the planets, hermetic medicine is based on the laws of the correlation of things, which manifest themselves in the so-called. signatures - specific signs of certain planetary influences. Therefore, astrology occupies an important place in hermetic medicine.

AT Hermeticism has a notion of seven causes of disease and seven ways to overcome them. Let's get to know them better.

The seven causes of disease are divided into two physical categories and five invisible superphysical categories. According to Manly Hall's research, material causes include the misuse of the organs of the body (e.g. muscle overload, nerve strain, muscle atrophy due to sedentary lifestyle, etc.), as well as the presence of foreign substances, impurities or obstructions in the body. These are just the beds that modern medicine spuds and which are more or less familiar to each of us. Invisible causes include the action of harmful devilish spirits, disorder of coordination in a person of spiritual and material nature, ill health or abnormal mental mood (as a result of false ideas about the world), retribution for violation of divine laws in the present or past life, and the astral influences of the Planets and Stars.

Based on the idea that the higher determines the state of the lower, Theophrastus Paracelsus considered diseases caused by visible causes as special cases of manifestation of invisible energy-information mismatches, therefore he reduced the causes of diseases to five categories, which we will now consider.

1. Diseases caused by stellar (astral) influences.

Here the followers of Hermeticism start from the idea that the ignorant man is ruled by the stars, and the perfect man himself rules the stars. Ignorance is understood as oblivion of the superphysical nature of man and his divine origin. The restoration of conscious connection and control over one's energy body is called in the Caucasian tradition the achievement of mastery-dominion. This is the resolution of the dilemma of the inevitability of fate and free will.

“The world is the Macrocosm, man is the Microcosm, and all the elements that exist in the first exist in the second. All influences emanating from the Sun, Planets and Stars have an invisible effect on a person, and if these influences are evil, they bring misfortune ...

There are Stars whose influence corresponds to the healing properties of certain metals, and also Stars corresponding to the properties of certain plants; they can have a good or evil effect, being attracted by the corresponding elements of the stellar body of man ... Each metal and each plant has certain properties that can attract the corresponding planetary influences, and if we are aware of the influences of the Stars, the conjunctions of the Planets and the properties of our medicines, we will know what medicine to give in order to attract an influence that will have a beneficial effect on the patient ...

The moon can produce a very bad influence, especially at the time of the new moon, which can be detrimental to people whose stellar bodies have magnetic elements that attract this influence; the conjunction of the Moon with certain Planets can make her influence even more harmful. For example, the conjunction of the Moon with Venus and Mars can cause a plague, the conjunction of the Moon with Saturn - some acute diseases * ... " ("Paramirum").

According to Paracelsus, if, for example, a woman lacks an element whose essence is radiated by Mars, she may suffer from anemia and lack of nerve force (anemia). In this case, iron must be given to her, because the astral elements of iron correspond to the astral elements of Mars and will attract them just as a magnet attracts iron. However, Paracelsus argues that iron in the "ethereal state" is preferable than metallic iron, and recommends in this case the use of plants of Mars - Carduus benedictus (thistle), Urticaria diocia(Dioecious nettle), Erithraea centaurium . But both hematite and red jasper contain iron, and by means of the magnetic and shaped field of the rod of Mars transmits it precisely in the “etheric state”.

2. Diseases caused by slagging and poisonous substances.

According to alchemical concepts, the human physical body is formed as a result of coagulation of three invisible substances - sulfur, mercury and salt under the action of four primary elements - fire, air, water and earth. Sulfur refers to radiation and ethers, mercury refers to liquids, and salt refers to dense material parts of the body. These substances are combined in a certain proportion in every organ and in all things. The body extracts them from food through the power of digestion, which is the solvent of these substances. In this respect, animals are more skillful alchemists than humans, because, firstly, they are able to extract the vital essence from things unsuitable for humans, and secondly, following instincts, they do not use things that are harmful to them, but choose only healthy food. Man, on the other hand, is capable of neglecting the laws of nature and abusing food and drink. As long as the body is healthy, it copes with harmful substances. But,

since the constant efforts of resistance cause a serious loss of vitality, eventually the organism is weakened so much that it becomes possible for the development of germs of the most diverse diseases. With the development of diseases against the background of contamination of the body with toxins and toxic substances, it is useless to treat them if you do not first remove toxic and weakening substances from the body.

3. Diseases arising from psychological reasons. The causes of this category of diseases are rooted in vicious desires, passions, disordered thoughts and morbid imagination. Paracelsus writes: “The life that acts in the organs is anima vegetiva(animal soul). It is an invisible fire that can be easily fanned by the power of the imagination. Imagination can create coldness and thirst, cause unnatural discharges, and lead to disease; but a person who does not have evil desires, will not have a sick imagination, and his thoughts will not cause any diseases.

It can be said that atheism and mechanistic ideas about a person are also the cause of many diseases, because believing that a person is mortal, and diseases are natural companions of life, we involuntarily draw in our imagination an image of ourselves in old age, and the body has nothing left to do, how to implement the program laid down in it by us. But our ideas are not taken from the air, we receive them from others in the process of upbringing and education. It turns out that if we share mechanistic ideas about a person, this means that we simply accepted the destructive ideas of other people on faith and allow their evil will to be realized through our body. And this is nothing but realized black magic.


