General training program for girls. Training program for girls. Supplements for Better Shape


Many girls want to be slim and beautiful. A well-designed training program for girls in gym works wonders and transforms the body. Literally in two or three months, you can tighten your muscles, lose fat, pump up your buttocks.

Training goals and program features

Girls come to the hall with different purposes. The training programs will depend on what the task is.

It can be presented in the form of a table, you can paint everything by day - as you like. The main thing is that you have everything written down.

This is very convenient, especially when you have taken a break and want to continue training again. A good memory is great, but after a month you will forget how many times and with what weight you did a particular exercise.

If a trainer is working with you, he should track the dynamics of your weights, the progress of results, changes in your body weight. If there is no coach, all this needs to be done by you.

And also you need to know the technique of the exercises that you will do. Understand what each exercise is for in order to perform it as well as possible. The most difficult thing is to find the optimal load.

Features of the first workouts, load dosing

The very first workout should be easy, otherwise you will lose the desire to continue to practice. Muscles that are not ready for stress can be injured. Especially in the case of training for women, this must be taken into account. Although their body is more enduring than that of men, it is more fragile.

In the first month, you need to carefully add weight, observing the condition of the girl. If training is easy for you, you don’t even sweat, it loses its meaning. If in the middle of a workout you find that you have no strength, the load is too much.

But if after a workout you go home completely exhausted - this is the right program! If the training program is aimed at keeping fit, you can not bring yourself to such fatigue.

Change of exercises

For achievement best result it is recommended to change the entire program once a month or partially replace the exercises. Muscles get used to loads, and then stop responding to them. If, of course, the load is removed completely, regression will begin. And with stable exercises, weights stop growing, muscles too. Something new is required.

You can also diversify the program in this way: once every 2 weeks, change one exercise to another. For example, today you did a leg press, and next time you do lunges with dumbbells. Alternate this several times, then change these exercises to plie squats, do it for a couple of weeks.

Muscles love variety!

The main controversy on the topic

Fear of pumping

A man's natural testosterone level is 15 to 20 times higher than a woman's. Nevertheless, even the guys do not always manage to swing normally. What to say about girls? Are you afraid that your biceps will become larger in volume than your boyfriend or husband? You should not worry, not the level of the hormone.

It is testosterone that activates anabolic processes in our body. It is he who is responsible for muscle growth (along with growth hormone, of course, from which absolutely everything in our body grows).

Conclusion - practice boldly, swing and do not be afraid of anything!

Barbell or dumbbells: do girls need it all

Since there is not enough testosterone in the girl’s body for pronounced muscle development, the question arises: is it worth it for the female to lift the barbell, do the base, try to pump up muscles, like in men?

Today you can meet girls who have more developed muscles than men. This result was obtained in an unnatural way. What can be achieved without doping: relief, a slight increase in volume, a good increase in strength and endurance.

And all these results will give you dumbbells and a barbell. Basic and additional exercises will help you become stronger. And calorie consumption and muscle tone in parallel with this will give you a beautiful body!

If you want a minimum percentage of fat, you will need to radically change your diet, count every calorie. At the same time, retaining the protein component. Otherwise, you will just lose weight.

How to eat if you go to the gym

The nutrition scheme is simple and determined by the goal of your training:

  • Weight gain - the ratio of BJU is on average 30, 20, 50%, respectively.
  • Weight loss - BJU 45, 35, 10%, respectively.
  • Weight maintenance - BJU 30, 30, 40%.

Do I need to drink gainers, proteins?

The organisms of a man and a woman differ slightly from each other, from the point of view that the regulation of physiological processes is carried out due to the same hormones, the opposite sex has nothing new and unique in biochemical terms.

Why not take sports supplements? Girls also need amino acids, vitamins, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids. They just need something to compensate for the loads received in training.

The right training program for girls can transform the female body beyond recognition, while at the same time, improper training in the gym can lead to injuries, overtraining, loss of motivation, zero result.

The bulk of the girls set themselves the goal of losing weight in the gym, however, after working out for a sufficiently long time, they do not get results, the extra kg, as they were in place, remained. This, in turn, imposes certain difficulties in understanding the basics correct workouts. Therefore, before moving on to practical exercises in the gym, let's take a closer look at the features of women's training.

Training for girls differs from men's training programs, due to the peculiarities of the female body. This is primarily due to low testosterone levels and menstruation.

Decreased testosterone levels

Low level testosterone in the female body, it does not allow girls to perform approaches as intensely and “hard” as men, which means that muscle failure in the approach during the exercise will come much earlier, therefore, the work in the gym will not be done as effectively, and of course, all this will be reflected in muscle growth in a negative direction. However, a significant accumulation of muscles in the thighs and buttocks, gives the girls, with the right training, to pump up elastic and beautiful buttocks.

Features of women's training

Due to the fact that nature is more profitable, it is much more to give the girl muscles in the lower part (hips and buttocks) than in the upper part (chest, neck, back, arms, shoulders), for the normal bearing of a child. Such a distribution by nature is effective for bearing a fetus, because the muscles themselves are very energy-consuming, that is, many kcal are required to maintain them, which is why the female body has much less muscles than the male body.


