reproductive function in men. Sexual maturation and reproductive age of a man. What prevents the onset of fertilization


Reproductive (or fertile) age - the period within which a person is able to conceive a child. This figure is different for men and women. The fertile age of a woman is less than that of a man and averages from 15 to 49 years. Theoretically, the reproductive age of a man ranges from 14-60 years. But in practice, men under 20-25 years old do not plan to have children for economic reasons (since a man should keep children in such a young age problematic), and in those over 40 years of age, sperm quality and, consequently, reproductive ability is reduced.

A man begins puberty as early as adolescence - from 10-12 years. A man is ready to conceive a child at the age of 15. During this time, the male body goes through several stages on the way to full puberty.

  1. There is an interest in the opposite sex.
  2. There is a desire for bodily contact (touching, kissing).
  3. Increased sexual desire.

During this period, boys want to communicate more with the opposite sex: spend time together, walk hand in hand and kiss. Then, in boys, sexual desire increases due to the fact that the amount of the hormone testosterone in the blood increases.

This hormone in sufficient quantities for men makes them attractive to women and promotes sexual desire. After a young man has become aware of his sexuality, he may decide to have his first sexual intercourse.

In adolescents, the age for first sex often depends on society and family: in this matter, they are guided either by the opinion of their parents, their recommendations or prohibitions, or by the experience of their older friends. In any case, for a teenage man, having sex is only a physiological need, not an emotional one. For sexual attraction, they choose an outwardly suitable, in their opinion, partner, without thinking about emotional compliance. But in the future, a man may change his mind on this matter: he will either continue to be not so picky in sexual relations, or he will decide to connect his life with his beloved.

In the process of life and development of a man, his reproductive function undergoes changes: of course, at a younger age there are more opportunities to fertilize an egg than at an old age.

Men have the most suitable age in order to conceive a child, this is from 18 to 35 years. Within this period, men produce the greatest amount of testosterone, and therefore spermatozoa, with good motility.

In men after 35, sexual needs are not as pronounced as, for example, in 20, which is associated with less intense testosterone production. In addition, at this age, a man is negatively affected by stress and emotional stress, alcohol and smoking.

After 35 years, the following changes occur in the male body:

  • the concentration of androgens in the blood decreases (a group of male sex hormones);
  • the production of spermatozoa and their mobility are reduced (for successful fertilization, 3-5 ml of sperm are needed, and in each milliliter there should be 2-3 million mobile, healthy cells; deviations from the norm are called necrosospermia);
  • there are diseases of the male genital organs, a decrease in potency.

This leads to the fact that in a man with the age of 35 years, the possibilities of fertilization "on the first attempt" become less and less.

Statistics have also proven that in women who have a partner over 35 years of age, pregnancy often ends in miscarriage than in those who have a younger partner. The number of successful conceptions is significantly reduced in couples where a man is over 40 years old.

However, this does not mean that at the age of 35 a man will not be able to have children. Just after reaching this age, men also begin to be influenced negative factors(stress at work, bad habits, lack of sleep), which adversely affect reproductive function. But if you lead a healthy lifestyle from the beginning of puberty, then hypogonadism will come much later.

The age of 60-70 years (on average) in men is characterized by hypogonadism - the end of the reproductive period, which is characterized by a change in hormonal levels.

In nature, the end of the reproductive period is necessary in order not to include the outdated generation in the reproduction process. It has been proven that the number of mutations in offspring that was produced by an obsolete generation is many times more common than those whose parents were younger.

Thus, hypogonadism prevents the wide spread among the new generation of such genetic diseases as:

  • Down syndrome;
  • "wolf lip";
  • cerebral palsy;
  • psychical deviations.

The reason for this negative trend is the production of low-quality sperm with damaged DNA in men over 60 years of age.

Nature specifically provides for the childbearing age for men and women so that you can not only give birth, but also then fully care for offspring. After all, it is much more difficult for people of a more mature age to physically deal with children than for young parents - this is why the reproductive function disappears over time.

As statistics show, by the age of 40, a man's testosterone level begins to decline by several percent. But this does not mean that it will happen to everyone at this age. For each man, the process of development and extinction of the reproductive function is individual, which means that the time for favorable fertilization varies.

But numerous studies of the reproductive capabilities of the male body have shown that average age for peak fertility - from 25 to 30 years. It is believed that it is within these age limits that a man is ready for childbearing, both physically and psychologically. Further statistics show that:

  • in 17% of men, hypogonadism occurs at the age of 43-50;
  • at the age of 65-80 years, 40% of males suffer from hypogonadism;
  • representatives of the stronger sex, who are over 80 years old, feel hypogonamism in 65% of cases.

