What healing properties does holy water have for Baptism? Baptism of the Lord: traditions and customs, when water becomes holy and healing, how to draw water correctly


Maria Senchukova

Epiphany water is otherwise called the "Great Agiasma", that is, a shrine. To the water consecrated on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the believers special treatment: it is used, as a rule, on an empty stomach, with reverence and prayer.

We will tell readers about some important or little known facts concerning the Great Agiasma.

1. How did the rite of the Great Blessing of Water arise?

Initially, water was consecrated for the Sacrament of Baptism. Already St. Irenaeus of Lyons (+202) calls the water for Baptism "holy", and Tertullian (+c. 220) says that the water is sanctified by invoking the name of God. St. Basil the Great (+379) generally speaks of the consecration of water as the most ancient oral Tradition of the Church.

The rite of consecration of water on the feast of the Epiphany is based precisely on the baptismal consecration of water. It arises in the V-VI century in the Christian East.

Symbolically and in its grace-filled properties, the epiphany consecration of water is similar to the consecration of water at Baptism. By the way, baptismal water is called the same as baptismal water: Great agiasma.az must

2. How many times should water be blessed on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord?

The question is not as strange as it seems. It is known that the Great Blessing of Water takes place twice - after Vespers on Epiphany Christmas Eve and after the Liturgy of the holiday itself. In general, in the history of the Church, there was once an extensive controversy on this issue.

So, for example, Patriarch Nikon demanded, under pain of a curse, that water be blessed only once - on the Eve of Epiphany. He based his statement on the fact that the Savior was baptized only once. By the way, this strange demand, coupled with an incommensurable punishment for refusing to fulfill it, became one of the accusations against Nikon at the Moscow Council of 1667, when the Patriarch was deposed.

3. Sacrament or rite?

We are accustomed to traditional sacramentology (the doctrine of the sacraments), according to which there are seven church sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Repentance, Communion, Unction, Priesthood, Marriage. Meanwhile, the validity of this division is questionable.

Archimandrite Spiridon (Khodanich) about common misconceptions and superstitions associated with Epiphany water.

Does all water become holy at Baptism, or only that which the priest has consecrated? It is believed that even tap water is holy on this day... Is it true?

Indeed, this question is burning and of interest to many because of the constant differences in opinion of both clergy and laity.

It would be most correct to turn to the order of the great consecration of the water of the Holy Theophany and to delve into the meaning of the words. In the very first troparion, we will see that the Church calls us to come and receive the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of reason, the Spirit of God's fear of Christ who has appeared. Is it possible to receive these gifts without wanting to visit the Church and justifying one's laziness by the fact that the water is holy and in the tap? I think the answer is obvious. In the service there are also words that many interpret in their own way, namely, that on this day the nature of the waters is consecrated, but nowhere, notice, does it say that the nature of all the waters is consecrated. If, however, we assume that all waters are sanctified everywhere, including in filthy and unclean places, then the question arises: does the Holy Spirit act in sewage?

The tradition of veneration of holy water collected on the day of Theophany has been known since the 4th century. St. John Chrysostom, in his speech on the day of the Baptism of the Lord in 387, said that on the feast of the Epiphany, everyone, having drawn water, brings it home and keeps it. whole year because on that day it was consecrated. The question again arises: did none of the ancients have water in their house, so that it could be considered holy, but had to be scooped up and brought home? Nowhere do we find such a practice.

If you delve into all the prayers and special petitions in the rite of consecrating water for Baptism, it becomes clear that only the water that is consecrated with prayers in the Church or on the river becomes holy, or rather consecrated, becomes. I think I answered your question, although I am sure that many will have objections.

- Do I need to stock up on baptismal water for a year? They say that it should be drunk in case of ailments. And how to store it?

Every pious Christian tries to conserve baptismal water throughout the year, drinking it on an empty stomach, and you don’t need to collect a huge amount: you can add a little blessed water to a larger container, and all of it becomes baptismal water under the influence of grace.