*We have included this paragraph to once again warn you against using the so-called. "pharaoh's cylinders" with quartz filling, since coarse-grained quartz reflects the influence of the moon, and copper and zinc, from which the cylinder capsules are made, carry the influence of Venus and Saturn.

Here is what Paracelsus says about this: “The will is a force capable of concentrating the image created in the mind, in the same sense in which the force of cold causes water to freeze into solid ice; and just as an icicle can be thrown from one place to another, so also an evil thought, created by the insistent will of one person, can be transferred to the sphere of the mind of another and penetrates into his soul if it is not sufficiently protected. Thus, in order to protect oneself from diseases caused by psychological causes, one needs firm faith, the strengthening of morality and the development of one's own consciousness and will.

4. Diseases arising from spiritual causes.

past lives and beyond human understanding. Paracelsus says that for such reasons, no doctor would dare to predict the hour of healing, since it is not given to a person to judge the sins of others. If the hour of redemption has not come, the best healer will not be able to heal the sick. These are the cases about which one thing can be said - everything is in the hands of God.

5. Diseases arising from physiological causes.

While modern science tends to view forms as sources of life, Hermeticism sees the universe as a manifestation of the universal life principle, acting through the medium of forms. “Man's body is his house; the architect who builds it is the world of the stars... Human body- this is steam, materialized by the sun's rays, mixed with the life of the stars ... A blossoming flower cannot be created from mud, just as a person cannot be created from material clay; and whoever denies the creative power of starlight and believes that forms grow out of the earth believes that something can be extracted from a body in which it does not exist.” (Paracelsus, "De Caducis"). Since the material organs are representatives of invisible forces, the perfect manifestation of power is possible only in a perfect organ. If the organ is imperfect, its manifestation will be imperfect, but not the force that gave birth to it. Thus, physiological disorders will be the result of a lack of certain astral influences.

“Our healers do not take into account the position of the planets and therefore destroy more sick people than they heal, for a medicine that can help at one time, at another can be harmful, according to the prevailing influence of the Planets. What works in a remedy is its stellar elements, which influence the stellar man and are created by stellar influences, and the properties of the remedy depend on which influence prevails in it ”(“ De Caducis ”).

According to the causes of diseases, in Hermetic medicine there are seven main ways to treat and prevent diseases.

The first - magical, is to use the mediation of spirits through spells, conspiracies, special magical operations. This also includes the healing methods of contagious magic. Today it is the property of exclusively folk village healing. This path is indirectly related to modern urban psychics, since their practice is based more on the faith of clients than on real esoteric knowledge, and belongs to the fifth path.

Second way based on the action of sound and color vibrations. It is actively used in yoga, qigong and other ancient practices. In modern medicine, this path has been transformed into methods of color therapy, vibrotherapy and music therapy.

third way consists of the so-called. sympathetic methods, using the law of similarity and based on knowledge of the correspondence of organs and functions of the body, animals, plants, metals and minerals to certain planetary influences. This way at all times was ruthlessly exploited by charlatans selling "miraculous" amulets and talismans. His real practice was partly transformed into modern homeopathy, partly into herbal medicine, in those aspects where planetary influences are taken into account.

Fourth way consists in the treatment with herbs and medicinal plants and is widely used today both in folk and official medicine, having received the scientific name of herbal medicine.

Fifth way is based on faith and is carried out by prayers, ceremonies, rituals and the implementation of certain rules. It is actively practiced both in the official religion and in various sects, communities and brotherhoods. The methods of this path rely on suggestibility and are used by psychotherapists, healers and hypnotists in mass sessions.

sixth way consists in observing certain rules of nutrition and establishing a proper lifestyle, and is used in all modern systems recovery and self-development. The main idea of ​​this path is that a healthy state of a person is the norm, and illness is the result of a person's refusal to follow Nature.

seventh way there was "practical medicine", consisting of bloodletting, bone-setting, and so on. It is this path, dealing with the material body and mechanical methods of treatment, on the basis of materialistic science that has developed into modern medicine.

It is said that Paracelsus and Nostradamus mastered the methods of all seven paths of hermetic medicine, so the results of their healing amazed contemporaries. So with the wands of Venus and Mars, their use in combination with other natural methods improvement and development significantly increases the effectiveness of the treatment and prevention of diseases.

According to the Hermetic and Gnostic teachings, the emanations of the governing forces, having a crystallizing influence on the lower world, become different elements. Borrowing the astral force of their sources, these elements neutralize some unbalanced forms of celestial activity and, when combined in the right way, largely determine the psychophysical state of a person. Thus the use of the wands of power and the health-improving methods that go with it corresponds to the third and sixth paths of hermetic medicine, and is based on the fact that each planet exerts a predominant influence on its respective nature of the mineral and vegetable kingdom, and therefore on the corresponding organs and systems. the human organism, which is based on the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. Minerals selected according to astrological laws, entering into interaction with the body, attract favorable influence planets in the proportion necessary for the organism. Let us see what cosmic forces we expose ourselves to by taking the rods of Venus and Mars in our hands.


First, about the electromagnetic component of the mysterious phenomena associated with the pyramid. That mysterious field environment with which the pyramid is in friendly relations, you don’t have to look for a long time - in my opinion, it is quite obvious that this is a GEOMAGNETIC FIELD.

The electromagnetic hysteria of the end of the 20th century completely lost sight of the fact that the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field (namely, the intensity is considered the main factor of harmfulness) is AT LEAST AN ORDER higher than the intensity of any technogenic one.

