Selection. Biotechnology. They are artificial mutagens. Environmental issues


Selection- selection and creation of new varieties of plants, breeds of animals and strains of microorganisms with the properties necessary for a person.

Animal breeds, plant varieties, strains of microorganisms- these are sets of individuals created by man and possessing some valuable qualities for him. Theoretical basis breeding is genetics.

Basic selection methods


Selection is based on natural and artificial selection. Artificial selection is unconscious and methodical. Unconscious selection consists in retaining the best individuals for breeding and eating the worst without the conscious intention of breeding a superior breed or variety. Methodological selection is consciously aimed at breeding a new variety or breed with the desired qualities. In the process of selection, along with artificial selection, does not stop its action and natural selection, which increases the adaptability of organisms to conditions environment.

Comparative characteristics of natural and artificial selection
Indicators Natural selection artificial selection
Initial material for selection Individual signs of organisms
Selecting factor Environmental conditions (living and inanimate nature) Human
The Path of Favorable Change Remain, accumulate, be inherited Selected, become productive
The Path of Unfavorable Changes Destroyed in the struggle for existence Selected, discarded, destroyed
Direction of action Selection of traits, useful individuals, populations, species Selection of traits that are useful to a person
Selection result New species New plant varieties, animal breeds, strains of microorganisms
Selection Forms Driving, stabilizing, disruptive Mass, individual, unconscious (spontaneous), methodical (conscious)

Mass selection - isolation from the source material of a whole group of individuals with desirable traits and obtaining offspring from them.
Individual selection - selection of individual individuals with desirable traits and obtaining offspring from them.

Mass selection is more often used in plant breeding, and individual selection is used in animal breeding, which is associated with the peculiarities of plant and animal reproduction.


Selection cannot produce new genotypes. Hybridization is used to create new favorable combinations of traits (genotypes). There are intraspecific and interspecific (remote) hybridization.

Intraspecific hybridization - crossing individuals of the same species. Apply closely related crossing and crossing of unrelated individuals.

Inbreeding(inbreeding)(for example, self-pollination in plants) leads to an increase in homozygosity, which, on the one hand, contributes to the consolidation of hereditary properties, but on the other hand, leads to a decrease in viability, productivity and degeneration. Crossing unrelated individuals (outbreeding) allows you to get heterotic hybrids. If you first breed homozygous lines, fixing the desired traits, and then cross-pollinate between different self-pollinating lines, then in some cases high-yielding hybrids will appear. The phenomenon of increased yield and viability in hybrids of the first generation obtained by crossing parents of pure lines is called heterosis . The main reason for the effect of heterosis is the absence of the manifestation of harmful recessive alleles in the heterozygous state. However, already from the second generation, the effect of heterosis rapidly decreases.

Interspecific (distant) hybridization - crossbreeding of different species.

It is used to obtain hybrids that combine the valuable properties of parental forms (triticale - a hybrid of wheat and rye, a mule - a hybrid of a mare and a donkey, a hinny - a hybrid of a horse and a donkey). Distant hybrids are usually sterile, because the chromosomes of the parental species differ so much that the conjugation process is impossible, as a result of which meiosis is disrupted. It is possible to overcome infertility in distant plant hybrids with the help of polyploidy. Restoring fertility in animal hybrids is a more difficult task, since obtaining polyploids in animals is impossible.


polyploidy- increase in the number of chromosome sets.

Polyploidy avoids the infertility of interspecific hybrids. In addition, many polyploid crop varieties (wheat, potatoes) have higher yields than related diploid species. The phenomenon of polyploidy is based on three reasons: doubling of chromosomes in non-dividing cells, fusion of somatic cells or their nuclei, disruption of the meiosis process with the formation of gametes with an unreduced (double) set of chromosomes. Polyploidy is artificially induced by treating plant seeds or seedlings with colchicine. Colchicine destroys the spindle fibers and prevents homologous chromosomes from separating during meiosis.

induced mutagenesis

Under natural conditions, the frequency of mutations is relatively low. Therefore, the selection uses induced (artificially induced) mutagenesis- impact on the body under experimental conditions by any mutagenic factor for the occurrence of a mutation in order to study the effect of the factor on a living organism or obtain a new trait. Mutations are undirected, so the breeder himself selects organisms with new useful properties.

Cellular and genetic engineering

Biotechnology - methods and techniques for obtaining products and phenomena useful for humans with the help of living organisms (bacteria, yeast, etc.). Biotechnology opens up new possibilities for breeding. Its main areas are: microbiological synthesis, genetic and cell engineering.
Microbiological synthesis - the use of microorganisms to obtain proteins, enzymes, organic acids, medicines and other substances. Through selective breeding, it was possible to breed microorganisms that produce necessary to a person substances in quantities tens, hundreds and thousands of times greater than the needs of the microorganisms themselves. With the help of microorganisms, lysine is obtained (an amino acid that is not formed in the body of animals; it is added to plant foods), organic acids (acetic, citric, lactic, etc.), vitamins, antibiotics, etc.
Cell engineering - growing cells outside the body on special nutrient media, where they grow and multiply, forming a tissue culture. An organism cannot be grown from animal cells, but plant cells can. This is how valuable plant varieties are obtained and propagated. Cellular engineering allows hybridization (fusion) of both germ and somatic cells. Hybridization of germ cells allows fertilization "in vitro" and implantation of a fertilized egg in the mother's body. Hybridization of somatic cells makes it possible to create new plant varieties that have useful traits and are resistant to adverse environmental factors.
Genetic Engineering - artificial rearrangement of the genome. Allows the genes of another species to be inserted into the genome of an organism of one species. So, by introducing the corresponding human gene into the genotype of Escherichia coli, the hormone insulin is obtained. At present, humanity has entered the era of constructing cell genotypes.