In case of ailments, it is necessary with prayer to drink the holy Epiphany water, after all, if we look at the special petitions of the litany on the day of the consecration of the waters of the Epiphany, we will see that baptismal water is given to us in order to grieve to Satan under our feet, in order to enlighten us with the enlightenment of reason and piety and the influx of the Holy Spirit, deliverance from sins and for healing souls and bodies.

Epiphany water has the name "Great Agiasma", which means "great shrine", and it must be treated accordingly - with reverence. It is advisable to store water in a dark place near the holy corner in a glass jar or in another vessel used only for holy water.

- Is it necessary to drink water for Baptism? Are there any prayers being said?

On the day of Theophany, all prayers have already been said by the priest, and we all drink holy baptismal water all day and not on an empty stomach. On other days, we drink only on an empty stomach and with prayer: “Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, in the subjugation of my passions and infirmities through Thy boundless mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen".

- Is it necessary to sanctify your home with holy water on this day?

Yes, definitely! After all, in the order of the consecration of the waters of the Epiphany there is a direct indication: "for the consecration of houses."

On the nineteenth of January - the day of the feast of the Epiphany - the temples of the city, according to tradition, are waiting for crowds of those wishing to stock up on healing water. When does water become holy and does it help everyone?

The Feast of the Epiphany is one of the most important Christian holidays. On this day, a great consecration of water takes place, which becomes the cause of immense queues in temples. The first mention of the healing properties of baptismal water can be found in John Chrysostom - and this is the third century AD! Since then, for more than seventeen centuries, there have been discussions about what baptismal water is - a religious and mystical phenomenon or a mass delusion. About holy water, its power and healing properties Kor. RIA PrimaMedia spoke with Archpriest Rostislav Moroz, rector of the Church of the Kazan Icon Mother of God the city of Vladivostok.

Father Rostislav, many people come to churches for Epiphany only to draw holy water. How do you feel about it?

There are never so many people in temples as on the day of this holiday. Of course, I would like people to strive not only for the healing properties of water, but for what is - that is.

- Does Epiphany water really cure diseases?

Undoubtedly. It is only necessary to answer this question from the other end. It's not that the water suddenly acquires some magical properties- it's about the holiday itself. And in order to understand what is happening with water, it is important to understand the meaning of Baptism.

If someone remembers the Gospel, then at the very beginning of his preaching, our Lord Jesus Christ comes to John the Baptist and asks to be baptized by him. In his sermon, John called people to repentance and deliverance from sins. There were a lot of people who wanted to do it; repentant John baptized - immersed in the Jordan. Seeing Jesus, he realized that before him was not an ordinary person, but the Messiah - the liberator of the Israeli people. John performed the baptism of Christ, and from that moment the sacrament took on a different meaning. If before the immersion of Christ in the Jordan, water was just a symbol of repentance, then after it it becomes a source of new life. That is why Epiphany water acquires new properties, which consist in the renewal of nature in general.

- These properties are called unique...

By its own biochemical composition, water remains the same. But something happens to her that is not detected by any analyzes and devices.

Yes, for example, it does not deteriorate. There are cases when it was left somewhere, and after twenty or thirty years it was found completely fresh. Of course, no one specifically set up experiments, did not wait a hundred years. But holy water does not bloom, that's a fact. The second, also confirmed property, is its healing power. Many people really receive healing from ailments, problems, especially those that have a harmful spiritual effect on a person. That is why they strive to receive baptismal water.

- But does everyone get this healing?

It is very important to remember that there is no magic here. Water does not work automatically. She can bring benefit to a person only if he piously treats her, turns to God with prayer, and, of course, sincerely believes. Only then will he receive help. Material laws do not work here, only spiritual ones. And they are nothing without faith.


Scientists explain the ability of the Epiphany water for a long time not to deteriorate simply: the winter season, when the number of microorganisms in the reservoirs is very small, and the interaction of water with silver, when priests lower crosses into the bowl. Thus, initially a small amount of microorganisms that is in winter water is finally destroyed by silver ions.

Despite the categorical scientific explanation, scientists continue to investigate again and again what happens to the water on January 19th. Among other things, it has been found that the optical density of water collected on this day is much higher than if we take the same water, but on other dates. Why this happens, why the density of this water is almost the same as in the Jordan River, and why all the water on the planet is magnetized on this day - scientists have no answer to these questions ...