It turns out that we live quietly in the strongest electromagnetic field of our native planet, but we get sick and die from the frail fields of cell phones and computers? Yes, you have to be one hundred percent idiot to agree with this!

Hunger does not agree. He argues that the distribution of finer energy flows in the composition of radiation is important. In other words, some QUALITATIVE features of the field are important, not tension. In the language of the mystics, there are "good" and "evil" fields. Instead of counting gausses, it would probably be worth deciphering the finest and most accurate patterns of field lines, trying to read something in them? Maybe. But with the knowledge that we have, for now we can only state that the geomagnetic field is DIRECTLY RELATED to the history of the pyramids.

Without exception, all the electromagnetic "tricks" they throw out must have some kind of general explanation, since electricity / magnetism as a phenomenon is ONE.

There is a qualitative difference between fields of different nature - say, the fields of the Earth, the Sun, a person and a hair dryer. But what is more important is what they have in common. What they have in common is that they are all ELECTROMAGNETIC.

Nowadays, only the layman can think that the human biofield is non-material and generally just as unreal as the notorious Soul. Nervous activity consists ultimately in the transmission of nerve impulses through neurons. And a nerve impulse is an electromagnetic phenomenon, which will be confirmed by any biologist, from an academician to a student who is a loser. Neuron is a CONDUCTOR WITH CURRENT. And if so, it must certainly have an electromagnetic field. In sum, what is called the human biofield is formed.

The experimental data, supposedly strange and not amenable to interpretation, mean that the pyramid is interacting with the geomagnetic field.

Why a pyramid?

Well, it's time to delve into the magic. Or, let's say, in the area adjacent between magic and science.

Archaeologist Arthur Chubur, who works in the city of Kurchatov, Kursk province, has established that the sites of Paleolithic and earlier sites of primitive man show a strange constancy. Different communities belonging to completely different cultures settled at the same points on the surface of the Earth in different eras. Later, ancient cities arose in the same places that have stood to this day - for example, Kiev, Novgorod - Seversky Lubny, Bryansk, Ryazan and others. Rome, by the way, too.

The traditional explanation for this constancy is the geography of mammoth cemeteries. People gravitated towards them, since mammoth bones were used as a universal raw material. Yes, but how to explain the geography of sites dating back to earlier times - before the epoch of glaciation? Centuries passed, forming into millennia, tribes came and went, the dying Neanderthals were replaced by Cro-Magnons - but the same patches of land were never empty.

Chubur found the following explanation for this. Today, many scientists are inclined to believe that the Earth is a geocrystal of a very complex structure. So: the places of the Paleolithic sites coincide with the nodes of the subsystems of the global energy-power frame network of the geocrystal! In other words, ancient people, having neither scientific knowledge nor instruments, oriented themselves along the lines of force of the geomagnetic field. This electromagnetic sensitivity was eventually lost by man, but remained in other animals - for example, in cats. The tradition of letting a cat into a new house is connected precisely with the fact that she chooses a place that is energetically unsuitable for a person, showing where a bed cannot be placed.

And what is this same energy-power frame network geometrically? Oddly enough, the SET OF PYRAMIDS. True, not in the proportion of the golden section, but more squat and with a hexagonal base, and not a quadrangular one, like the Hunger, but the pyramids!

I would venture to quote another curious source - the novel by Sergei Alekseev "The Treasures of the Valkyrie". Its author, until he became a novelist, was a professional geologist and participated in many expeditions. Perhaps, in a scientific journal, his "false" ideas would have looked wild - that's why, apparently, he preferred to present them in an artistic form. But I suggest you go into their content:

"The mystery of the ancient ways of man, the ways of migration of animals and birds was that, moving on the ground ... they did not think about landmarks. They walked, obeying the laws of samsara. It was the unity of all nature, despite all the diversity of forms of existence of life. They initially knew how to walk on the ground and not fall into any traps, nor in disasters, find food, water, shelter, and, if necessary, healing herbs and roots. The knowledge of the ways kept them not only life and freedom, but also, as it were, allowed them to fulfill all the fate's plans. The earthly paths had their own parallels with the heavenly paths, fateful, reflected as if in a mirror... magnetic storms and storms, found loopholes between many lakes, passages in impenetrable mountains, air corridors over the seas and lakes.

And further: after cosmic catastrophes, “everything on Earth lost its ability to sense and orient itself in a new environment. However, the balance and calmness of all the elemental forces on Earth quickly brought to life both animals, birds, and humans. They soon found ways and again continued their harmonious existence.

Is it not about this harmony - the harmonious interaction of the biofields of living beings with the geomagnetic field - says and Alexander Golod?

According to Alekseev, at the crossroads of the meridional and latitudinal paths “there were churches, and according to legend, pagan temples existed in this place before Christianity ... ancient cities, settlements, parking lots were located at the “microcrossroads”, and even if it was empty and the legends did not preserve either toponymy or events, with connected with them, then the excavations revealed powerful cultural layers or ancient battlefields. This is almost a quote from Chubur!

True, this time nothing was said about the pyramidal outlines of the cells of the geocrystal. But the stated concept of a professional geologist helps to understand why the choice of a place for a pyramid is so important. It turns out that in order to work better, it must either stand at the “crossroads”, or be oriented in a certain way in relation to it. That is - to the lines of force of the geomagnetic field.