Breeding of plants, animals and microorganisms

plant breeding It is very important for the breeder to know the properties of the source material used in the selection. In this regard, two achievements of the domestic breeder N. I. Vavilov are very important: the law of homological series in hereditary variability and the doctrine of the centers of origin of cultivated plants.
The law of homologous series in hereditary variability: species and genera that are genetically close (related to each other by a unity of origin) are characterized by similar series in hereditary variability. So, for example, soft and durum wheat and barley have awned, short-awned and awnless ears. Knowing the hereditary changes in one species, one can foresee the discovery of similar changes in related species and genera, which is used in selection. The closer the species and genera are to each other, the greater the similarity in the variability of their characters. N. I. Vavilov formulated the law in relation to plants, and later confirmed it for animals and microorganisms.
In plant breeding, the most widely used methods such as mass selection, intraspecific hybridization, distant hybridization, polyploidy.
A great contribution to the selection of fruit plants was made by the domestic breeder I. V. Michurin. Based on the methods of intervarietal and interspecific hybridization, selection and exposure to environmental conditions, he created many varieties fruit crops. Thanks to his work, many southern varieties of fruit crops were distributed in the middle zone of our country.
Many varieties of cultivated plants are polyploid. Such are some varieties of wheat, rye, clover, potatoes, beets, etc. The combination of distant hybridization with the subsequent production of polyploid forms made it possible to overcome the infertility of distant hybrids. As a result of many years of work by N.V. Tsitsin and his colleagues, hybrids of wheatgrass and wheat, wheat and rye (triticale) were obtained.
The most important achievements of plant breeding include the creation of a large number of highly productive varieties of agricultural plants.

Animal breeding

Like cultivated plants, domestic animals have wild ancestors. The process of turning wild animals into domestic animals is called domestication (domestication). Almost all domestic animals belong to the higher vertebrates - birds and mammals.
In animal breeding, the most widely used methods are individual selection, intraspecific hybridization (related and unrelated crossing) and remote (interspecific) hybridization.
The use of individual selection is associated with the sexual reproduction of animals, when it is difficult to obtain many offspring at once. In this regard, it is important for the breeder to determine the hereditary traits of males that do not appear directly in them (milk fat, egg production). Therefore, the assessment of animals can be carried out according to their pedigree and the quality of their offspring. It is also of certain importance to take into account the exterior, that is, the totality of the external signs of the animal. The selection of producers in animal husbandry is especially relevant in connection with the current use of artificial insemination, which makes it possible to obtain a significant number of offspring from one organism. Inbreeding leads to homozygosity and is most often accompanied by a decrease in the resistance of animals to adverse environmental factors, a decrease in fertility, etc. To eliminate adverse consequences, unrelated crossing of different lines and breeds is used. On the basis of cross-breeding, highly productive farm animals were created (in particular, M.F. Ivanov created the highly productive White Ukrainian pig breed, the Ascanian Rambouillet sheep breed). Unrelated crossing is accompanied by heterosis, the essence of which is that first-generation hybrids have increased viability and enhanced development. An example of the effective use of heterosis is the breeding of hybrid chickens (broiler production).
Remote (interspecific) hybridization of animals leads to infertility of hybrids. But due to the manifestation of heterosis, it is widely used by man. Among the achievements in distant hybridization of animals, one should note the mule - a hybrid of a mare with a donkey, bester - a hybrid of beluga and sterlet, a productive hybrid of carp and crucian carp, hybrids of cattle with yaks and zebu, distant hybrids of pigs, etc.

Selection of microorganisms

Microorganisms include prokaryotes - bacteria, blue-green algae; eukaryotes - fungi, microscopic algae, protozoa.
In the selection of microorganisms, the most widely used induced mutagenesis and subsequent selection of groups of genetically identical cells (clones), methods of cell and genetic engineering.
The activity of microorganisms is used in industry, agriculture, medicine. The enzymatic activity of microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) is used in the production of dairy products, baking, winemaking, etc. With the help of microorganisms, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, alcohols, polysaccharides, antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, interferon, etc. are obtained.
Bacterial strains capable of destroying petroleum products have been developed, which will allow them to be used to clean the environment. Work is underway to transfer the genetic material of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms into the genome of soil bacteria that do not possess these genes, as well as directly into the plant genome. This will eliminate the need to produce huge amounts of nitrogen fertilizers.

Related quiz:

Option 4.

1. Scientific and practical human activities to improve old and breed new varieties and strains of microorganisms.

a) genetics; b) evolution; c) selection.

a) reduced viability and productivity;

b) increase in resilience and productivity;

c) increase in fertility.

a) yes; b) no; c) sometimes.

a) breed; b) grade; c) strain.

a) biotechnology; b) genetic engineering; c) cloning

A. plant breeding

B. in agriculture

B. selection of bacteria

D. mushroom selection

D. in the food industry

E. in light industry

Finish the phrases:

1. The main driving force in the formation of new animal breeds and plant varieties adapted to human interests is .......

Related quiz: "Fundamentals of breeding and biotechnology".

Level 1-2 test. Control type: current. Run time: 15 min. Evaluation criteria: "5" - 14 points.

"4" - 13 points. "3" - 10-12 points.

Option number 1.

Complete the tasks with the choice of one correct answer.

    What methods of reproduction are characteristic of animals?

a) sexual, b) asexual, c) vegetative.

    What are the methods of reproduction for plants?

a) sexual, b) asexual, c) vegetative. d) all answers are correct

    What forms of artificial selection are usedin,animal breeding?

a) mass, b) individual.

    What kind of crossbreeding causes inbreeding depression?

a) closely related, b) unrelated.

    What is the purpose of inbreeding?

a) increase in vitality, b) increase in the dominance of the trait, c) obtaining a clean line.

    What is heterosis?

a) increasing the productivity of the hybrid, b) increasing the fertility of the hybrid,

c) obtaining a new breed or variety.

    How do heterotic hybrids reproduce in plants?

    How do heterotic hybrids reproduce in animals?

a) vegetatively, b) sexually, c) do not reproduce.

    What organisms are polyploidy?

a) plants, b) animals, c) people.

    Is the mentor method used in animal breeding?

a) yes, b) no.

A. polyploidy

B. heterosis

B. distant hybridization

G. mutagenesis

D. mass selection

E. individual selection

Finish the phrases:

Related quiz: "Fundamentals of breeding and biotechnology".