Hypogonadism can occur both earlier than the age of 40, and later: someone is sexually active at the age of 65, and someone cannot have children already at 30. It all depends on the quality of life of a man, the characteristics of his body, lifestyle and other factors.

A significant decrease in reproductive functions at the age of 50-60 is a normal physiological process that is inherent in the body of a man by nature. But the appearance of problems with potency at the age of 35-45 is considered early hypogonamism.

This may be due to a man's lifestyle or genetics, which directly affects male power. But the factors may vary.

  1. Injuries in the groin area.
  2. Unsuccessful surgeries on the genitals.
  3. Acquired venereal diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.) and congenital pathologies of the genital organs (which were not eliminated in young age).
  4. Severely transmitted viral and infectious diseases, which entailed complications of reproductive function (for example, mumps or, as they say, "mumps").
  5. Stationary lifestyle.
  6. The constant presence of stress.
  7. Improper nutrition (excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats).
  8. The presence of bad habits (alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction).
  9. Poor quality sex life: promiscuity, frequent change of partners or irregular sex.
  10. The presence of endocrine disorders and diseases ( diabetes, hypothyroidism, deterioration of the pituitary gland).
  11. Diseases of the heart vascular system(arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease).

The presence of the above factors does not mean that someone will not be able to have children. However, in order not to have problems with the reproductive system, it is better to treat all diseases in time, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and be selective in sexual intercourse.

In order to determine the time of onset of hypogonadism, you need to pay attention to the signals that the male body gives. Symptoms that characterize the completion of childbearing function include the following:

  • decreased libido, difficulty getting an erection;
  • erectile dysfunction, which manifests itself in premature or interrupted ejaculation;
  • osteoporosis, a disease of the bones that makes them brittle and brittle (which increases the risk of fractures);
  • frequent and / and painful urination;
  • diseases of the vascular system, which are manifested in redness of the face, hypertension, dizziness, shortness of breath, a sudden increase in temperature, etc.;
  • hormonal disorders, the consequence of which is the appearance of excessive sensitivity, irritability, depression, apathy;
  • memory impairment, sleep disturbances, general state of fatigue, regardless of the time of day;
  • weight gain due to adipose tissue;
  • hair loss, baldness.

If any of the above problems were found, you should immediately contact an andrologist or urologist in order to either refute a possible disappointing diagnosis, or detect a violation in the reproductive organs in time and begin treatment.

Preparing for conception for men over 50

Difficulties in psychological or economic plans often lead to the fact that for a long time a man cannot plan the conception of a child and postpones it until a later time. However, as mentioned above, this threatens to reduce the reproductive opportunities in men of more mature age. Therefore, if a man wants to have children, then difficulties may arise with this. So how can you help yourself in this situation? For this you need to follow certain rules.

  1. Eat right. Eat foods containing vitamins E and C, folic acid, zinc and selenium in your diet. These include oranges, lemons, tangerines, seafood, nuts, and grains. Eliminate coffee from your drinks and increase the amount of pure water.
  2. Observe the correct thermal regime: try not to overcool, but also not overheat (you should avoid visiting baths, saunas, hot baths).
  3. Avoid a constant source of stress as much as possible (if the job is very stressful, consider changing to a more quiet place).
  4. get busy physical activity but do not overload your body.
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits.
  6. Sleep as much as you need.
  7. Wear loose-fitting underwear made from high-quality, natural material (cotton).
  8. Spend more time outdoors.
  9. Monitor your health, treat diseases in time at their initial stage, so that you do not have to overstrain your body with antibiotics later.
  10. Have an active sex life (2-5 times a week).

Also, in order to exclude the appearance of genetic diseases in a child, before conception, you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examination.

Modern methods of treatment, even in the presence of a damaged gene, can correct sperm DNA before conception and prevent many genetic diseases in offspring.

Despite so many rules that mature men need to follow before conception, remember that the joys of fatherhood are much greater. Moreover, in adulthood a man has more financial and psychological opportunities to properly raise future children.

The defining possibility of conceiving a child for a man is the ability to form full-fledged germ cells - spermatozoa. The development of male germ cells is under constant hormonal regulation and is a long and complex process. This process is called spermatogenesis. At the age of 5 years, the male gonads (testicles) are in a state of relative rest, at 6-10 years of age, the very first cells of spermatogenesis, spermatogonia, appear in them. Full formation of spermatogenesis occurs at 15-16 years.