During menstruation, the load on the legs and abs decreases, or completely stops (according to well-being). In the first two weeks, after menstruation, the girl feels a surge of strength, during this period, load the buttocks with various exercises on the legs in the gym strongly, work at 100%, after 2 weeks, during ovulation, reduce the intensity of training, reduce the approaches in exercises and working weights, and then, the cycle repeats again.

Thus, with such training microcycles, you "catch up with two birds with one stone" - take care of your health and do not let yourself fall into overtraining from constant hard training.

And finally, the third important factor that a girl should pay attention to is a healthy and nutritious diet.

Menstruation while exercising

Balanced diet

3-4 weeks after menstruation female body, will try especially hard to accumulate nutrients, set aside fat for storage, so that the baby is born healthy. Therefore, during this period reduce your calorie intake Limit yourself in carbohydrates and fats.

Carbohydrates, in the form of glycogen, are stored in the muscles much faster in girls than in men. Therefore, excess carbohydrates will turn into fat faster in the female body. However, the rate of conversion of fat into energy will be faster than in men. Hence the conclusion, the more muscles, the more "fuel tanks" for carbohydrates will be in the body, which means that the likelihood of excess weight gain will be much less.

Reusable, fractional nutrition, balanced in its composition (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals), is the key to good health, and of course getting the desired result during training in the gym. At the beginning of the day, you mainly consume carbohydrates (complex), at the end of the day, proteins, the ratio is approximately the same (50-60% carbohydrates, 30-40% squirrels, 10-20% fats). Exclude, from your diet, fried, salted, fatty, as well as foods with preservatives and fast foods. For more information about the diet, read the corresponding section on nutrition.

A healthy, balanced diet is not something that is only temporarily present on your menu, it is a diet that should be with you throughout your sports and healthy lifestyle life.

Remember that only in combination, healthy nutrition, full recovery, and competent training will lead you to success in the gym.

Proper nutrition while exercising in the gym

Well, now that you are familiar with theoretical foundations female training, let's go directly to the training itself.

Training program for girls

There are only two main approaches to training in the gym. Some girls gain mass (weight), not particularly paying attention to the relief and dryness of the muscles, in which case they have one goal - to gain muscle mass as much as possible, so that later it can be “cut off”, dried, as a rule, this is achieved with the help of high-calorie nutrition, while other girls are simultaneously losing weight and gaining volume of dry muscle mass. Your task at this stage is to determine what type you are relative to, but as practice shows, the first case when a girl gains weight is among professional athletes who perform on the bikini fitness or female bodybuilding stages.

If you possess big enough excess fat mass, then you, at the initial stage, should not work with simulators and barbells at all, because the gym grows muscles, and does not burn fat.

That is, first you need to adjust your diet until you lose a lot of excess fat mass (how to lose weight, with the help of nutrition, read this), you can also connect, for more effective weight loss, various aerobic exercise(jump rope, running, jumping, treadmill, exercise bike and so on)

Scary, big and inflated girls in magazines can beat off a trip to the gym for many. Therefore, all women, remember that you cannot pump up big muscles without using hormonal drugs, maximum, you can tone your muscles, slightly give them shape and relief.

We present you a training plan (training program) for girls in the gym, which involves alternating hard and easy weeks of training.


Option number 1

Workout 1

  • Bicycle (exercise bike) - 5-10 minutes
  • - 2x max
  • (wide setting of the legs) - 4x8
  • – 4x10
  • , sitting - 4x15
  • - 4x12
  • - 4x12
  • – 4 x max
  • Muscle stretch

Workout 2

  • Orbirek (elliptical trainer) - 5-10 minutes
  • General warm-up
  • Push-ups from the floor with a wide grip - 2 x max
  • medium grip 3x8-10
  • on a horizontal bench - 4x12
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars in the gravitron - 3x12
  • - 3x12
  • for the press with a pancake from the bar - 3 x max
  • Muscle stretch

Workout 3

  • Bicycle - 5-10 minutes
  • General warm-up and knee warm-up: 5-10 minutes
  • – 2 x max
  • (deadlift on straight legs) - 4x10
  • Reverse lunges in the Smith machine - 4x10
  • - 4x12
  • – 4x10
  • (exercise of your choice) - 4x15
  • – 3 x max
  • Muscle stretch

Option number 2

Monday - legs

  • – 5 sets of 15-20 reps
  • – 4 sets of 20-25 reps
  • – 3 sets of 15 reps
  • (deadlift on straight legs)

Wednesday - back, shoulders and triceps

  • – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 3 sets of 20 reps
  • – 5 sets of 20 reps
  • lying down - 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 5 sets of max reps
  • Treadmill or bike - 20-30 minutes

Friday - legs and chest

  • - 5 sets of 15-20 reps
  • – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 5 sets of 15 reps
  • – 5 sets of max reps
  • Treadmill or bike - 20-30 minutes

Easy and hard training week for girls

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious!