Level 1-2 test. Control type: current. Run time: 15 min. Evaluation criteria: "5" - 14 points.

"4" - 13 points. "3" - 10-12 points.

Option number 2

Complete the tasks with the choice of one correct answer.

    The birthplace of many tuberous plants, including potatoes, is the center ...

a) South Asian c) South American tropical.

b) Mediterranean. d) Central American.

    The use of biotechnology methods in breeding allows ...

a) Accelerate the propagation of a new variety. b) Create a hybrid of plant and animal.

c) Accelerate the reproduction of new breeds. d) Identify hereditary diseases in humans.

    The method of isolating individual individuals among crops and obtaining offspring from them is called ...

a) mass selection. b) Interlinear hybridization.

c) Distant hybridization. d) Individual selection.

    In breeding work with microorganisms, ...

a) Inbreeding. b) Methods for obtaining heterosis.

c) distant hybridization. d) Experimental obtaining of mutations.

    About 90 species of cultivated plants, including corn,

come from the center...

a) East Asian. in). Central American.

b) South Asian d) Tropical Abyssinian.

    Infertility of interspecific plant hybrids is possible

overcome with...

a). Heterosis. c) Individual selection.

b) Mass selection. d) Polyploidy.

    In breeding work with plants do not use ...

a) distant hybridization. b) Mass selection. c) Progeny testing. d) Individual selection.

    In breeding work with animals do not use ...

a) Inbreeding. b) polyploidy. c) Interline hybridization. d) unrelated crossing.

    Artificial transfer of the necessary genes from one type of living organisms to another, often distanthisorigin, refers to methods...

a) cell engineering. b) Chromosomal engineering. c) Remote hybridization. d) genetic engineering.

    The first step in animal breeding is….

a) Unconscious selection. b) Hybridization. c) domestication. d) Methodical selection.

A. genes are inserted

B. groups of genes are inserted

B. cells are grown

G. fabrics are grown

D. genes are transferred

Finish the phrases:

1. The science of breeding new groups of living organisms…….

Related quiz: "Fundamentals of breeding and biotechnology".

Level 1-2 test. Control type: current. Run time: 15 min. Evaluation criteria: "5" - 14 points.

"4" - 13 points. "3" - 10-12 points.

Option number 3

Complete the tasks with the choice of one correct answer.

1. Choose the most precise definition the concept of "selection" as a science:

a) selection - selection of the most valuable varieties of plants and animal breeds for humans;

b) selection - a kind of practical activity of people associated with the breeding of new varieties of plants and animal breeds;

c) selection is the science of cultivars of plants and animal breeds;

d) selection is a part of genetics that studies animal breeds and plant varieties.

2. The main factor in the domestication of plants and animals is:

a) artificial selection b) natural selection

c) domestication d) unconscious selection

3. The law of homologous series of hereditary variability has been created:

a) N.I. Vavilov b) T. Morgan c) I.V. Michurin d) S.S. Chetverikov

4. Knowledge of the law of homologous series of hereditary variability allows:

a) develop methods for obtaining new mutations;

b) predict the appearance of certain mutations in closely related species and genera;

c) predict the places where new forms of plants or animals will appear;

d) create favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants.

5. The main criterion for establishing relationship between species is:

a) external similarity b) genetic similarity

c) common centers of origin d) common distribution area

6. The practical significance of the teachings of N.I. Vavilov lies in the fact that his teachings allowed:

a) develop methods for artificially obtaining mutations;

b) purposefully breed new species of animals;

c) domesticate new animal species;

d) do all of the above

7. Currently, in breeding for breeding new breeds and varieties, the following is used:

a) natural selection; b) unconscious artificial selection;

c) conscious artificial selection; d) all forms of selection

8. The positive effects of inbreeding include:

a) the appearance in the offspring of various genotypes;

b) obtaining a variety of genotypes;

c) increasing the homozygosity of individuals with useful properties;

d) obtaining the effect of heterosis in the first generation.

9. In crop production, a clean line is:

a) offspring obtained as a result of cross-pollination;

b) offspring of one self-pollinating individual;

c) heterotic offspring; d) heterozygous offspring.

10. One of the effects that accompany obtaining clean lines is:

a) increase the fertility of offspring; b) infertility of offspring;

c) decrease in viability; d) increase the vitality of the organism.

IN 1. Choose 3 correct statements. These breeding methods are used by plant breeders in plant breeding.

A. polyploidy

B. heterosis

B. distant hybridization

G. mutagenesis

D. mass selection

E. individual selection

Finish the phrases:

Related quiz: "Fundamentals of breeding and biotechnology".

Level 1-2 test. Control type: current. Run time: 15 min. Evaluation criteria: "5" - 14 points.

"4" - 13 points. "3" - 10-12 points.

Option number 5

Complete the tasks with the choice of one correct answer.

1. The type of reproduction leading to an increase in the heterozygosity of the population is:

a) cross pollination b) self-pollination;

c) vegetative reproduction; d) parthenogenesis.

2. In seed production, a large number of self-pollinating lines are created so that already in the first generation:

a) increase the viability of plants; b) get a variety of initial forms for further work; c) increase the heterozygosity of offspring; d) overcome the phenomenon of heterosis.

3. The phenomenon of heterosis fades in subsequent generations because it increases:

a) heterozygosity of offspring; b) homozygous offspring; c) polyploidity of offspring; d) mutation process.

4. The advantage of polyploid forms is that they:

a) homozygous for most of the required traits; b) more resistant to the influence of the external environment; c) the most convenient in breeding work; d) are clean lines.

5. Triticale is a hybrid:

a) rye and barley; b) wheat and oats; c) rye and wheat; d) rye, wheat, oats.

6. The reason for the infertility of offspring obtained by distant hybridization is:

a) the absence of chromosome conjugation in hybrids in meiosis; b) violations of meiosis;

c) haploidy of the zygote from which hybrids develop; d) all of the above reasons.