The entire process of sperm formation until full maturation takes approximately 72 days. The entire process of sperm formation takes place at a temperature that is 1-2°C lower than the temperature of the internal regions of the body. The lower temperature of the scrotum is partly determined by its position and partly by the choroid plexus formed by the artery and vein of the testis and acting as a countercurrent heat exchanger. Special muscle contractions move the testicles closer or further away from the body, depending on the air temperature, to maintain the temperature in the scrotum at a level optimal for sperm formation.

If a man has reached puberty and the testicles have not descended into the scrotum (a condition called cryptorchidism), then he remains sterile forever, and in men who wear too tight underpants or take very hot baths, sperm production can drop so much that it leads to infertility. Highly low temperatures also stop the production of sperm, but do not destroy the stored one.

The process of spermatogenesis proceeds continuously throughout the sexual activity of the body (in most men, almost until the end of life), but sperm is released into the external environment only at certain moments. During sexual arousal, spermatozoa accumulated in the epididymis, together with the secretion of the epididymis, move along the vas deferens to the seminal vesicles. The secret of the appendages liquefies the environment, providing greater sperm motility and nourishes the sperm during the eruption of the seed. With sexual arousal, the secret of the prostate gland is also produced at the same time, it is thrown into the posterior urethra.

The secret of the gland activates sperm motility. All this mixture (prostate gland secretions, spermatozoa, seminal vesicle secretions) forms sperm, and at the moment of greatest sexual arousal, this mixture is ejected to the outside - ejaculation. After ejaculation, spermatozoa retain their viability for a short time - 48-72 hours.

Sperm and its indicators

In general, the fertilizing ability of sperm is characterized not so much by its volume as by the number of spermatozoa in 1 ml of semen, the percentage of actively motile spermatozoa, the percentage of morphologically normal (mature) forms, and a number of other parameters. A fairly common misconception is the opinion that only one sperm is needed for conception, but, unfortunately, this is far from the case. Indeed, only one spermatozoon can penetrate the egg and give rise to a new life. But for this, he must go a very long way in the general flow of sperm - from the vagina through the cervix, through the uterine cavity, then along one of the fallopian tubes to meet the egg. One will simply die. And in the fallopian tube with an egg, he also cannot cope alone.

The egg is large and round, and in order for one sperm cell to enter it, a large number of other sperm cells must help break down its shell. Therefore, there are certain standards for determining the fertility of sperm. For this, a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of sperm is carried out, which is called a spermogram.

To donate sperm for analysis, a man must fulfill simple requirements. It is necessary to refrain from sexual activity and masturbation for at least 48 hours, but not more than 7 days (the optimal period is 3-5 days), it is also important that there are no wet dreams during this period. On the days of abstinence, you can not drink alcohol, medications, bathe, take a bath (preferably wash in the shower).

Sperm is best obtained in the laboratory by masturbation. It is very important that all the sperm ejected during ejaculation in full fall into the laboratory glassware. The loss of at least one serving (especially the first) can significantly distort the result of the study. As a rule, a spermogram includes more than 25 indicators. Not always a deviation from these characteristics in one direction or another is a sign of a disease. Changes in spermogram parameters may be temporary and be due to the negative impact of external factors.

It should also be remembered that on the basis of one analysis it is impossible to draw conclusions about the violation of the reproductive function of a man. Therefore, in the presence of pathological changes in the ejaculate, it is necessary to retake the analysis and only then draw conclusions.

Possible causes of reproductive dysfunction in men

Causes causing spermatogenesis disorders men, a lot. The most common in practice are sexually transmitted infections (chlamydial, ureamycoplasma and other infections) and chronic prostatitis. Characteristically, these diseases can long time be completely asymptomatic. Next, most common cause- varicocele. This is a violation of the outflow of blood through the vein coming from the testicles, which occurs in a population of 10-15% of men, and can be the cause of inhibition of spermatogenesis. Significant factors are some concomitant (or suffered in childhood) diseases, taking a number of medications, occupational hazards, exposure to high temperatures, abuse of nicotine, alcohol, and drugs. Less common are congenital or acquired hormonal and genetic disorders. It should be noted that thanks to the achievements of genetics, it has become possible to diagnose a number of previously unknown causes of male reproductive dysfunction. In some cases, even with the most detailed examination, it is not possible to establish the cause. In this case, we can talk about idiopathic reduced fertility.

Reproductive age refers to the period when a man is able to conceive, and a woman is able to conceive and bear a child.

It begins during puberty and ends with menopause.

Experts say that the reproductive period in women is shorter than in the representatives of the stronger sex.