Someone drinks, takes teaspoons of baptismal water, someone crosses himself and takes three sips ... Tell me, are there any conditions, rules for its use?

The only condition that must be met is that water must be taken on an empty stomach. You can not mix the shrine with something else. And then it all depends on the desire of a person, it can be at least all year round drink. You can also sprinkle water on the room. After all, when water becomes sacred, it illuminates everything it touches. Sprinkling water on our house, we protect it from all the bad things that could happen.

- Any water can be blessed?

Of course, even tap water. From the point of view of holiness, it will not yield to any other water. Another thing is that we all know what quality it is. Therefore, the temples are looking for various opportunities to find pure spring water, which would simply correspond to the concept of "water" or are looking for suppliers. Water for Baptism really needs a lot. I cannot be responsible for all the churches in Vladivostok, but ours receives water from the Slavda company. This is already a good tradition started several years ago. We are very grateful to Pavel Serebryakov for the good deed he is doing.


In addition to the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the Slavda company will also provide a large amount of Monastyrskaya water directly from its plant to the Church of the Port Arthur Icon of the Mother of God and other churches in the Primorsky Territory free of charge.

- In different churches, the illumination of water takes place at different times, when is it better to come?

The first consecration of water takes place on Epiphany Christmas Eve - the eighteenth of January. The second - directly on the day of the holiday, the nineteenth. Water is illuminated by the same rank and has the same properties. Only few people know about it. And you need to focus on about eleven o'clock in the morning. It is even more convenient to come on the eighteenth - there are not so many people. On Epiphany, water, sometimes, is extracted almost by storm. Even despite the fact that we, of course, try to organize everything so that there is no crush and swearing.

- Do exhortations help or do quarrels still happen?

People are people. Quite often we can see that once in line, kind and good man suddenly changes not for the better. But these are just costs. In general, the holiday is a very bright action. When God's grace descends on the water, all believers feel it...

| | On: 01/10/2014 | Heading: News

January 19 marks one of the most ancient and revered holidays in the Orthodox Christian Church - the Baptism of the Lord. It was on this day that John the Baptist baptized Jesus, who came from Nazareth, in the Jordan, after which Christ began to enlighten people. As all four Gospels testify, on this day God comes into the world to show the Light to people. Therefore, another name for this holiday is Epiphany.

It is believed that in Epiphany night The Spirit of God sanctifies the water in all reservoirs, and bathing in the hole for Baptism allows you to be cleansed of all sins. These days the Blessing of Water takes place - the day before, on January 18, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, the consecration of water in churches is held. January 19, after the morning Liturgy, in the reservoirs.

And here, personally, I have questions: if the Spirit of God himself ALREADY sanctified the water in rivers and lakes, then why do the priests do it again, during procession? If ALL water becomes holy on this day, is it possible to assume that holy water flows simply from the tap?

This year I decided to experiment. Since childhood, despite the fact that my parents were unbelievers, I firmly knew that there should always be holy water at home. And that on the day of Epiphany, you need to sprinkle all the corners of the house with holy water so that peace and prosperity reign in it. And that you definitely need to drink 3 sips of holy water collected that day in the church. All this for the whole year will protect from diseases and purify the soul.

Of course, swimming in the hole at Epiphany is not for me, because I have never been a walrus, but I definitely collect holy water in the church. And I drink 3 sips, and I sprinkle corners, a cat, a dog.

Does holy water help or hurt?

Helps? Maybe. For in my house I have peace and tranquility, and indifference to my own health has not yet had any particularly terrible effect. Well, I always have holy water at home. It stands until next year, and sometimes for several years.

Does it hurt? In no case! Well, what are a few drops of water on the floor and walls?! Additional humidification of overdried air. No, theoretically, of course, it can harm. For example, if you sprinkle bare wires with holy water (short circuit) or pour water into a cat's ear (otitis media).

So, back to our sheep, that is, to the water. Since I am Lazy, why not look for a way to make your life easier: After all, if holy water flows from the tap on this day, then why go to church for it?