7. When breeding a new breed of animals, the main method of control should be:

a) progeny test method; b) distant hybridization; c) inbreeding (inbreeding)

8. Artificial mutagens include:

a) x-rays b) antibiotics; c) antibodies d) hormones.

9. An example of artificial mutagenesis is:

a) increasing the milk yield of cows while improving the conditions of detention;

b) breeding a new variety of gladioli by crossing different lines;

c) the emergence of polyploid forms of potatoes under the influence of colchicine;

d) the emergence of heterozygous forms from crossing pure maize lines.

10. Polyploidy is a mutation:

a) genomic b) chromosomal; c) gene recessive; d) gene dominant.

IN 1. Choose 3 correct statements for the question. What does biotechnology do and where is it applied?

A. plant breeding

B. in agriculture

B. selection of bacteria

D. mushroom selection

D. in the food industry

E. in light industry

Finish the phrases:

1. An artificially created by man set of individuals of animals of the same species, characterized by certain hereditary features - .......

Related quiz: "Fundamentals of breeding and biotechnology".

Level 1-2 test. Control type: current. Run time: 15 min. Evaluation criteria: "5" - 14 points.

"4" - 13 points. "3" - 10-12 points.

Option number 6

Complete the tasks with the choice of one correct answer.

1. An essential feature of artificial selection is:

a) focus on the benefit of the population;

b) the action of selection from the moment of birth;

c) selection of any vital signs;

d) the emergence of a new breed or variety.

2. What form of artificial selection is used in animal breeding?

a) mass; b) individual.

3. What hybridization causes inbreeding depression?

a) closely related; b) not related.

4. What is inbreeding for?

a) obtaining heterotic hybrids; b) obtaining clean lines;

c) strengthening the dominance of the trait.

5. What is the effect of heterosis?

a) reduced viability and productivity; b) increase in resilience and productivity; c) increase in fertility.

6. Does the effect of heterosis persist with further reproduction of hybrids?

a) yes; b) no; c) sometimes.

7. What organisms have polyploidy?

a) plants; b) animals; c) microbes.

8. A set of cultivated plants of the same species, artificially created by man and characterized by hereditarily stable features of the structure and productivity.

a) breed; b) grade; c) strain.

9. Use of living organisms and biological processes in production.

a) biotechnology; b) genetic engineering; c) cloning.

10. Changing the genotype by inserting the gene of one organism into the genome of another organism.

a) biotechnology; b) genetic engineering; c) cloning.

IN 1. Choose 3 correct statements. What is genetic engineering characterized by?

A. genes are inserted

B. groups of genes are inserted

B. cells are grown

G. fabrics are grown

D. genes are transferred

E. cell cultures are grown

Finish the phrases:

1. The phenomenon in which there is a multiple increase in the number of chromosomes in the genome is called ......

Related quiz: "Fundamentals of breeding and biotechnology".

Level 1-2 test. Control type: current. Run time: 15 min. Evaluation criteria: "5" - 14 points.

"4" - 13 points. "3" - 10-12 points.

Option number 7

Complete the tasks with the choice of one correct answer.

1. The center of origin of cultivated plants N. I. Vavilov considered areas where:

a) the greatest genetic diversity was found for this plant species b) the highest density of growth of this species was found c) this plant species was grown by humans for the first time d) none of the answers is correct

2. Closely related crossing is used for the purpose of:

a) increase in the homozygosity of the trait b) increase in vitality c) obtaining polyploid organisms d) none of the answers is correct

3. Self-fertilization in cultivated plants in a number of generations leads to:

a) increase productivity b) decrease productivity c) increase variability

d) decrease in variability

4. The mentor method in plant breeding is used to:

a) hardening b) acclimatization c) strengthening the dominance of the trait d) all answers are correct

5. Carriers of "foreign" genes in genetic engineering are:

a) viruses b) plasmids c) bacteria d) all answers are correct

6. The doctrine of the centers of diversity and origin of cultivated plants was developed by

a) C. Darwin b) G. Mendel c) N. I. Vavilov d) I. V. Michurin

7. In plant breeding, self-pollination is mainly used for

a) translation of genes into a homozygous state in hybrids b) increase in viability in hybrids c) translation of genes into a heterozygous state in hybrids d) emergence of new hereditary traits in hybrids

8. In plant breeding, the infertility of interspecific hybrids is overcome by

a) self-pollination b) polyploidy c) distant hybridization d) interline hybridization

9. Polyploidy is actively used in breeding:

a) plants b) animals c) bacteria d) viruses

10. In the selection of microorganisms to obtain highly productive races of bacteria and fungi, they are mainly used

a) inbreeding b) artificial mutagenesis and selection c) selection and distant hybridization d) selection and interline hybridization

IN 1. Choose 3 correct statements. These breeding methods are used by plant breeders in plant breeding.

A. polyploidy

B. heterosis

B. distant hybridization

G. mutagenesis

D. mass selection

E. individual selection

Finish the phrases:

1. An artificially created by man set of individuals of animals of the same species, characterized by certain hereditary features - .......

Related quiz: "Fundamentals of breeding and biotechnology".

Level 1-2 test. Control type: current. Run time: 15 min. Evaluation criteria: "5" - 14 points.

"4" - 13 points. "3" - 10-12 points.

Option number 8

Complete the tasks with the choice of one correct answer.

1. In plant breeding, many highly productive varieties of fruit trees and shrubs have been bred

a) V.N. Craft b) N.I. Vavilov c) I.V. Michurin d) P.P. Lukyanenko

2. In animal breeding, distant hybridization is mainly used for

a) obtaining fertile interspecific hybrids b) overcoming infertility in interspecific hybrids c) increasing fertility in existing breeds d) obtaining the effect of heterosis in infertile hybrids

3. Center of origin of coffee:

a) Mediterranean; b) Ethiopian (African); c) Central American;

d) South American (Andean).

4. The birthplace of grapes, olive trees, flax is located in:

a) Western Asia; b) Central Asia; c) the Mediterranean; d) Africa.

5. European-Siberian origin has:

a) wheat b) tomato; c) tobacco; d) gooseberry.