A set of workouts for all muscle groups is the basis of the weight loss program in the gym for girls. If you strictly follow the recommendations, the exercises will help you cope with excess weight, make your figure slim and fit. Any woman will benefit from such a training set, carried out with her own weight or additional weights. Learn about the correct selection of the program, features and correct methodology performing exercises.

Training program for girls

Those who want to lose weight quickly will need a special exercise program. It contains recommendations on the correct load on muscle groups, working out problem areas and building an ideal body. Workouts for girls in one hour should be carried out over the entire body. Weight loss for women suggests that in addition to sports, attention should also be paid to the nutrition program. It is worth giving up fried, fatty and smoked, keep the water balance and introduce more protein into the diet.

How to make a workout plan for a girl

A well-constructed plan gives results in a month. It is worth remembering that the body is hard to tolerate changes - it adapts only when creating unusual, stressful external conditions. It is necessary to eliminate the main mistakes of athletes: too light load and insufficient effort in training. To form beautiful forms, you need to work hard and a lot, giving the body an increasing load.

The last repetitions of the exercises are especially difficult for girls due to short rest breaks. A good personal plan contains the following items:

  1. Determination of large muscle groups, the choice of a pair of target methods of study.
  2. Carrying out work with repetitions and complexes.
  3. Classes twice or thrice a week.
  4. The inclusion of exercises to work out the maximum number of muscle groups.

Training program for beginner girls

Particular attention deserves introductory classes on simulators for beginners. Beginners should choose a gradual increase in load. In the first week, spend two sessions, the second - three, and after a month - up to five. The body will get used to the load, the desire to play sports will not disappear, and this period will be enough for a prepared body for recovery rest. Due to the gradual increase in the load during training, the muscles will be evenly loaded, there will be no “skew” in the pumping of body parts - it will be evenly toned and beautiful.

A ready-made training program suggests rules for beginners that should be followed to make it easier to practice and get the desired result faster:

  • pay attention to the pulse, do not allow shortness of breath;
  • use the calculator on coaching websites to calculate the optimal weight to strive for;
  • high average heart rate gives intensive burning of fat reserves;
  • for a warm-up, choose running, an exercise bike, a jump rope;
  • Reduce your daily caloric intake by at least 400 kcal.

What type of workout to choose for weight loss

The trainer must choose the right type of training. The main types are cardio and strength training. The weight loss program in the gym for girls produces the maximum effect when combined with a strength technique with cardio approaches. You can also choose the right direction for losing weight like this: to maintain shape in the absence of a lot of excess weight, it is better to base on cardio training, in the presence of a solid overweight, exercises with weights are necessary.

Circuit training

Fat burning, weight loss and giving the body relief contributes to circular training. The approach of the program is as follows: completed one exercise, moved on to the next without rest and continued to perform until the end of the set. After a short rest, it is repeated the required number of times. The weight loss program aims to burn fat, has high level difficulty, designed for experienced athletes.

In the lesson, work is carried out on all muscle groups, hips and buttocks, which tend to accumulate fat faster than other parts of the body, are of particular interest. An approximate schedule for a weight loss system includes the following exercises (optional):

  • twisting at an angle;
  • lunges with weight;
  • extension, flexion of the legs;
  • push ups;
  • hand divorces with weight;
  • leg lift;
  • hyperextension;
  • barbell squats.

Fitness program

To maintain a figure in order, restore weight after childbirth, or if you want to lose weight, a fitness training program for girls is suitable. Simplicity and ease of direction in terms of loading, gives an advantage over gym. In the classroom, you can relax, enjoy stretching the muscles and maintain the condition of the figure. Fitness is not suitable if you want to lose a large amount of excess body weight - only intense exercise using heavy weights and fat burning activities will help here.

Fat Burning Complex

The most difficult is fat-burning training, which combines strength and cardio exercises. From strength training, preference should be given to multi-joint movements that help work on parallel muscle groups and burn calories. Self-study with individual weights form muscle relief, force the body to produce hormones that promote fat burning. The complex for weight loss consists of squats, lunges, thrust, push-ups and bench presses.

Cardio allows you to achieve enhanced fat burning. It is optimal to combine power loads with jogging, riding an exercise bike, exercising on an ellipsoid. Sample weekly fat loss plan:

  1. Leg press, Romanian deadlift, gravitron, dumbbell press, push-ups, plank.
  2. Running on the track, plank, burpee, punches on an imaginary pear.
  3. Deep wide steps, platform leg raises, Romanian deadlifts, kettlebell raises, upper pulldowns, leg raises.
  4. Relaxation.
  5. Plie squats, dumbbell lunges, hyperextension, leg curls, butterfly arms, glute bridge, crunches, calf raises.
  6. Slow cardio on the track.
  7. Relaxation.

Power loads

Muscle tone support, skin tightening and body elasticity are distinguished by a strength training program for girls. The complex actively develops muscles, burns a layer of fat even after the end of training. Strengthening the muscles of the body occurs from top to bottom - from pumping the arms and chest, dorsal muscles and abs, buttocks and thighs, ending with a load on the legs and shins.