Therefore, the experiment will be as follows: I will draw water in 3 identical containers. One will contain tap water collected on the day of Epiphany, January 19th. In the second - water from the same tap, but collected a day or two before or after, in the third - holy water from the church. And if the weather is good that day, there will probably be a fourth container, with water from the river, which will be consecrated. I really wonder how long the water will last in each of the cans, and you?

P.S. The experiment was carried out, see the results.

Twice a year, Orthodox believers have the opportunity to collect baptismal water, which has a particularly strong healing power. The Feast of Epiphany is considered one of the most revered in Christian religion. On this day, God appeared in the Trinity to people and sent down his grace on them.

Features of baptismal water

The tradition of consecrating water has existed in the church since the 5th century. In liturgical records it is mentioned that all the water element on earth is consecrated on this day. Christian churches around the world perform a special rite to consecrate it, reading prayers dedicated to this occasion.

Epiphany water has special properties that are known to all believers:

  • she is able to give healing;
  • purify and convey God's grace to those who drink it or wash their faces;
  • this water remains drinkable after a year or more.

Some testify that the holy water remained fresh and pure even after three or four years. Even John Chrysostom spoke about this at one time.

Although, sometimes, Epiphany water blooms. There is no need to look for bad omens in this. Microorganisms just live in water. It's more about the person himself and how he uses this water. Perhaps God thus points to problems and infidelity in life attitudes.

Atheists in Soviet times they argued that the safety of the Epiphany water was due to the descent of the silver cross into it by the priest. But how then to explain the fact that people who did not have the opportunity to come to the temple stored ordinary tap water, and at the same time it had all the characteristics of baptismal water? Seeing devotion to the faith, the Lord, by His grace, communicated grace to such water.

In the Russian tradition, the rite of consecration is performed twice - on Christmas Eve and on Epiphany. On which day the water was consecrated - it does not matter. It has the same properties. It can be taken from any temple.

Attention! You need to collect as much water as you need for a year. At the same time, she treats her like a shrine, do not cook food on her and do not add to the bath. Epiphany water is drunk on an empty stomach. A few sips are enough.

Epiphany and Epiphany water: are there any differences

Laity are often interested in the question of what difference exists between Epiphany and Epiphany water. There are just no differences between them. The same rite is used in both cases of water blessing. Simply baptismal is water consecrated on the feast of Epiphany itself, January 19th. And the water consecrated on Christmas Eve is Epiphany.

Churchmen remember the events of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist. The moment the Son of God was baptized, the Lord appeared in the Trinity. Hence the second name of the holiday - Epiphany.

Baptism of Jesus Christ

That is, in fact, Baptism and Theophany are one and the same. Therefore, the water blessed on these two days is of the same nature.

Jordanian and Epiphany water: what is the difference

Actually there is no difference. Jordanian is the name of the water blessed on January 18th. And the Epiphany - consecrated on January 19. But this is the same water, with the same energy and properties.

What is the difference between baptismal water and holy

In churches, no one measured the parameters of baptismal and holy water with instruments. It's impossible to say which is better. Holy water will always remain holy. It’s just that Epiphany is dedicated to a specific holiday and is consecrated by a special rite, which is served only once a year. Both are holy water.

The only difference is that the baptismal occupies a special place in the ritual life of Orthodox Christians.

Interesting facts about the study of baptismal water

According to Christian tradition, believers believe that all water on earth becomes holy on the feast of Epiphany. But the manifestation of the grace of the Almighty is one-time, but the water collected after the rite of the Blessing of Water is stored for a long time.

Believers remember that from that moment Jesus Christ began to preach until his crucifixion on the cross for human sins.

Epiphany water is considered the most powerful and healing

In laboratory studies, the phenomenon of baptismal water was tested. She was recruited from the lake on holidays. The water remained drinkable for four years. Scientists were puzzled and decided to check its parameters. It turned out that Epiphany water is softer than usual, it has a pH level one and a half points higher. But none of the luminaries of science could explain why these changes occur.

Meanwhile, the clergy explain everything simply - water acquires such properties as a result of the influence of divine power.