6. A hybrid of wheat with rye - triticale was obtained by the method:

a) inbreeding; b) artificial mutagenesis;

c) distant hybridization; d) inter-varietal crossing.

7. A homogeneous group of animals with hereditarily fixed, economically significant features is called:

a) variety; b) view; c) strain; d) breed.

8. Biotechnology based:

a) on changes in the genetic apparatus of cells b) the effect of a mutagen on cells

c) creation of artificial cell models d) cell cloning

9. Closely related crossing of animals can be attributed to:

a) mass selection b) individual selection c) polyploidy d) artificial mutagenesis

10. Great breeder I.V. Michurin was engaged in the derivation of:

a) breeds b) varieties c) mushrooms d) stamps

IN 1. Choose 3 correct statements. What is genetic engineering characterized by?

A. genes are inserted

B. groups of genes are inserted

B. cells are grown

G. fabrics are grown

D. genes are transferred

E. cell cultures are grown

Finish the phrases:

C 1. Man-controlled process of mutations, successfully used in plant and microorganism breeding ……

Related quiz:"Fundamentals of breeding and biotechnology".

Level 1-2 test. Control type: current. Run time: 15 min. Evaluation criteria: "5" - 14 points.

"4" - 13 points. "3" - 10-12 points.

Option number 9

Complete the tasks with the choice of one correct answer.

1. The main selection methods are:

a) Artificial mutagenesis and selection b) Hybridization and artificial mutagenesis

c) Selection and hybridization d) Artificial selection and mutagenesis

2. The centers of origin of cultivated plants, closely associated with areas of animal domestication, are called:

a) Mystification centers b) Disification centers c) Domestication centers

d) Domestication centers

3. An example of genomic variability is:

a) Albinism b) Color blindness c) Sickle cell anemia d) Polyploid form of potato

4. A breed or variety (clean line) is a population of organisms artificially created by man, which is characterized by:

a) Special gene pool, morphological, physiological characteristics, reaction rate b) A certain amount, phenotype, adaptation to environmental conditions

c) A certain level of variability, a reaction rate, special morphological characteristics d) A certain cycle of variability and a set of morphological features

5. For the first time, experiments to overcome the infertility of interspecific hybrids were successful:

a) N.I. Vavilov b) G.D. Karpechenko c) N.V. Tsitsin d) I.V. Michurin

6. As a result of polyploidy:

a) A pure line is preserved b) The viability of hybrids is inhibited c) Fertility in interspecific hybrids disappears d) Fertility appears in interspecific hybrids

7. Inbreeding in breeding is used for:

a) Strengthening hybrid properties b) Breeding pure lines c) Increasing the fecundity of offspring d) Increasing the heterozygosity of organisms

8. According to the law of homological series N.I. Vavilov, genetically related genera and species:

a) Are characterized by a similar phenotype b) Require similar living conditions

c) Are characterized by similar series of hereditary variability d) Do not interbreed with each other

9.Inbreeding increases:

a) Heterozygosity of the population b) Frequency of dominant mutations

c) Homozygosity of the population d) Frequency of recessive mutations

10. Methods for introducing certain genes into a bacterial cell to obtain a programmed protein are called:

a) Biotechnology b) Genetic engineering c) Gene technology d) Bioengineering

IN 1. Choose 3 correct statements. Microorganisms are used in industrial production:

a) vitamins.

c) mineral salts.

d) kefir.

d) drugs.

f) Hormones

Finish the phrases:

C 1. The process of creating hybrids as a result of combining the genetic material of germ cells in one cell - ……………………………..

Key answers to tests on "Fundamentals of selection and biotechnology".

job number

Option number 1

Option number 2

Option number 3

Option number 4

Option number 5

Option number 6

Option number 7

Option number 8

Option number 9



artificial selection




Plant breeding: mass selection, obtaining polyploids, artificial mutagenesis; animal breeding: selection for exterior, testing of parents by offspring.

Answer: 12112.

Establish a correspondence between methods and types of selection: for this, for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Plant breeding:

A) The mentor method is a method of directed development ("education") of young hybrid plants when they are grafted onto another variety, developed by I. V. Michurin.

C) Mass selection in breeding new varieties of plants involves the pollination of a large number of plants at once. Most often, this method is used when breeding new varieties of rye, corn, sunflower, wheat.

D) Obtaining polyploids. Man has long used polyploidy (a multiple increase in the number of chromosomes) to breed highly productive varieties of agricultural plants.

Animal selection:

B) Testing of producers by offspring. In the selection of domestic animals, it is very important to determine the hereditary qualities of males according to traits that do not appear directly in males, such as milkiness, milk fat content in bulls, or egg production in poultry. To determine this, the method of determining the quality of producers by offspring is used. First, relatively small offspring are obtained from producers and the productivity of this offspring is compared with mothers and with the average productivity of the breed. If the productivity of daughters is increased, then this indicates a greater value of the manufacturer, which should be widely used to further improve the breed.

The progeny test method is widely used in animal breeding work.

D) Appraisal according to the exterior. The exterior is called the external forms of animals. When evaluating the exterior, both the general constitution of the animal, its harmony and correspondence with the development of individual parts, and the development of individual parts are taken into account.

Answer: 21212.

Answer: 21212

1) getting heterotic offspring

2) artificial selection

3) testing of producers by offspring

4) inbreeding


A method that is used in animal breeding and not used in plant breeding is progeny testing.

1, 2 and 4 is used in breeding and plants and animals.


The main methods for the analysis of hereditary economically valuable traits in breeding animals are the analysis of the exterior and the evaluation of the offspring. Since the selection of sires is in a certain sense a decisive factor, in order to avoid mistakes, breeders often use a kind of "shooting" preliminary experiment, the essence of which is to evaluate sires by offspring, which is especially important when evaluating traits that do not appear in males. For evaluation, male sires are crossed with several females, productivity and other qualities of the offspring are determined. To assess the quality of heredity, for example, sires for milk fat, roosters for egg production, etc., the signs of the offspring obtained are compared with the average breed and maternal signs.