To create muscle relief without increasing volume, work is carried out with a quick or average speed, with repetitions of each exercise 15 times. Between repetitions, it is allowed to rest for up to three minutes, and you need to repeat the approaches three times. The most effective force methods:

  • push-ups on the legs or knees;
  • divorce of hands with weights;
  • twisting;
  • squats;
  • lifting, leg extension;
  • lunges.

cardio training

The cardio training program for girls helps to develop endurance, train the heart muscle and lose excess weight. Exercises reduce the number of fat cells, remove the sides, make the body beautiful in the photo. To get the result, cardio training should last at least 30-40 minutes. The effect of cardio exercises is short-lived, calories are burned only with direct exercise. It is better to engage in simulators three times a week, using the following techniques:

  • classes on an exercise bike, ellipse;
  • jumping rope;
  • swimming.

Split workout

The best option after six months of classes will be a split workout. It includes work on two muscle groups. At one time they can train: calves with an oblique press, back with arms, chest and shoulders. You can start split-classes if you have free time, otherwise there will be no effect. The mood is also important - if you skip classes, then you won’t be able to catch up with the lost time, you will have to start all over again.

It is ideal to do every other day, do up to 15 repetitions of exercises in a couple of approaches. Losing weight will help achieve an increased number of repetitions while reducing the weight lifted. An example split workout schedule:

  1. Monday - legs, buttocks, abs are trained. Exercises – squats, lunges, Romanian deadlifts, leg presses and raises, crunches.
  2. Wednesday - spinal muscles. Body raises, block pulls, weight lifting, dumbbells to the waist, hyperextension.
  3. Friday - chest, triceps, shoulders. Push-ups, bench press and dilution of dumbbells, arm raises, extensions with weights.

Training on simulators

A special program of classes affects the most problematic areas. Special attention is given to the study of the press, buttocks and thighs. Due to the peculiarities of female physiology, a significant amount of fat and excess mass accumulate there, which is difficult to get rid of. Weight loss complexes for girls include: training with weight lifting (dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells), body weight, exercise equipment or auxiliary accessories (skipping ropes, step platforms).

Warm up

Warming up is important before exercise. It warms up the muscles and joints, adjusts the body to work, saturates the cells with oxygen. Warming up helps to avoid microtrauma after class. The warm-up program continues for up to 15 minutes - during it it is good to perform rotational joint movements, run, squat, push-ups and lean in different directions.

Similarly, a mandatory hitch is carried out - it stretches the muscles, makes them flexible and elastic, and does not contribute to the accumulation of heaviness. To end your workout, run a little, stretch. It is useful to just lie down on the mat, do a couple of yoga asanas, relax and normalize breathing. This is useful for all athletes, especially beginners.

Basic exercises

Building a beautiful body in the gym includes basic exercises for weight loss on simulators for girls. Classes are included in the mandatory daily program of implementation. You can choose from the following types:

  • squats, plie squats, on one leg;
  • wide deep steps with weights (can be complicated by connecting the steps with a chain);
  • lifting dumbbells;
  • pull-ups;
  • block thrust;
  • barbell push-ups;
  • deadlift, Romanian;
  • twisting;
  • dumbbell press;
  • hyperextension;
  • spreading arms to the sides with weight.

Exercises for problem areas

A complex for problem areas will help to lose accumulated fat on the buttocks, legs or abdomen. For a tangible result, it is worth combining training with proper nutrition- Calories consumed should be reduced. To choose exercises, you need to determine the type of body - if losing weight is difficult, then cardio at an average pace should be added to strength training. At quick reset weights can be dispensed with by force alone.

It is useful to conduct circular training - classes in supersets or trisets. Rapid weight loss can be achieved during training with a surge of energy to the muscles of problem areas, performing phases of tension in the last approaches. For efficiency, it is recommended to make a sequence of basic techniques and isolation (target).

leg workout

Basic and isolation exercises include leg training. A technique for creating beautiful slender legs and elastic buttocks is carried out three times weekly. Exercises should be changed every six months to enhance progress. The result appears after a month. Slimming legs is possible only with an integrated approach - exercises stimulate blood circulation, make the whole body toned and beautiful.

When training the legs, it is imperative to warm up and stretch, after completing the exercises, carry out an additional load (run slowly or walk fast for half an hour). Repeat the program up to 10-12 times:

  1. Squats, complicate with dumbbells or kettlebells.
  2. Lunges with kettlebells, a chain of steps.
  3. Plie with weight - sit down with your legs wide apart.
  4. Glute bridge - lifting the buttocks from a supine position, putting the legs on an elevated surface.
  5. Pumping the press - repeat as many as you can so that the muscles begin to "burn".

Upper workout

To work out the back, chest and biceps of the hands, top training for girls in the gym will help. It should be performed twice during the week, three sets of 12 repetitions. An approximate comprehensive plan in the hall by day:

  1. Seated barbell push-ups, incline rows, seated shoulder-length raises, French bench press, standing dumbbell raises to work the biceps.
  2. Push-ups for triceps, lifting the body on the horizontal bar, gravitron, wiring the dumbbells to the sides, lowering the dumbbells, lifting the block to the lower biceps.