When to go for baptismal water

Since the first consecration of water takes place on Epiphany Christmas Eve in the morning, from that moment the water is already considered Epiphany, and it can be collected. But in this case it is important not so much the time at which water is collected, but participation in its consecration.

Advice! It is advisable to be present at the rite of the Blessing of Water and feel the whole atmosphere of worship. Indeed, without faith, even Agiasma can be devalued.

The clergy say that you can collect water for two days. Moreover, from the moment of the first rite of the blessing of water. The end of the Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water is the moment when Epiphany water is poured into churches. As a rule, the Liturgy is served on the morning of January 18, and on the morning of January 19, and sometimes on the night of 18 to 19.

Usually, water is not spilled during worship. But in big cities with a strong influx of laity, exceptions are sometimes made. It is necessary to clarify in advance the organizational issues in the church in which the believer is going.

How to properly use baptismal water

The shrine should not just stand in the house. Epiphany water is used to acquire grace by believers all year round.

Epiphany water is a sacred thing that must be treated with grace

On the holidays of January 18 and 19, they drink it all day. Weekdays involve drinking in small quantities before meals, with the reading of a prayer. It is drunk in a few sips on an empty stomach. But eating food is not a strict ban on taking holy water. In the church, this is emphasized. Especially if a person is sick or suffering from mental illness.

Important! Agiasma is a gift. An appropriate attitude to water will allow it to fully show its healing properties. The intake of water must be accompanied without fail by the words of a prayer.

Theophan the Recluse in his sermon noted that holy water is not a church medicine. It will not help an evil and unbelieving person. It must be drunk with faith and reverence.

Is it possible to dilute baptismal water

There is an opinion that it is impossible to dilute baptismal water with tap water. Allegedly, this contributes to the loss of her healing power.

But priests say otherwise. The only caveat is to do it with a small amount of water and take it better from the well.

Epiphany water is diluted while reading a prayer. A few drops of holy water are enough for her to transfer her grace to ordinary water. That is why it makes no sense to store baptismal water in canisters. Enough and a small vessel, which is just used up in a year.

Is it possible to sprinkle an apartment with baptismal water

In home life, baptismal water is used not only for drinking, but also for expelling everything unclean and bad from the house.

The practice of sprinkling homes with baptismal water is firmly entrenched in Orthodox tradition. The dwelling is sprinkled and a prayer is said aloud with an appeal to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. With the reading of the troparia, water is first sprinkled on the eastern, then western, northern and southern sides. Let's sprinkle and material values that are important to humans.

But it is impossible to equate this rite with the rite performed by the priest when blessing the dwelling.

Is it possible to heat the bath

We must not forget that baptismal water requires a respectful attitude. It is unlikely that the use of agiasma for bathing will make a person spiritually cleaner. But the holy water drained into the sewer is very bad.

Is it possible to swim in baptismal water

Nobody forbids diving into the hole. What matters is the motives of people doing it. If for the sake of entertainment and thrills, then such a bath will not have the desired effect.

Cleansing ice font for the Feast of Epiphany

And in general, it is not so important whether people bathed on the feast of Epiphany or not. What matters is only the faith and feelings that are invested in the actions of each person.

On a note! Many believe that on Epiphany you definitely need to plunge into the hole. Contrary to popular belief, such bathing does not wash away sins. For this there is the sacrament of confession and communion. And climbing into an ice hole is absolutely not useful for everyone, due to the physical characteristics of health.

How to store holy water

After the consecrated water is brought home from the temple, it must be placed in a glass or plastic container near the icons. Drink in the morning before meals, so that the Divine grace of this water is transferred to the body and soul.

It is not forbidden to use baptismal water further if it has retained freshness and pleasant taste properties.

Otherwise, the spoiled agiasma should be poured into a place where a person’s foot does not set foot, that is, not trampled. For example, in a river or in a flower pot.

Important! Agiasma is a shrine that is unacceptable to be drained into the sink drain or the first place that comes across.

In conclusion, we can say that baptismal water helps people with pious intentions. And it doesn’t matter how much of this water a person drinks or pours on himself. If he is callous in soul and weak in faith, such actions will not bring him the expected result.