Answer: 3

Section: Fundamentals of selection and biotechnology

Source: Unified State Examination in Biology 06/12/2013. Second wave. Option 1.

In the fruits of some plant varieties (oranges, tangerines) there are no seeds. What classical breeding methods are used to obtain such varieties and how do these plants reproduce?


1) Classical breeding methods - to obtain plant varieties without seeds, artificial mutagenesis is used with subsequent hybridization of plants.

2) Seedless varieties reproduce vegetatively.


In the second paragraph, you can add: These varieties retain their properties if they are reproduced vegetatively, for example, by grafting buds (cuttings) treated with mutagens into the crown of non-mutant plants; in this way, for example, seedless oranges are propagated.


Independent of traditional (classical) breeding methods, obtaining new forms and varieties of seedless plants: cell selection using callus tissue, somatic hybridization (fusion of isolated protoplasts and obtaining asexual hybrids), the use of genetic engineering methods.

These methods will not be counted when checking, because. conditionally asked to specify the classical methods.

Source: USE - 2017. Early wave

1) creation of new breeds and varieties

2) preservation of the genotype of the species

3) obtaining new species

4) changes in the phenotype of individuals


In breeding, when creating new animal breeds and plant varieties, two main types of artificial selection are used: mass and individual.

Mass selection is the selection of a group of individuals that are similar in one or a set of desired traits, without checking their genotype. Mass selection - is carried out according to the phenotype (according to the exterior). With the same phenotype, organisms can have a different genotype, so varieties (breeds) are unstable, selection has to be repeated

With individual selection (by genotype), the offspring of each individual plant in a number of generations is obtained and evaluated with mandatory control of the inheritance of traits of interest to the breeder. As a result of individual selection, the number of homozygotes increases, i.e., the resulting generation becomes genetically homogeneous. Individual selection - carried out according to the genotype, the result is the breeding of a pure line, that is, a resistant variety. It is used in self-pollinating plants, for example, in wheat, and is almost never used in animal breeding.

Answer: 1

Answer: 1

Source: Unified State Examination in Biology 05/30/2013. main wave. Siberia. Option 5.

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

Man cannot breed new species. Only artificial populations: breed, variety, strain

To breed a pure line in plant breeding, scientists use

1) artificial mutagenesis

2) insect pollinated plants

3) self-pollinating plants

4) inter-varietal crossing


To breed a pure line in plant breeding, scientists use self-pollinating plants.

A pure line is a group of plants that are descendants of one homozygous self-pollinated individual. They have the highest degree of homozygosity and represent a very valuable source material for selection.

Nadezhda Cherabaeva (Ulyanovsk) 19.09.2015 12:51

What prevents the use of insect pollinated plants for breeding pure lines? What's the problem then? As it is not very correct. Is it possible under artificial conditions?

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

Scientists may or may not have problems.

And we answer according to the definition of the term: “A pure line is a group of plants that are descendants of one homozygous self-pollinated individual »

Methods for breeding new animal breeds are being developed by science


Systematics classifies organisms, cytology is the science of the cell, genetics studies the heredity and variability of organisms, and breeding is engaged in breeding new breeds of animals.

Answer: 3

Answer: 3

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

And plant varieties, and strains of microorganisms and fungi

In breeding to obtain new polyploid plant varieties

1) individuals of two pure lines are crossed

2) cross parents with their offspring

3) multiply increase the set of chromosomes

4) increase the number of homozygous individuals


Polyploidy is a multiple increase in the number of chromosomes during meiosis. In plant breeding, such a mutation is artificially induced by destroying the division spindle during chromosome segregation.

Answer: 3

1) growing plants on fertilized soils

2) vegetative propagation using layering

3) crossing plants of different varieties and subsequent selection of offspring with valuable traits

4) growing plants on poor soils


In plant breeding, crossbreeding of plants of different varieties (remote hybridization) and artificial selection of desired traits are often used.

Answer: 3

1) bulk

2) individual

3) driving

4) stabilizing


Selection for economically valuable traits used in animal breeding is called individual selection. Purposeful obtaining of a certain exterior, increasing milk production, milk fat content, meat quality, etc. Breeding animals are evaluated not only by external signs, but also by the origin and quality of offspring.

Answer: 2

All but two of the following terms are used to describe plant breeding methods. Identify two terms that “fall out” from the general list, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) vaccination

2) vaccination

3) hybridization

4) polyploidy

5) hilling


Plant breeding methods include: 1) grafting (one plant onto another); 3) hybridization (crossing);

4) polyploidy (an increase in the set of chromosomes)

Two terms that “drop out” of the general list: 2) vaccination and 5) hilling

Answer: 25

Answer: 25


response elements.

1) Benefits: Inbreeding in breeding is a way to develop pure lines for the further preservation of a breed or variety.

Unrelated pure lines can be used to produce heterozygous hybrids with increased viability.

2) Disadvantages: recessive genes pass into the homozygous state, which reduces the viability of offspring and even leads to death

Inbreeding is inbreeding and nothing more than that.

Drawing clean lines is drawing clean lines and nothing more.

These are selection methods and nothing more.

But when pure lines are obtained, then the following selection method can be applied: hybridization - obtaining hybrids and nothing more.

Thank you for your attention.

Establish a correspondence between the methods and areas of science and production in which these methods are used: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



Biotechnology is the production of products and materials necessary for man with the help of living organisms, cultured cells and biological processes.

Selection: obtaining polyploids; progeny test; heterosis. Biotechnology: cell and tissue culture method; the use of yeast for the production of proteins and vitamins; recombinant plasmid method.

Answer: 122211.


Plasmids are small circular DNA molecules present in bacterial cells. They contain additional genetic information, are able to replicate autonomously, regardless of the DNA of the chromosomes; some plasmids have the ability to integrate into and out of the bacterial chromosome; some can move from one cell to another. In genetic engineering, the three types of plasmids F, P, and Col are most widely used. The method for creating recombinant plasmids was developed by P. Berg in 1972. They created a recombinant plasmid containing the E. coli galactose operon. Natural or synthesized genes can be included in the plasmid. After entering a bacterial cell, the recombinant plasmid can function and multiply autonomously, or be incorporated into the DNA of the bacterial chromosome. By this method, human genes were introduced into bacterial cells and strains of bacteria were created - superproducers of somatostatin, interferon, insulin, human growth hormones, bull, animal and human globin.