For slimming belly

Isolated exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides are considered very effective. It is optimal to train the press twice or thrice a week, performing each session 20-25 repetitions for several approaches. The tangible feeling of "burning" of the body testifies to the correctness of the exercises. The simplest training elements for the press and waist are twisting and lifting the legs from the floor.

It is advisable to work out parallel muscle groups of the press alternately - upper, lower, combined. One-time work on all areas will not immediately bring the desired result, but will only add fatigue, the body will recover for a long time. The following schemes have been developed for the press:

  1. On the upper press - pumping the press on an inclined surface, on a fitball, twisting at the block.
  2. For the lower one - raising the legs with elbows resting or lying down, raising the limbs on the fitball.
  3. Combined - classic twisting, "book".

Video on how to lose weight for a girl in the gym

The training program on simulators in the gym for women and girls consists of a complex of many elements and repetitions that should be performed correctly to get a beautiful figure. The following videos will help with understanding the technique, telling about the secrets of training in gyms and the success of circuit training. The materials show the basic methods, explain the principles of their implementation to achieve a quick and guaranteed result. After watching the video, you will learn the purpose of the classes, you will see new options for performing the usual exercises.


Gym Weight Loss Program for Girls - Workout and Exercise Plan

You look at Instagram - so women's training seems to be another planet. Instead of barbells and dumbbells, some kind of rubber bands, instead of a squat, and traction with a bench press - strange movements in half a amplitude. In fact, it is more marketing of coaching services. Girls are used to believing that they are very different from boys, because it is easier for them to sell all this strange activity. In reality, all the same are effective strength exercises, and you need to concentrate more on working on technique, and less on the "female and male" versions of popular exercises.

There are features - they lie in the difficulty of women mastering pressing movements for the upper body, and in the features of proportions. The long legs and short body of most girls prevent them from developing good squat technique on their own. Hence the mass of moral suffering about "the growth of the legs and the lack of progress in the buttocks." And the attitude is also “special” - many still believe that women should train lightly, and almost do barbell dancing, so that they get a beautiful body. In reality, everything is more prosaic.

Weight loss and body fat reduction

Non-professionals are very fond of talking about the fact that there are no fat-burning workouts, there is only a calorie deficit from food. In fact, "metabolic" or fat-burning workouts do exist. It's just that most gym goers can endure about two minutes of such training. The only "fat-burning workout" is the circuit, which consists of basic exercises with a barbell, the weight of which is approximately 70 percent of the one repetition maximum. Movements are performed in series of 30-40 seconds without rest, "circles" can be done only 4-5. Such training increases the oxygen consumption of the body at rest, and speeds up the metabolism. And it is not practiced for beginners.

Regular gym goers must first learn how to do basic exercises and control body position, and only then manipulate oxygen consumption through circuit training. At the start, the classic scheme “2 cardio training per week and 3 strength training” is suitable. The plan might be:

  1. Do strength training for all muscle groups three times a week Divide the exercises into planes, or work on the principle of "squat and bench day" and "pull and vertical bench day." Beginners can do the same set of exercises in the simulators, the frequency and technique are important here, and not the “super-new” exercise plan and their alternation;
  2. Do cardio 2 times a week. Non-professionals like to classify bodyweight circuit training or cardio work here, but for a beginner, the first type of activity is more strength than cardio. Therefore, those who have been working out for less than six months should understand by cardio either walking, jogging, pedaling a bicycle, or all the same, only in simulators. The usual recommendation “do 20 minutes of cardio on your free days” is also not enough for everyone. It is worth focusing here on the textbook half an hour of physical activity a day, which the WHO recommends for us to be healthy;
  3. Set-rep schemes "for weight loss" should provide a large amount of training activity. If easier - less weight burden. More approaches. Optimal - 4-5 sets of 6-12 repetitions of each exercise with good technique. Are circles necessary? No, if a person does not have the strength to perform them, or if there is not enough physical form;
  4. Nutrition must meet two requirements - a balance, that is, a sufficient amount of fats and proteins with a reduced amount of carbohydrates, and a focus on creating an energy deficit. To calculate the diet, use the Fat Secret application or any other.

Training program for gaining muscle mass

“Wishlist” like “make a nut” or “tightened legs and athletic shoulders” is nothing more than a set of muscle mass. It sounds creepy for the layman, but the girl has little chance of turning into the Hulk. Even if you remove cardio training, and do weights in power mode, and eat protein, the result will be just an athletic toned body, and not a mass monster figure.

What to do:

  • Train in the gym every other day, not more often;
  • Review the diet - at least 3-4 g of carbohydrates per kilo of body weight, and 2 g of protein. If the gastrointestinal tract can not cope - take enzymes. But you have to eat, muscles will not grow out of thin air;
  • Approaches and repetitions may be different. If a girl cannot gain muscle in any way, working in the usual “bodybuilding” mode of 8-12 repetitions, she is shown low-repetitive strength training, in the mode of 4-6 repetitions in 5-6 sets. For everyone else - the standard 5 approaches, of which two are warm-ups.