If the pyramid is erected in an "unfortunate" place, it takes time for its relationship with the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field to come to an optimum.

What happens after?

And after the pyramid, "entered into force", becomes something like a Cerberus, an overseer of the lines of force. And as soon as something enters its sphere of action, bringing discord with its field, distorting the orientation of the lines of force, the pyramid corrects this alien field, adjusting it to the geomagnetic one.

The so-called template of a healthy state, which a person who enters the pyramid receives from the pyramid, is in fact a template of the BIOPEL adjusted to the geomagnetic field. That's the reason for the healings. The pyramid, in fact, does with a person the same thing as a competent sense: he feels with his hands where and how the patient's biofield deviates from the norm in structure, feels discomfort at the same time - and makes passes with his hands aimed at ensuring that this discomfort (his own, not sick!) Eliminate. And it can be eliminated only by eliminating its cause. The hands of the sense - or rather, the part of his biofield associated with them - just eliminate the cause, i.e. defects in the patient's biofield.

The pyramid, not being a living being, does not feel any discomfort - it acts silently, like a machine: an object “spoiling the whole picture” has got into the area of ​​the geomagnetic field controlled by it, which means that the Earth’s field lines of force must be straightened, and for this it is necessary to eliminate the interference, those. object field defects.


Then it becomes clear and reasoning about the hot spots of the planet. It is clear that if people settled in an area that is unfavorable in terms of electromagnetic conditions (I don’t know how to put it better), nothing good can be expected. An ancient tribe of people with electromagnetic sensitivity would get out of there in a good way. But modern man is stubborn - especially when he does not see the rational causes of his troubles. And he also loves to argue with nature, presumptuously considering himself her conqueror. Ladies and gentlemen, conquerors of nature, we, by the way, have a centuries-old war in Chechnya! Not tired? Pushkin also wrote: “Humble up, Caucasus: Yermolov is coming!” Yermolov came - the Caucasus reconciled. Yermolov is gone - the Caucasus is on fire again! There is Yermolov - the Caucasus is at war with him, he is not there - in the Caucasus they are at war with each other! Maybe it's better for modern Yermolov to do more useful things, and to put up a pyramid in the Caucasus - a small one, 10 meters high?

Just as stubbornly modern people live in "damned" places and houses, "bad" apartments, etc., explaining the troubles that systematically happen to them by coincidences, coincidences - in a word, citing obviously helpless arguments and not wanting to reckon with the obvious. And how to reckon with it, if you do not know what kind of evidence this is? For today's stone-hard materialists, the concept of "geomagnetic environment" is a Chinese letter. They consider it an invention of modern mystics, obscurantists and pseudoscientists, because it goes beyond the limits of science. Most people don't even think that the concept of science can be flawed.

Please understand me right: speaking of the "interaction" of the pyramid with the geomagnetic field, I have no in kind of relationship of the same type as, for example, between the biofields of the patient and the doctor - sense. I, excuse me generously, cannot believe Alexander Golod in any way that the pyramid has its own field. She is just an object of the material world, which, like other physical bodies on Earth, is located in the magnetic field of the latter. They do not interact with him, but only exist in conditions of its presence and experience its influence.

But there are physical bodies capable of being something like a prosthesis for this or that field. The prosthesis for the biofield of the sense is his own hands: with them he directs his field where it should be and how it should be, in order to cure the patient of his sores.

Similarly, there may be geometric shapes that serve as a prosthesis for the geomagnetic field. Suppose a person with hemophilia walks the Earth. He is regularly injected with coagulation factors, which he does not have enough in his blood - modern medicine has not come up with any other treatment for such patients. (Yes, and this is also a treatment you understand what it is: it’s like sitting on a needle. They didn’t give an injection on time - that’s it, the blood doesn’t coagulate again.) In some way - quantitatively and qualitatively - the lack of a clotting factor is reflected in the structure and density of the patient’s biofield - which, in turn, affects the state of the geomagnetic field at each point, where in this moment this person is located. A qualified witch would probably say that by his presence he turns a "good" place in space ... well, not "damned", of course, but a little less "good".

The "curse" element - i.e. the lines of force of the geomagnetic field distorted by the biofield - follow the sick person on the heels. Most likely, the distortions are so insignificant that no instrument will detect them. But still, these are distortions, and the geomagnetic field “suffers” from them. (No, no, I am far from the fashionable, but absurd idea that the whole Earth is a huge living organism - there is simply such a thing as an obligatory correspondence between structure and function; if the Earth's field is distorted at a given point, it means that it is not able to effectively perform its functions.) Suffering, but can do nothing. The electromagnetic field of the Earth is not capable of healing a creature devoid of electromagnetic sensitivity. A cat would be healed, but a person would not.

Therefore, Mother Earth needs a "prosthesis" - or, if you like, a "medical instrument". Which? The theory is silent, but practice, thank God, suggested: geometric bodies of certain proportions, for example, pyramids, in which the ratio of height to base is equal to the golden section.

In the same way, it is not difficult to explain the "trick" with the seeds. A significant part of the volume of the seed is occupied by the stock nutrients, but the rest is the embryo of the future plant. Although it is small, it is a living organism; does it have a biofield - it's hard to say, since plants do not have a nervous system and, therefore, there are no clearly functioning current conductors, but perhaps it's just that we don't know something about them? In any case, experienced senses believe that plant biofields are a reality.