The development of biotechnology for the production of interferon is a complex process that requires strict regulation of actions at numerous stages. Consider obtaining interferon using recombinant DNA technology. A recombinant DNA molecule is obtained by inserting certain genes into DNA. With the help of enzyme restriction enzymes, sections of the original DNA are “cut” and the desired genes are isolated. Another enzyme, ligase, sews genes into new DNA. Microorganisms with recombinant DNA, when grown, produce the desired product.

First, a suspension of leukocyte cells isolated from the blood of donors and in culture is treated with a virus that has an inducing effect on the biosynthesis of interferon. In the future, mRNA is obtained from leukocytes, programming the biosynthesis of interferon. Even in leukocytes induced by the Sendai virus, mRNA contains no more than 0.1% (Smorodintsev A.A., 1985).

Using the enzyme reverse transcriptase (revertase), on a polynucleotide basis, mRNA synthesizes a single-stranded copy of DNA (cDNA) complementary to it. This stage is preceded by the synthesis of deoxyribonucleotide, a primer consisting of 32 mononucleotides, which, during hybridization, interacts with the corresponding complementary site of the mRNA isolated from leukocytes and subsequently acts as a starting point from which RNA-dependent synthesis of one of the DNA chains (cDNA) begins.

At the next stage, on the single-stranded cDNA separated from the DNA-RNA hybrid structure, the biosynthesis of the second complementary DNA strand is carried out. To ensure the complementarity of the sticky ends in synthesized DNA, linkers (adapters) are attached to them. They are chemically synthesized short stretches of DNA that have different sticky ends. Restriction endonuclease treatment of the ends of the cDNA as well as the selected vector plasmid. Which, as a result of enzymatic hydrolysis, is cleaved by a restriction enzyme with the formation of a linear DNA molecule with sticky ends, allows you to connect cDNA to a plasmid and, thanks to sticky ends and using DNA ligase, form a ring-shaped recombinant plasmid with synthesized cDNA, which contains the gene encoding the biosynthesis of a-interferon.

The recombinant plasmid must then be introduced into the bacterial cell. The next stage is the search for a bacterial cell containing the interferon gene. On such a basis as the ability to hybridize, bacteria are identified that contain recombinant plasmids with the gene encoding the synthesis of interferon included in them. These recombinant plasmids are isolated from bacteria and, with the help of restrictases, interferon genes are obtained. eukaryotic interferon gene bacterial cell encodes the synthesis of "raw" interferon, for the transformation of which mature interferon in eukaryotic cells does not have the necessary conditions. To overcome this obstacle, the eukaryotic gene is rearranged under in vitro conditions, removing with the appropriate restriction enzyme that part of the nucleotides that encode information that is not included in the functional interferon molecule. In this case, in the course of the restrictase reaction, “brute force” is obtained. At the same time, the triplet encoding the synthesis of the first amino acid in the interferon polypeptide chain is removed. This, as well as the preceding initiating biosynthesis of the polypeptide chain, codons are synthesized chemically and attached to the interferon gene. The gene created as a result of complex manipulations is transferred to a plasmid, where it is combined with a bacterial promoter, and then introduced into the bacterial host cell. In such a complex multi-stage way, the strain-producer E. coli was created. In 1 liter of a bacterial suspension containing about 1011 cells, the concentration of a-interferon reaches 5 mg, which is 5 thousand times more than the amount that can be obtained from 1 liter of donor blood.

Answer: 122211

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

What is the "method of recombinant plasmids" added in Note. And it refers to biotechnology, because. bacteria are used.

Alexey Vladimirovich Ivanov 27.08.2017 17:22

Column "E" is missing in the answer table.

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

Thank you. Fixed

All of the following terms and concepts, except for two, are used to describe the methods of selection of microorganisms. Identify two terms that “fall out” from the general list, and write down the numbers in the table, under

by which they are indicated.

2. selection according to the exterior

3. inbreeding

4. artificial mutagenesis

5. genetic engineering


Answer: 23

"Drop-down" from the general list

2. selection according to the exterior

3. inbreeding

To describe the methods of selection of microorganisms are used:

1. hybridization of different strains

4. artificial mutagenesis

5. genetic engineering

By means of selection, the races of microorganisms that most actively synthesize one or another product used by man are distinguished. Microorganisms are characterized by hereditary variability (mutations). By selecting mutations, the most active races and strains are created.

To obtain highly productive strains of microorganisms for recent times especially widely used is the method of experimental production of mutations by the action of X-rays and certain chemical compounds. In this way, it is possible to increase the hereditary variability of microorganisms by tens and hundreds of times, thereby facilitating and accelerating the process of selecting highly productive strains.

Establish a correspondence between the selection results and the method by which these results were achieved: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.



Radioactive mutagenesis: breeding wheat Novosibirskaya 67 after X-ray irradiation of seeds of the original variety; obtaining mutant yeast fungi by exposing the initial culture to radium. Hybridization (crossing): breeding of heterotic corn; getting clean pea lines; breeding wheat-rye hybrid Triticale. Chemical mutagenesis: treatment of plants with colchicine.

Answer: 223121.

Answer: 223121

Option 1.

A1. The science of breeding new plant varieties, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms:

a) cytology b) genetics c) selection d) microbiology

A2. Select the scientist who discovered the centers of origin of cultivated plants:

a) N. I. Vavilov b) G. D. Karpechenko. c) I. V. Michurin d) C. Darwin

A 3. What is the name of the phenomenon of "hybrid force"?

a) mutagenesis b) heterosis c) inbreeding d) outbreeding

A 4. What type of selection is used in the selection of cross-pollinated plants?

a) individual b) mass c) unconscious d) natural

A 5. Inbreeding is done for:

a) increasing viability b) obtaining heterozygous organisms

c) obtaining pure lines d) improving the properties of hybrids

A 6. Outbreeding is

a) mass selection of producers b) crossing individuals of different breeds

c) crossing of close relatives d) crossing of different species

A 7. A method based on the introduction of genes from one organism to another:

a) cell engineering b) genetic engineering c) cloning d) chromosome engineering

Part B. Choose three correct answers from six.