Workouts for tone

Any health problems are a reason to see a doctor, and the presence of a curvature of the spine, injuries, pain in the joints - find a qualified trainer. Lack of sports experience is also a reason to contact a coach. A few personal training sessions would be helpful if last class physical education took place at school, but there is more than enough strength and enthusiasm.

Power must be ordered. You can’t just come to the gym and randomly run around the simulators, calling it “circular”.

  1. Begins power training not from a joint warm-up, but from a light generalized cardio. We translate - from walking in a stepper, ellipse or pedaling an exercise bike. You only need to work out for 5 minutes to achieve light sweating, then move on to the joint warm-up.
  2. The joints are kneaded in the anatomical plane - that is, the elbows and knees are bent and unbent, the wrists and ankles, as well as the shoulders and hips - are gently rotated. Enough 9 flexion-extension or rotation in each joint. The head also needs to be gently rotated without throwing it up.

You need to start doing strength exercises with a warm-up weight. it binding rule- usually start with 40-50 percent of the planned working weight, and add 5-10 kg in exercises for the legs, and 2.5 kg in exercises for the "top".

A warm-up is required not only in movements with a barbell, but also in exercises for the back, arms, and even the press. You need to start downloading it with a smaller amplitude, gradually increasing it.

It is important to rest between timer exercises, losing weight rest no more than a minute, everyone else - 90-120 seconds. If the goal of training is to develop strength, you can rest more time, according to your well-being. The program below is suitable for any purpose, it is optimal to use those working weights that a girl can lift in good technique. Remember that for most, the success of a training program will be determined not so much by what the program itself provides, but by following the rules of nutrition.

Workout 1

Exercise for the rectus abdominis

The exercise is performed from the starting position lying on the floor, the heels are 10-12 cm apart from the buttocks, the feet are literally pressed into the floor. It is necessary with an exhalation to bring the lower ribs to the pelvic bones, and return to starting position.

Do 3 sets of 15-20 times. Over time, you can add weights - a dumbbell behind your head.

Long back muscles, hamstrings, buttocks

The starting position is taken face down in the hyperextension machine. The body goes down, the spine is perpendicular to the floor. With exhalation - full extension of the body, with inhalation - lowering down.

Perform 10-20 repetitions in three sets, over time, you can increase the load by picking up a pancake from the bar and removing it behind your head.

Squat classic (barbell on the back)

Works the buttocks, muscles of the thighs and the center of the body

The barbell is taken from racks located at the level of the athlete's collarbones. The bar lies just below the upper trapezius muscle bundles so that the back can remain tense. The grip on the neck is tight, the wrists do not need to be bent back. On exhalation, the barbell is removed from the racks with the help of extension in the knee joints, a step is taken back and the legs are placed to the sides. Further, the pelvis descends with an exhalation, and the knees are retracted to the sides and bent. The optimal depth of lowering the pelvis is the one at which the back is straight and there is no rounding in the lumbar region. You need to get up with an exhalation, resting on the floor with your entire foot.

If the heels come off during the squat, you need to pay attention to the width of the feet, pick up weights on the platform, and stretch the ankle joints. If the main problem is bringing the knees inward, it is worth working in a narrower stance.

Squat training begins with leg extension in the simulator, then - squat without weights, goblet squat with a projectile on the chest, work in the Smith machine, and finally the barbell. The goal of mastering this chain is to develop the mobility of the knee, ankle and hip joints, as well as to strengthen the muscles.

Back muscles work

Starting position - sitting on the bench of the simulator with the full emphasis of the feet on the floor. Then, as you exhale, begin to tighten the shoulder blades towards each other, and towards the spine, and by contracting the back muscles, bring the handle of the simulator to the chest, and then return it to its original position.

It is important not to start with "biceps", by bending the arms at the elbow.

Works the buttocks and hamstrings

You need to sit next to the bench, place the shoulder blades on it, and rest your feet on the floor. Then you should tear off the buttocks from the floor, and go to the position "the spine is parallel to the floor." At the same time, the shoulder blades should not “ride” along the bench forward. You can hold the weight with your hands. Beginners sometimes learn this movement without a barbell, and only then begin to use it. If putting the bar on your hips is not comfortable, you need to wrap it with a special lining, or use fitness mats.

An assistant delivers the barbell from the racks to avoid injury. Even if it's a 20 kg bar, you still need insurance. The movement begins with a screed of the shoulder blades and “pressing” the pelvis into the bench, then the assistant gives the barbell to straight outstretched arms, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. The barbell is lowered to the chest, to the solar plexus area, until it touches the body and the neck. The forearms are at a 45 degree angle to the body. The bar is squeezed out with one powerful movement.

After completing all repetitions, the assistant helps to return the barbell to the racks. To avoid injury to the shoulders, do not press on a “flat” back, the shoulder blades should remain pressed, and not the lower back.