Then reality is the biofield of a seed, say, of a cucumber. How are vegetable seeds usually treated before sowing? One of the most effective methods is bubbling: the seeds are immersed in a vessel with water, an aquarium aerator is turned on, and the bag of seeds is kept in a stream of air bubbles for some time. But for some reason, no one remembers that a weak magnetic treatment is also taking place at the same time, since the aerator emits an electromagnetic field. And in seed farms, breeding seed is sometimes subjected to direct and direct electromagnetic processing.

But man-made magnetic fields qualitatively different from "healthy", i.e. geomagnetic. Why not make the home planet do the work of an aerator? To do this, you need to push the biofields of seeds with the field of the Earth, as they say, nose to nose. How to do it? Again with the help of a prosthesis, i.e. pyramids.

As you can see, the facts lend themselves to quite scientific, albeit unusual, interpretation. Due to lack of space, I will not comment on the results of all experiments with the pyramids, but I give my word of honor - almost any of them can be similarly summed up with a "geomagnetic" base.

But then why does Alexander Golod stubbornly talk about harmony, emphasizing in passing that modern science does not know how to deal with it and that a new physics and biology must be invented? Yes, for today's physics the geomagnetic field is an unusual, uncomfortable and unloved object, it really does not know how to handle it. But what about harmony? What is this - a spectacular image, needed only to beautifully and picturesquely express the balance between the location of the lines of force of the fields of the Earth and man? Or is there something deeper hidden here?

Let's try, if not to solve, then at least, as the gardeners say, TO SPUN two more tricky questions: a) why we are talking not just about balance, equilibrium, the correspondence of structure to functions, etc., but about harmony; b) if the harmony of the universe is not only an artistic image, but also a physical concept, why is it the pyramids that restore it, and not other geometric bodies?


Strong, healthy immunity is the key to the proper functioning of the whole organism. It provides protection against various negative factors, helps in recovery after a serious illness or surgery. Lowering the protective properties of the body is fraught with critical consequences.

The defenses of the body can decrease for various reasons. Often, the weakening of the immune system is due to: an incorrect, unhealthy lifestyle, neglect of one's own health, an unbalanced diet, a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, severe physical overload, an inactive lifestyle, systematic nervous tension, neurosis, depressive disorders, stressful situations, lack of sleep.

Also, a decrease in protective properties is provoked by: the presence of addictions (smoking, alcohol abuse), prolonged stay in environmentally unsafe areas, the presence of chronic ailments, exposure to chemotherapy, severe pathologies of the immune system, frequent or prolonged use of drugs with antibacterial effects.

It is possible to understand that the protective properties are weakened, and the immune system cannot fully perform its functions, according to certain manifestations.

A decrease in the immune system is accompanied by:

  • frequent colds with a long course, severe symptoms;
  • persistent purulent infections of the skin, soft tissues, prolonged healing of even minor injuries, suppuration;
  • fungal infection of the nail plates, mucous membranes;
  • inflammatory processes in the respiratory, urinary system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • fast fatigue;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • malaise, lethargy;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sleep disorder: drowsiness, insomnia;
  • deterioration in the condition of the skin;
  • depressive disorders, sudden mood swings, nervous breakdowns, increased irritability.

The immune system is a natural barrier. It protects the body from harmful external influences. In order for the protection to work correctly, it is necessary to help it. In order to prevent the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the body, as well as its further development, fever, increase in the number of leukocytes to fight bacteria, there are many drugs that have immunomodulatory, immunostimulating properties. Some of them consist of chemistry, others of plant components. The second option is preferable, since such medicines do not harm the body.

One of the most effective means with an immunostimulating effect are Immunal drops, the instructions for use of which indicate that the drug consists of natural, harmless components.

Composition, forms of production

Immunal is a herbal medicine that helps to increase the protective properties of the body. It can be taken by both adults and children. The medicine is effective and yet harmless.

The drug is produced in the form of a solution for oral administration, tablets. The composition in drops is a clear or somewhat turbid, brownish liquid. The appearance in the vial during storage of the composition of the precipitate in the form of flakes is allowed. The drug is released in tinted glass vials with a capacity of 50 ml. In addition to the bottle, the cardboard package contains instructions, a pipette.

Tablets are endowed with a light brown color, flat-cylindrical rounded shape. They have patches on them. Tablets have a pleasant vanilla smell. Packed in blisters No. 10, 20.

The solution, in addition to the juice of the ground part of echinacea, is endowed with: ethanol, sorbitol. The tablets are endowed with echinacea extract, flavors, vanillin, lactose, Mg stearate, Na saccharinate, silicon dioxide.

There is also Immunal+S. This remedy, in addition to echinacea, is endowed with water, Na hydroxide, ascorbic acid, potassium sorbate, flavors.

Dosage and manufacturer

The concentration of the active substance in tablets is 80 mg, the solution is 0.8 ml. The composition is produced by the pharmaceutical company Lek (Slovenia).


From the annotation of the medicinal product, it is known about immunostimulating, immunomodulating, restorative effects. The use of the drug helps in:

  • increase in protective properties;
  • stimulation of immune functions;
  • increase in the number of leukocytes;
  • activation of phagocytosis;
  • suppression of the reproduction of pathogenic microflora;
  • increasing resistance to infections;
  • improvement of general condition, well-being.

