What is the fastest fish in the ocean. What is the fastest fish in the ocean? Atlantic tarpon is a large fish that looks like a common herring


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  • Answering the question "what is the fastest fish in the world" is quite difficult. After all, it is not easy to measure the speed of these animals, whether wild fish in the open ocean, off the coast of the sea or even in an aquarium. But in this article, you can find more details about the fastest fish species on Earth.


    Many sources indicate that the sailfish is the fastest fish in the ocean. Shark Research Center "ReefQuest" studied the speed of the sailboat and determined that it was equal to 109 km / h during the jump.

    The sailboat can grow up to 3.5 meters in length and weigh about 100 kg. Their most notable characteristics are the large first dorsal(sail-like) and upper jaw, long and sharp. The sailboat has a blue-grey back and white underparts.

    Sailboats live in the temperate and tropical waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They feed predominantly on small bony fish and cephalopods.


    Swordfish are another fast species, although their exact speed is not known. Estimated calculations have determined that they can swim at a speed of about 100 km/h, and some sources indicate that these fish are capable of reaching speeds of 130 km/h.

    The swordfish has a highly elongated upper jaw, which it uses to stun prey, as well as a high dorsal fin. The color of the back is brownish-black, and the lower part of the body is light.

    Swordfish are common in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea.

    Black marlin

    This BBC video says black marlin is the most fast fish on the planet. This information is based on line caught marlin. It is said to be capable of pulling line from a reel at a speed of 36.5 m/s, which equals 131.4 km/h.

    Black marlin is common in the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Its maximum body length is 4.65 m and its weight is 750 kg.


    Wahoo ( Acanthocybium solandri) lives in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, as well as in the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas. The color of the back is bluish-green, the sides and belly are light. Wahoos grow to a maximum length of around 2.4 m, but more commonly around 1.5 m.

    The maximum speed of this fish is about 77 km/h. This was confirmed by scientists who studied the speed of wahoo and the results ranged from 43 to 77 km/h.


    bluefin tuna

    Bluefin tuna and yellowfin tuna are very fast swimmers, and although they appear to be slowly circling the ocean, these fish are capable of speeds in excess of 65 km/h. A study was conducted that compared the speed of wahoo and yellowfin tuna, with the latter exceeding 74 km/h. The maximum speed of the bluefin tuna (during the jump) was 70 km / h.

    Bluefin tuna can reach a body length of more than 3 m. This species can be found in Atlantic Ocean, as well as the waters mediterranean sea. The yellowfin tuna lives in tropical and subtropical waters throughout the world. The maximum body length of these fish is 2 m.

    Longfin tuna - another species of the genus tuna - is capable of speeds up to 65 km / h. This species is common in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as well as the Mediterranean Sea, and is commonly used for canning. It grows to about 1.2 m in length and can weigh up to 40 kg.


    Bonito, common name for fish from the genus bonito (or sard), which includes such species as: Atlantic, Australian, Eastern and Chilean bonito. Representatives of the genus are able to jump at a speed of about 65 km / h. Bonitos have a body length of about 1 m.

    There are countless fish in the ocean and they are all diverse in shape, color, and diet. But besides all this, fish differ in movement. There are fast and slow, and even flying fish. So what is the fastest fish in the ocean? Let's find the fastest fish among all ocean fish.

    The fastest fish in the ocean is the swordfish. It is capable of speeds up to 130 km/h (80 mph). Unfortunately, the sailfish, which is given the title of the fastest fish in foreign publications, has a maximum speed of 109 km/h (68 mph).

    Swordfish is considered to be the fastest fish in the ocean, but also the fastest animal in the world. There were cases when the swordfish was so accelerated that with a run it crashed into the deck with a sword. It happened that unnoticed, she died because of a stuck nose ..

    Sailfish speed

    Scientists measured the speed of a sailfish when hunting a school of fish, the speed of the sailboat was approximately 109 km / h or 68 miles per hour. It's very fast for .

    If we made this fish swim 200 meters in a pool, it would do it in 10 seconds. For comparison, Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps swims 200 meters freestyle in 1.42 minutes.