At the same time, there is a downward trend reproductive age in men caused by constant stress, sedentary lifestyle and poor environmental situation.

A man's attitude towards a lonely free life and career can play a cruel joke with him exactly when he decides to start a family.

In the stronger sex, the reproductive age lasts longer than in women. It begins around the age of thirteen, when, under the influence of testosterone, secondary sexual characteristics form in boys - hair appears on the pubis, under the armpits and above the upper lip, episodes of involuntary ejaculation occur at night, morning erection intensifies, the sexual organ noticeably increases.

Closer to the age of 15, teenagers begin to show increased interest in the opposite sex and experience sexual desire. Often at this age, the first sexual intercourse occurs, which, given the onset of reproductive age, may result in conception.

Since 18-25 years is the period of the most active sexual life and the most intense production of testosterone, boys growing up in an unfavorable environment may "dedicate" the subsequent years of their lives to promiscuity.

Closer to the age of thirty, the level of testosterone in the blood decreases slightly., despite the fact that the reproductive age at this time is in full swing. The decrease in testosterone levels is influenced by work features, environmental factors, and stress. In some cases, the number of spermatozoa and the quality of sperm change for the worse. Some thirty-year-old men notice a decrease in libido.

Closer to the age of forty, the reproductive age of men is being seriously tested. Usually, by this time, various chronic diseases, including the long-term consequences of sexually transmitted diseases, make themselves felt. In addition, professional factors and bad habits affect, fatigue accumulates.

A midlife crisis sets in, which also has a negative impact on reproductive function.. It is at this age that most men turn to sexologists with complaints of worsening erections. Sometimes they have conditions that prevent conception, but this does not mean that the reproductive age is over.

If a man has no health problems, reproductive age can last up to 65-70 years. There are record holders in the world who managed to know the happiness of fatherhood at the age of 90. This is due to the fact that in men the supply of spermatozoa is not exhausted. Male sex cells are produced for an extremely long time and are almost completely renewed every three days.

Sometimes the reproductive age of a man ends not through a shortage of spermatozoa, but through the impossibility of sexual intercourse and impotence. In adulthood, it occurs due to prostate adenoma, chronic prostatitis, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

male menopause

For a man, adulthood is a serious test, especially if by this time he has taken a career as a father and husband. A man looks at the young guys and realizes that he is no longer as attractive sexually as he used to be. The situation is aggravated by young competition in business and at work.

If a man has a wife of about the same age, she may experience menopausal symptoms, which negatively affects the sexual and psycho-emotional aspects of the life of the spouses.

The factors listed above, combined with age-related health problems, impose thoughts of old age, approaching death. This stressful state contributes to the development of impotence. which exacerbates the already precarious situation of the family.

The need to realize one's own attractiveness, lack of demand in the family - all this prompts a man to look for a woman on the side, as a rule, much younger than himself.

How does age affect fertility?

With age, the amount of testosterone in the male body decreases.. A low level of the hormone contributes not only to a decrease in fertility, but also to an increase in the likelihood of having a baby with genetic abnormalities.

Many believe that if age does not affect sperm production, then it does not affect its quality. This reasoning is fundamentally wrong. The fact is that with age, the quality of sperm deteriorates, the mobility of germ cells decreases, and the volume of ejaculate decreases.

In patients from 30 to 50 years old, there is a decrease in ejaculate volume by 30%, a decrease in sperm motility, an increase in the probability of deformation of spermatozoa by more than 5 times.

Moreover, the shape of the spermatozoon, which is responsible for the transfer of genetic information, is most often deformed. That is why men after thirty or forty years of age are more likely to have children with genetic abnormalities.

Some genetic anomalies (such as dwarfism) are associated by doctors with the age of the parents of children, but such problems are relatively rare. Thanks to clinical studies, scientists have been able to establish a link between a man's age and "popular" genetic anomalies such as Down's syndrome and schizophrenia.

At the same time, the probability of having a baby with deviations is highest if both parents are in adulthood (over 35).

Video: "Male menopause"

Age for conception

Fertilization scientists involved in the procedure of in vitro fertilization have found that after forty, the probability of becoming a father is only 60 percent, and by the age of 45 this probability decreases to 35 percent, i.e. almost twice.

The reason for such deplorable statistics is as follows: when a certain age is reached, genetic damage occurs in the produced sperm, which causes infertility. With age, the number of motile sperm in men decreases, and the number of damaged DNA increases. It is known that children of late fathers are more likely to suffer from schizophrenia and epilepsy.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that in ideally, a man should become a father in the period from 20 to 35 years. At the same time, we must not forget that the quality of sperm (regardless of age) affects the conception of a healthy baby. Sperm motility is adversely affected by bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking), sexually transmitted diseases and infectious diseases.