IN 1. Select the methods that chromosome engineering uses.

1) polyploidy methods

2) growing cell cultures on a nutrient medium

3) method of replaced lines

4) method of complemented lines

5) cloning

IN 2. Establish a correspondence between cultures and their centers of origin

Part C. Insert the missing words in the text:

A cabbage-rare hybrid was obtained by a scientist _____________. It turned out to be __________, since the chromosomes and radishes could not conjugate. The ability to form gametes was restored by the _________ method

Test on the topic "Fundamentals of selection".

Option 2.

Part A. Choose one correct answer from the 4 given.

A1. A group of plants artificially created by man with hereditarily fixed economic characteristics:

a) breed b) variety c) strain d) population

A 2. Choose a scientist who has overcome the infertility of distant hybrids.

a) N. I. Vavilov b) Ivanov c) I. V. Michurin d) G. D. Karpechenko.

A 3. Heterosis occurs when:

a) distant hybridization b) crossing different pure lines

c) splicing of different varieties d) artificial insemination

A 4. Infertility of interspecific hybrids is overcome with the help of:

a) heterosis b) inbreeding c) distant hybridization d) polyploidy

A 5. inbreeding -

a) Inbreeding b) Unrelated crossing

c) crossing different genera, species d) getting mutations

A 6. What type of selection is used in the selection of self-pollinated plants?

a) unconscious b) mass c) artificial d) individual

A 7. Cellular engineering is based on:

a) obtaining genetically modified organisms

b) growing cells on a nutrient medium

c) the introduction of the nuclei of somatic cells into the eggs

d) a multiple increase in the number of chromosomes

Part B. Choose three correct answers from those given.

IN 1. Select the methods used by I. V. Michurin.

1) selection method 3) artificial mutagenesis

2) mentor method 5) hybridization

4) polyploidy

B 2. Establish a correspondence between the methods and directions of selection:

Part C. Fill in the missing words in the text using the picture.


organisms in which the number of chromosomes is multiplied are called _________. This phenomenon can be obtained using vegetable poison __________. The resulting plants have ____________ viability.

Instructions for performing work.

You have 20 minutes to complete the work. The work consists of 3 parts, including 10 tasks.

Part A includes 7 tasks. Each question has 4 answers, one of which is correct.

Part B contains 2 multiple choice questions.

Part C contains 1 task with inserting the necessary words into the text.

For a correctly completed task of part A, 1 point is awarded.

The correct performance of the tasks of part B is evaluated by two points.

Tasks with a free detailed answer of part C are evaluated from zero to three points. For the correct complete answer containing all the necessary elements (3), the student receives 3 points. 2 points - 2 answers are correct, 1 balaa - 1 answer and 0 points - the reading was done incorrectly.

Criteria for evaluation:

Option 1 Grading System

Part A



Part B



Part C

C1. Paste the right words to text.

A cabbage-rare hybrid was obtained by a scientist _____________. It turned out to be __________, since the chromosomes and radishes could not conjugate. The ability to form gametes was restored by the _________ method

Part A

For each correct answer - 1 point. If two or more answers are given (including the correct one), an incorrect answer or no answer - 0 points.



Part B

For the correct performance of tasks B, 2 points are awarded. If the answer contains one mistake, then the student receives one point. For an incorrect answer or an answer containing 2 or more errors, 0 points are given.



Part C

C1. Insert the missing words into the text. O Organisms in which the number of chromosomes is multiplied are called _________. This phenomenon can be obtained using plant poison __________. The resulting plants have ____________ viability.

Sources used.

1. Biology. General biology. 10-11 grade. A basic level of. Sivoglazov V.I. et al. 2013.

2. Lesson plans. Biology. Grade 10. To the textbook Belyaev. Part 2. Teacher Publishing House, 2006.

3. Kirilenko A. A. Thematic tasks for preparing for the exam. Publisher: Legion, 2014

Biology [A complete guide to preparing for the exam] Lerner Georgy Isaakovich

3.8.1. Genetics and selection

3.8.1. Genetics and selection

Breeding is a science, a branch of practical activity aimed at creating new varieties of plants, animal breeds, strains of microorganisms with stable hereditary traits that are beneficial to humans. The theoretical basis of selection is genetics.

Selection tasks:

– qualitative improvement of the trait;

– increase in yield and productivity;

- increasing resistance to pests, diseases, climatic conditions.

selection methods. artificial selection - the preservation of organisms necessary for man and the elimination, culling of others that do not meet the goals of the breeder.

The breeder sets a task, selects parent pairs, selects offspring, conducts a series of closely related and distant crosses, then selects in each subsequent generation. Artificial selection happens individual and massive.

Hybridization - the process of obtaining new genetic combinations in offspring to enhance or a new combination of valuable parental traits.

Closely related hybridization (inbreeding) used to draw clean lines. The disadvantage is the oppression of viability.

distant hybridization shifts the reaction rate in the direction of strengthening the trait, the appearance of hybrid power (heterosis). The disadvantage is the non-crossability of the resulting hybrids.

Overcoming the sterility of interspecific hybrids. Polyploidy. G.D. Karpechenko in 1924 treated a sterile hybrid of cabbage and radish with colchicine. Colchicine caused nondisjunction of chromosomes of the hybrid during gametogenesis. The fusion of diploid gametes led to the production of a polyploid hybrid of cabbage and radish (kapredki). G. Karpechenko's experiment can be illustrated by the following scheme.

1. Before the action of colchicine

2. After the action of colchicine and artificial duplication of chromosomes:

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From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MO) of the author TSB

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From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (RA) of the author TSB

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From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

Accuracy and Selection The first step is a careful selection of what is really the case, and what you only think. What is the true reality perceived by our sense organs? As we have said, it is necessary to show, not tell. But only one