This is a shoulder exercise. You need to stand up straight, slightly bend your elbows, lean forward slightly, and abduct your forearms to the sides. As soon as the forearm reaches the level of parallel with the floor, the movement stops, and the dumbbells smoothly return to their original position.

Workout 2

Core muscles

Lie down on a bench, or take an emphasis lying down, fixing your hands behind your head (you can grab any support), while exhaling, due to the effort of the abdominal muscles, bring your legs to the waist line, and slightly twist the pelvis to the lower ribs. On an inhale, lower back. The movement should not be carried out due to inertia, you should not wave your legs.

Perform 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions.

Completely repeats what was done in the first workout.

Lunges with dumbbells in hand

Hips and buttocks

Stand up straight, feet under your shoulders, dumbbells in your hands. A step is taken back, keeping the distance between the hips, and lowering the body down due to bending at the knees. At the bottom, the thigh of the “front” leg is parallel to the floor.

You need to perform the same number of repetitions on each leg.

The body is tilted, the free hand rests on the bench, the working one is with a dumbbell on the side. By bringing the scapula to the spine, the dumbbell stretches to the belt, on exhalation. On inspiration, it goes down.

The movement begins with the work of the shoulder blade, and not with the turn of the body.

The bar is set on the floor, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders so that the hands are on the outside of the hips. The grip is strong, straight, you can use straps. The bar at the start touches the ankle, then the pelvis slightly lowers, the weight is transferred to the heels, and, resting her feet on the platform, the athlete removes the barbell from the floor without relaxing her back. Due to the extension in the hip joint, the bar rises to the level of the “trouser pockets”, and then it smoothly falls back.

You can use a straight or inclined bench. First, the screed of the shoulder blades to the spine, and lowering them to the pelvis, then lowering the arms slightly bent at the elbows to the parallel of the forearm with the floor, lowering to the sides. Then - the reduction of hands in front of the chest.

Exercise can be replaced with push-ups on the uneven bars, if there is enough strength training for this. First you need to sit on the bench, lower the buttocks below the edges, and bend at the elbows. The forearms are parallel to each other. Then push back to the starting position. The legs can be straight (difficult option) or slightly bent at the knees.

Workout 3

As in the first workout, 15 repetitions in 3 sets.


As in workouts 1 and 2.

Hips, buttocks, and long back muscles

The movement is mistakenly considered a squat, in fact it is a thrust. It is necessary to take the dumbbell in straight outstretched arms, put the feet on the most comfortable wide stance, and lower the pelvis below the knees, touching the floor with the dumbbell, from this position the back is slightly angled so that the arms are straight and perpendicular to the floor. By extending the knees and hip joints, you need to fully straighten, returning the spine to a vertical position.

Back muscles work

The bar is taken from the racks, the height is at the level of the middle of the thigh. Step back and lean forward so that the angle is approximately 45 degrees. Further, the movement resembles work in all exercises on the back - the shoulder blades are pulled together to the spine, the barbell is brought to the lower abdomen, then the reverse movement.

The bar is taken from the racks on the chest, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. Forearms are perpendicular to the floor. The barbell is pressed up behind the head, and lowered to its original position.

Romanian deadlift

The movement is also called "Romanian traction". The bar is taken from the racks, as in a bent over row, but the movement itself resembles a deadlift. Due to flexion in the hip joint, the bar is lowered to a comfortable depth, and then returned back.

An effective exercise for pumping the buttocks.

Turn your face to the simulator, put a special belt on your leg and attach it to the lower block. Take your leg back and return back.


The greater the body weight, the less shock load on the joints should be. Those who have excess weight, should not perform explosive exercises, they are better off pedaling a stationary bike, walking on an elliptical machine or using a rowing machine.

Hi all. Judging by what I see in my gym, there are sometimes much more women in the gym than men. That is why today we will discuss a small part of the training for women.

And so you are on a blog about bodybuilding, fitness, powerlifting, crossfit and other sports, and in today's issue I have compiled an effective training program for beginner girls.

For men, the training program usually contains a split (splitting of separate parts of the body on separate days). For such training focuses on myofibrillar hypertrophy (in other words, hard failure training).

Women have different goals, which is why it does not contain a split, but vice versa: women and girls should train the whole body at a time. I have prepared just such an effective training program for women:

  • Lying crunches 6 x max. (rest between sets is very small, about 30 seconds is possible and less if you can)
  • Sumo Shoulder Squats 5 x 10-15 (1 minute rest)
  • Draft of the vertical block 6 X 10-15
  • Close grip bench press 6 x 10-15
  • Barbell row to the chin 6 x 10-15

With the help of this exercise alone, you can perfectly develop the press, because it allows you to contract the rectus abdominis muscle as efficiently as possible. Crunches can be done lying on the floor, on a Roman chair, or on an incline bench. In this variation, I consider twisting while lying on the floor.