    What other fish in the ocean are fast

    So - now you know which fish in the ocean swims the fastest, and now we will give you a rating of the fastest fish in the ocean:

    As you can see, the sailfish is only in third place. What a pity that the tests conducted in the state of Florida - which revealed that the sailfish is the fastest fish in the ocean - were not carried out taking into account all the necessary components, namely: the swordfish accelerates to its maximum speed slowly and only in moments of danger.

    Therefore, the measurement area should have been larger than for the sailfish.

    How was the speed of the swordfish measured?

    And also how to conduct a ballistic examination. According to the composition of the wood and the depth of the defeat of the side of the boat by the sword of the sailfish. Accuracy and no fantasy. The results surprised everyone - the swordfish moved at a speed of 130 km / h. This is the fastest speed for an animal in the whole world….

    This is how we not only found out which fish swims the fastest in the ocean, but also learned that this fish - the swordfish - is the fastest animal in the world.

    Fish are not only our source of food. They are also fascinating and amazing creatures of nature, which sometimes you just want to contemplate. But the most exciting "attribute" of fish is their ability fast swim at incredible speed.

    They use their incredible speed to chase down food or outrun predators. In general, the ability of fish to swim quickly is their way of surviving in the wild, or rather in the waters.

    We present you a list the fastest fish in the world, as well as their top speed swimming. Some of the things listed here may surprise you, but the truth is that fish are indeed one of the greatest miracles nature.

    the fastest fish in the world

    10. Tarpon

    Tarpons live in the Atlantic Ocean in some tropical or subtropical regions. the globe. They have a well streamlined body, allowing the tarpon to swim very quickly. Also, tarpons are “equipped” with thick silvery scales, which make them very shiny and attractive to fishermen.

    Maximum tarpon speed- 50 kilometers per hour.

    9 Tiger Shark

    The incredible speed of the tiger shark makes it one of the most dangerous predators in the world. According to statistics, the tiger shark is the second largest of its kind, second only to the white shark. The length of these terrible predators reaches 5 meters.
    The maximum speed of tiger sharks is 53 kilometers per hour.

    8. Albula

    Albulas also belong to the list of the fastest fish in the world. For the most part this fish used as a catch in sport fishing. They are found in shallow waters in tropical and subtropical regions.

    The maximum speed of the albul- 60 kilometers per hour.

    7. Swordfish

    One of the most popular fish when it comes to sport fishing. Swordfish can reach incredible sizes - about 4.5 meters in length, and weight - 650 kg.

    The maximum speed of the swordfish- 65 kilometers per hour.

    6. Blue shark

    She is painted dark blue, but with a white belly. Blue sharks are found in deep tropical and temperate regions.

    The maximum speed of the gray shark- 69 kilometers per hour.

    5. Southern bluefin tuna

    Also one of the favorites in sport fishing. Based on the name, you probably guessed that this type of tuna lives in southern hemisphere. They grow 2.5 m long and weigh about 400 kg (bluefin tuna have very large bones, which makes them so heavy).

    Max speed bluefin tuna - 74 kilometers per hour.

    4. Yellowfin tuna

    Outwardly, they differ from their relatives due to two yellow and long fins. Due to their small size, yellowfin tuna are able to move and maneuver quickly in the water.

    Max speed of yellowfin tuna- 75 kilometers per hour.

    3. Striped marlin

    The striped marlin is one of the three fastest fish in the world. The native home of these fish is the Pacific Ocean. Also, interestingly, they like to swim close to the surface of the water.

    Striped marlin reach a length of 4.2 m, and their weight is 190 kg. The favorite diet of these giants are sardines. Due to the difficulty of catching them, these fish are included in the sport fishing list.

    Maximum speed of striped marlin- 77 kilometers per hour.

    2. Horse mackerel

    Due to the fact that they are difficult to catch, sardines are expensive. They are also very tasty, which is why horse mackerel dishes are served in many of the best restaurants in the world.

    The maximum speed of horse mackerel- 80 kilometers per hour.

    1. Sailboat

    The sailboat is the fastest fish in the world, which leaves many of its competitors behind in its speed. From the tip of the sharp "nose" to the tail, their length is 3.5 meters, and their weight is 90 kg.

    The maximum speed of the sailboat is 112 kilometers per hour. This figure is similar to that of the cheetah, which is considered the fastest land animal.


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