Also, the tool has an antiviral effect, helps in the fight against pathogens of herpes, influenza. Immunal drops according to the instructions for use are effective both in the fight against colds and in the prevention of viral pathologies in autumn and winter.

When appointed

The medicine can be drunk, both for therapy and prevention of various pathologies of a viral nature. The composition shows excellent results in the fight against such pathological conditions, diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • herpes simplex virus;
  • flu.

Immunal helps to increase the protective properties, the fight against pathogenic microflora.

Side effects

If you take the composition from the doctor's prescription, correctly - according to the recommended scheme, in the right dose, then it brings exceptional benefits to the body.

Inappropriate use, abuse of an immunostimulating agent is fraught with unpredictable consequences, in particular:

  • leukopenia (when taken for more than 2 months);
  • shortness of breath;
  • allergic reactions: skin rashes, itching, redness;
  • pre-fainting states;
  • headache;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • malaise;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • bronchospasm.

Such symptoms disappear on their own after discontinuation of the drug or a decrease in dosage.


Like any other medicine, Immunal, in addition to indications for use, is endowed with contraindications. It is not recommended to take the composition for people suffering from individual intolerance, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, collagenosis, leukemia, AIDS, HIV, lupus erythematosus.

Do not give drops to children who are not yet a year old, as well as tablets to children under four years of age. The use of an immunostimulating drug during pregnancy, breastfeeding possible, but only if absolutely necessary - in the presence of serious medical indications.

How to take Immunal and what analogues can replace it

Reception of an immunomodulatory composition should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the disease, its severity, as well as the individual characteristics of the body. Before using the medication, you must read the annotation, make sure there are no contraindications.


Take the composition, according to the instructions, before meals. The drug must be taken with water. Tablets, if necessary, can be crushed, mixed with water.

The duration of the treatment course is determined by the doctor. In order to achieve the maximum effect of the drug, the composition should be taken for a week, at least. It is important to know how to take Immunal, since the dosages for an adult and a child are different. If you give the baby medicine in an adult dose, this is fraught with paid consequences.

The duration of the treatment course should not be more than two months. If necessary, therapy is extended, then only after a break. If there is no result, there is no therapeutic effect (after one and a half weeks), it is necessary to refrain from further use, consult a doctor.

The solution for children under six years of age is prescribed 1 ml three times a day, 6-12 years old - 1.5 ml, adolescents - 2.5 ml.

There are several rules regarding the correct use of the medication:

  1. Shake the bottle before taking the drops (to dissolve the precipitate).
  2. If after a week and a half you do not see the result, you need to consult a doctor.
  3. When side effects the use of the composition is stopped. Then you need to inform the doctor about it.
  4. Before using the medicine, you should study the instructions, make sure there are no contraindications.
  5. The medicine is taken before meals.
  6. For convenience, small children can grind the tablet, and then mix it with water, juice or sweet tea.
  7. The drug does not depress the central nervous system, so you can take Immunal while driving a car or other vehicle, as well as mechanisms where increased concentration and quick response are needed.
  8. You can not drink the remedy for more than two months.


An overdose of Immunal is a rare but possible phenomenon. The appearance of soreness in the abdomen, malaise, nausea, urge to vomit signals an overdose. This is possible if the person took the medicine in large doses or too often. If such symptoms occur, you should refrain from further use of the medicine, wash the stomach, take a sorbent, and consult a doctor.

Compatibility with other medicines

When using the medication, it should be borne in mind that it is endowed with alcohol. Therefore, the composition may enhance or weaken the effect of other drugs.

The complex use of an immunostimulating drug with a cephalosporin - Cefotetan, Moxalactam, Cefoperazone is fraught with the appearance of severe cephalgia, nausea, increased sweating, increased heart rate.

Taking an immunostimulating composition along with antiviral compounds or antibiotics is fraught with increased exposure to the latter. Complex application Immunala tablets with drops is fraught with liver damage, the development of serious side effects.


There are many similar in action and composition of funds. If for some reason this immunomodulatory medication is not suitable for a person, it can be replaced:

  • Estifan;
  • echinacea tincture;
  • Immunorm;
  • Immunal Forte;
  • Septilin;
  • Imudon;
  • Immunokindom;
  • Echinacea Hexal.

Frequent colds, fatigue, malaise, weakness, sleep disturbance, mood swings are symptoms of weak immunity. The loss of protective forces leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases, the awakening and active growth of viruses (including), a decrease in the body's resistance to infections. It is for this that it is important to know how to boost immunity.

Fundamentals of Strong Immunity

The state of the human immune apparatus is equally influenced by 2 factors - heredity and the lifestyle that he leads.

It is impossible to influence the genetic predisposition in any way, but it is possible to increase the body's defenses to fight infections.

  • hardening;
  • lack of stress, nervous breakdowns, emotional stress;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • healthy rest and sleep;
  • physical exercise;
  • balanced, balanced diet.

The main mistake is that a person remembers the need to improve his weakened immunity during the period of the disease that has already begun, which is a consequence of a deficiency of protective forces.

With the advent of autumn, daylight hours become shorter, there is a shortage of solar energy, temperature drops and atmospheric pressure. In such a situation, the human body experiences a stressful state, stress on the nervous system increases, mood and general health worsen.

The cause of all troubles is reduced immunity and weakening of the protective properties of the body. During this period, a person is most susceptible to infections, susceptible to viruses of various diseases.