  • Lie on the floor, take a comfortable position.
  • The lower back should touch the floor, for this you need to bend your knees, as shown in the figure.
  • The elbows should be spread out to the side, and the palms should be wrapped around the neck (as shown in the picture). Or the palms are on the chest (see for convenience).
  • After all this, slowly twist (round) the upper body and head towards the knees and groin.
  • It is very important to twist (as if rounding the upper body and head to the knees and groin) if this is not done (your back will be arched, as it were), then the exercise loses its meaning.
  • Therefore, we twist, after which we return to the starting position (by the way, the starting position does not lie on the floor, it is raised, that is, when you return to the starting position, you cannot lower your head to the floor, keep constant tension).

Exercise number 2. Squats

  • Starting position - legs slightly wider than shoulders, socks slightly turned to the side.
  • The back is straightened, the head looks straight (neither up nor down, but exactly straight, otherwise it is easy to lose balance and incur unnecessary trouble).
  • Begin to squat to the parallel (or lower) as you feel, then return to the starting position.

Exercise number 3. Vertical block pull to the chest

This exercise develops the back muscles.

  • Take the handle (as shown in the picture) and sit in the simulator.
  • At the same time, your torso naturally bends in the lumbar region (it should not be bent, on the contrary, it should be straightened), your arms should not hang straight (at the top point, the arms are slightly bent, i.e. they do not straighten to the end, this is necessary in order to to maintain a constant load in the muscles of the back).
  • Now about the position of the legs. Your hips should be firmly fixed between the seat and the bolsters, and your feet should be firmly planted on the floor. After all this, you can start traction. Pull the handle to the upper chest while at the end point you need to bring the shoulder blades together. Then return to the starting position, and then repeat all over again.

Or, if it’s more convenient for you, you can perform vertical traction behind your head:

Exercise number 3. Instead of cravings for the chest, behind the head (for well-being)

Exercise number 4. Close Grip Bench Press

  • Lie down on a bench.
  • Feet firmly rest on the floor.
  • In the lumbar region, the back flexes slightly naturally.
  • The bar should be at eye level.
  • Only after all these actions, grab the bar with your hands (as shown in the figure) so you can say with a narrow grip (medium, according to well-being).
  • Then remove the bar from the racks and begin to bend your arms until the bar touches the chest in its lower part.
  • In this case, the elbows do not need to be kept parallel to each other. They should be slightly divorced and make an angle of about 45 degrees with the body.

Exercise number 5. Barbell pull to chin

This exercise develops the muscles of the shoulders. Go to the bar, grab a narrow grip (comfortable for you, comfortable) you might like a slightly medium grip. Then you begin to pull the bar to the chin, then slowly lower it down. And we repeat again.

More information about the training program:

1. Before you begin to exercise, it is vital to do a good warm-up. In order to warm up the body, muscles, ligaments and joints. Otherwise, you may be injured.

2. Such a training program should fit in 45-60 minutes (no more). Rest between sets is no more than 1 minute, but if you reduce the time between sets, this will increase your efficiency in terms of energy consumption.

3. The described program uses a large volume of working approaches (5-6) in exercises and a large number of repetitions (10-15). All this is done to stimulate glycogen storage in women's muscles, which is much easier than in men.

4. Also, if you notice only one exercise on the lower body (barbell squats), because the bottom grows so well, unlike the top.

5. There is also no exercise for the chest muscles (bench press), this is so that the size of the mammary gland does not decrease ( female breast). Yes, doing the barbell bench press will only shrink your chest.

Therefore, throw this exercise in the trash. The pectoral muscles will tone much more effective exercise bench press with a narrow grip lying, moreover, the triceps and front deltas still work along the chest.

The complex is very effective because it uses such exercises that involve several muscles at once during execution (basic movements), so that you have time to work out the whole body in one workout.

In the future, as your fitness grows, you can add more exercises. And perform them without a pause (supersets).

For example: you performed a lying twist without a break, immediately go to perform leg raises. Then pause for 30-60 seconds and repeat again.

Here is a training program compiled according to this principle:

  • Lying crunches + leg raises 6 x max.
  • Barbell Squat + Straight Leg Deadlift 5 X 10-15
  • Vertical block pull + horizontal block pull 5 X 10-15
  • Close Grip Press + Dumbbell Curl 5 X 10-15
  • Barbell Chin Row + Dumbbell Side Swing 5 X 10-15

By the way, girls, you might also be interested in other articles:

  • Diet for fast weight loss (the whole process of burning fat from A to Z)
  • Proper workouts for weight loss (addition to this article)

In the first article, I talk about the entire period of fat burning. The whole process of losing weight (without delusions) completely from start to finish. After studying, you no longer need to starve, exhaust your body with useless diets and stuff like that. You will be able to independently adjust and make diets according to your schedule. In general, you will understand the whole essence of how to lose weight quickly.

In the second article, I talk about the right workouts for weight loss, mainly about cardio workouts. These workouts help speed up the fat burning process. But not more. The most important workouts are what we discussed with you today. I gave you a specific training program (told you what and how to do). This is the foundation.

In the third article, I talk about whether and if so, how to do fitness during pregnancy.

Those. If you are aiming to lose weight, then you need to study all these 3 articles.