How to increase immunity at home?

To support a weakened body and restore its immune functions, the following are used for treatment and prevention:

  • vitamin therapy;
  • immunomodulators;
  • antiviral therapy;
  • infusions and tinctures of medicinal herbs prepared independently according to folk recipes;
  • vaccination.

Organization is also required. proper nutrition eating foods containing enough beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Medical way to strengthen the immune forces

The effectiveness of many antiviral drugs in the fight against pathogens is explained by their stimulating effect on human immunity. By strengthening the immune forces, the drug will help to cope with diseases faster without possible complications.

Name of the drug Peculiarities Application
Immunal (tablets) Main active substance- Echinacea purpurea extract. Helps to strengthen the body's natural defenses, stimulates immunity. It is used with caution during pregnancy and lactation, children under 12 years of age. For prevention, the drug is prescribed 3-4 tablets for 10 days. AT medicinal purposes the drug should be taken at the first sign of illness.
Immunoflazid (syrup) The action of the drug inhibits the activity of influenza viruses, acute respiratory infections, herpes. Helps to restore the body after antibiotics and previous diseases, removes toxins, reduces susceptibility to adverse external factors. Children under 1 year are prescribed 0.5 ml twice a day, up to 2 years - 1 ml, up to 4 years - 3 ml, up to 6 years - 4 ml, up to 9 years - 5 ml, up to 12 years - 6 ml, adults - 9 ml.

Given the course of the disease, the course of treatment lasts from 5 days to 2 weeks.

Arbidol (tablets) Activates the production of interferon, increases the stimulation of immune functions. The prophylactic course is 2 weeks with a daily intake of 2 tablets.

During treatment, it is necessary to drink 2 tablets 4 times a day, the course is 3 days.

Immune Boosting Vitamins

One of the methods of restoring immunity is vitaminization. All preparations of this direction contain vitamins and minerals in the required ratio and quantity, providing the body's need for them.

Name of the drug Peculiarities Action
Multi-tabs Immuno Plus The composition includes vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, D, minerals (zinc, magnesium, selenium, iodine, manganese, iron), folic acid, lactobacilli. Improve work nervous system, contribute to the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, support the heart muscle, normalize the processes of digestion.
Immunal Forte It is not prescribed during pregnancy, lactation, in violation of cardiac activity, high blood pressure. Participates in the process of metabolism, ensures normal function circulatory system, helps to increase immunity, strengthen the protective barrier against viruses and infections.
Centrum Powerful, effective, immunomodulatory complex containing 24 vitamins and minerals. Increases vitality, fills the body with strength and energy, removes accumulated poisons and toxins, activates protective functions, protects against overwork.

In addition to these complexes, other drugs should be noted, among them: Vitrum, Alphabet, Complivit, Elevit.

homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy is aimed at safe treatment and restoration of the body, maintaining and strengthening the immune system. The interaction of several components that make up homeopathic remedy, helps to maintain a long-term effect with a gradual effect on the body.

Name of the drug Peculiarities Application
Mucosa Compositum Increases immunity, recommended for infections of the mucous membranes. In the first trimester of pregnancy and children under 2 years of age, injections of the drug are not prescribed. It is administered intramuscularly once a week, the course of treatment is 2-5 weeks.
Engystol Recommended to reduce intoxication in acute infectious diseases, papillomavirus and herpes virus. 1 tablet dissolve under the tongue 3 times a day. Has no contraindications for use in childhood and during pregnancy.
It is a drug of complex action: it provides strengthening of local and general immunity, fights viruses. Adults and children over 12 years of age, as a preventive measure, 10 drops of the solution are prescribed 2 times a day. For kids younger age(from 2 years old) the dosage is 2 - 4 drops per day. With a concomitant disease, the dose of the drug is increased in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions.

Folk remedies

For those patients who want to do without doctors and medicines, alternative medicine will come to the rescue. Many plants and herbs are natural folk immunostimulants, from which decoctions, infusions or tinctures are prepared.

There are 2 effective recipes:

  1. To prepare a decoction: 1 tbsp. l. pour dry roots of the plant with boiling water (250 ml), soak on low heat for 7 - 8 minutes. Close the bowl with a lid and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Strain the finished broth, drink the resulting amount per day in several doses, 1 tbsp. l.
  2. An alcohol tincture of chicory is prepared from 25 g of dry, crushed roots of the plant, which are poured into 150 ml of vodka. The mixture is insisted for 10 days in a cool dark place. Take 2 times a day, in the morning after breakfast, and no later than 18 pm in the evening, 20 drops, dissolving them in 100 ml of water.

Tincture on alcohol well raises the immune system, drink - 21 days.

Kalanchoe juice and citrus fruits

From the leaves of Kalanchoe, aged from 1 year, squeeze the juice (1 tablespoon). Mix it with ½ cup of freshly squeezed orange juice and 30 ml of lemon juice. The resulting remedy is drunk in the morning, after breakfast, 1 time per day. Vitaminization is carried out for 2 weeks, then they take a break for 2 months, repeat again.

Ginseng infusion

Medicinal properties of ginseng: increase the body's resistance to stressful situations and other adverse factors, stimulate mental performance, physical activity, protective functions.

2 tbsp. l. dry agent is poured into 300 ml of boiling water, incubated for 10 minutes in a water bath. Cool, filter, drink 3 times throughout the day.

Products to improve the body's defenses

Products for the daily diet should be varied, with the content of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of organs, high-quality, fresh, in sufficient quantities.

The organization of a balanced diet is one of the main points that enhances natural protection, creates a reliable barrier to the penetration of viruses and bacteria into it.

You can replenish the supply of vitamins and microelements that cause a weakening of the immune system in a natural way by adding products containing them to the menu:

Components Products with their content
Vitamin A Sorrel, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, garlic, carrots, parsley, apricots, mangoes.
Vitamin C Sauerkraut, bell pepper, citrus, kiwi, wild rose, persimmon, berries (cranberries, strawberries, black currants).
Vitamin E Linseed, sunflower, corn, sesame oils, nuts (almonds, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts), asparagus, peas, buckwheat.
B vitamins Lean meats and offal, cabbage, spinach, greens, legumes, nuts, milk products.
Zinc Wheat bran, sunflower and sesame seeds, liver (chicken, beef, pork), tongue, egg yolks, ginger, nuts, legumes, mushrooms.
Selenium Dried fruits, beans, beans, peas, soybeans, nuts, cereals, feta cheese, lard, dried mushrooms, garlic.
Magnesium, iron, copper Beans, watermelon, figs, chocolate, parsley, celery, soybeans, buckwheat, lentils, red meats, liver.

Strong immunity is the key to human health, it provides protection from harmful factors, helps fight viruses and resist infection. Maintenance and strengthening of the body's defenses must be carried out regularly, especially during the period of exacerbation of seasonal diseases.

Well, here again - this nasty sneeze, and then a runny nose, cough and flu ... And where does it all come from ?! Weakened immunity - this is the gap that all sorts of sores use to get into our body and live happily ever after. Having strengthened the immune system, you can live more comfortably and calmly, because he is your most reliable bodyguard!

Let's find out what weakens our immunity, and most importantly - what and how to do in order to increase the defenses of your body.

What weakens our protector?

The most main reason this is simple to the point of banality. This is the wrong way of life; smoking, drinking, lack of sleep, constant stress, unhealthy food. Sooner or later, this affects the immune system, which fails, which opens the way for bacteria and pathogenic viruses into the body.

But, by the way, please note that a small amount of pathogenic microbes will never harm the immune system. They will only help him stay in good shape. At their expense, something like vaccination and training of the body's defenses takes place. Therefore, the manic sterilization of children's things, nipples, toys, taking antibiotics for every sneeze is the right path to grow an allergic person who does not get out of illness. An untrained immune system is not able to resist aggressive external factors. With the following reason, unfortunately, we are not always able to do at least something. It's the effect on us environment. Do you breathe clean air, drink and eat clean water and chemical-free food? But we don’t care, but we don’t care, we are not afraid of autumn and winter! How to survive a dangerous time for health without a runny nose, cough and fever? Strengthening the immune system!

So, so that the autumn-winter-spring period is a joy:

1. Get enough sleep, do not forget to rest, eat right - these are the three most important principles. Nothing complicated, right? On the contrary, enjoy yourself! When we sleep, we release a hormone called melatonin. It helps to strengthen the protective reactions of our body. A rested and well-rested body manages its resources perfectly. Be sure to ventilate the room in which you sleep - both during the day and before bedtime.

Make sure that the food is moderately high-calorie, vitamin. An excellent choice is fresh fruits and vegetables (grapefruit, orange, lemon, kiwi, persimmon have proven themselves especially well; cabbage - white cabbage, including sauerkraut, broccoli, cauliflower - tomatoes, Bell pepper), all kinds of greens (especially parsley), cereals, lean fish. Tea with mountain ash or wild rose helps to strengthen the immune system (a tablespoon of dried berries per glass of boiling water). And, of course, in the season of colds, do not offend onions and garlic and often invite them to your table. It's great if you have been making fresh berries since the summer - for example, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, black currants.

2. Always dress according to the weather - so as not to freeze, and not to bathe. Both of these conditions are bad for the body.

3. Do you like to harden? Not? And you try! Some time will pass, and you will already get so into the taste that you will sincerely wonder how you lived without it. Take a contrast shower for 5-7 minutes a day. In the morning, he is very invigorating!

4. Walk outdoors more often. Yes, even in cold weather: it will wonderfully help to increase the defenses of your body. Do this at least 30-60 minutes a day. It is very good if you have the opportunity to take walks or jogs in nature.

5. Move, move and move again! Movement is life! When you are on the move, time runs faster and life becomes brighter, and how much you have time for! And most importantly - physical activity contributes to the production of immunoglobulins, or protective cells.

6. If necessary, you can turn to multivitamins that strengthen the immune system. But remember that it is better not to prescribe medicinal immunomodulators on your own. It will not take you long to consult a doctor, but in this case you will definitely not harm yourself. There are also tinctures from medicinal plants that increase immunity - for example, from echinacea or ginseng, but you should consult your doctor before taking them.

7. And of course, you can’t go through life without psycho-emotional stability. Be optimistic, pay more attention to relaxation and relieve emotional stress. A positive attitude helps to produce interferon, which makes it easier for the body to cope with infections.

After work, come home, turn on relaxing music, lie down on the sofa, stretch your arms along your torso, close your eyes, think about something pleasant. Watch your breathing - it should be even and deep. All accumulated fatigue will go away, you will feel strength and will not let stress weaken your immunity!