Besides, in men over 35 years of age, sexual activity decreases and, consequently, the probability of successful conception in a woman.

Remember: taking care of your own health throughout your life will allow you to maximize the male reproductive age and become the father of a healthy baby.

Video: Male Fertility Therapy

How to prolong reproductive age

Scientists have been puzzling over the issue of prolonging youth, female and male reproductive age for many centuries. Despite the fact that the possibilities of modern medicine are far from unlimited, it is already possible to do this. The first thing that doctors turn to is that one should think about health from youth.

A man should eat well, without resorting to newfangled diets. Zinc is very useful for men.

You will also have to give up any bad habits - alcohol abuse, smoking. Let's not forget about the rest, as no career is worth it to hasten aging, shorten the reproductive age and reduce the likelihood of conception.

In young age promiscuity should be avoided, as they increase the chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. These diseases not only shorten the male reproductive age, but lead to the development of adenoma, prostatitis, oncology, and even infertility. To prolong the reproductive age, you should lead a healthy lifestyle - play sports, move more, spend at least an hour a day in the fresh air.

If earlier reproductive age was tried to be extended with the help of hormonal drugs, then today this practice is limited to strict indications, in particular menopause. This is due to the fact that The use of hormonal drugs led to a 50% increase in the likelihood of breast cancer. Therefore, today the reproductive age of men and women is recommended to be extended exclusively by natural means - homeopathic preparations, preparations based on royal jelly and pollen, herbal remedies with phytohormones.


In this way, male reproductive age begins at puberty, and ends with the onset of menopause. At the same time, every man is able to extend his reproductive age. In most cases, it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid casual relationships.

reproductive function- the ability and fertilization of the egg and the conception of a healthy child. Statistical data based on specialized studies show different figures regarding male fertility: some claim that it lasts a lifetime, while others testify in favor of the limited male reproductive capabilities. How are things really?

Sperm quality deteriorates with age

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The reproductive age of a man, as studies show, starts from the age of 15 (from the moment of the first) and continues until the death of a man. Unlike women, whose reproductive system is “programmed” for a certain number of eggs laid at birth (after the “expenditure” of which comes the so-called menopause), male spermatozoa are produced constantly and are constantly updated. Therefore, a man can become a father at any age, from the very moment of puberty. The rest of the studies say the same, but they emphasize the deterioration in the quality of sperm, because fertilization over the years becomes less and less likely.

As we age, testosterone levels decrease.

The optimal age for conceiving a child

The peak of male fertility occurs at the age of maximum sexual activity, that is, from 18 to 35 years. During these years:

  • sperm has the maximum quality of spermatozoa, due to the active synthesis of germ cells and their high mobility;
  • enough is produced, necessary for adequate spermatogenesis.

It has been proven that over the years, starting at about 35 years of age, the concentration of male specific hormones in the bloodstream decreases. Sperm ceases to be produced so actively. Why does fertilization become more and more difficult in the later period:

  • Decreased concentration.
  • Decreased motility and sperm count. For normal fertilization, at least 3-5 ml of sperm is required, each milliliter should contain several million germ cells. Various deviations from the described norm are called, ( complete absence active cells).
  • The occurrence of numerous diseases of the male genital area.

As a result, not only fertility decreases, but also sexual strength, potency decreases (which can be caused not only by diseases of the genital area, but also by banal hypertension), which further aggravates the already difficult situation of a man.

The optimal age in men for conceiving a child is up to 35 years

Purely theoretically, conception is possible at 15 and 100 years old, if you follow the correct recommendations for improving the reproductive system.

Factors affecting male fertility

All factors can be divided into objective and subjective.

Among the subjective

  • Taking certain medications. Antipsychotics, antibiotics, antidepressants "beat" the reproductive system especially hard. They reduce the intensity of spermatogenesis and weaken libido along with erection, without which sexual intercourse is impossible in itself.
  • Prolonged sitting in one place (hypodynamia). Inactivity reduces the activity of spermatogenesis and the likelihood of normal conception by almost half.
  • Frequent baths, sauna visits, wearing uncomfortable underwear. In a word - . For the production of seminal fluid, a temperature of 34.5 ° C is required, overheating causes the death of spermatozoa.
  • Hyperdynamia. Excessive mobility also affects fertility, but in a slightly different way. Adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol (stress hormones), which are actively synthesized during physical activity, inhibit the production of androgens and reduce the intensity of spermatogenesis.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.

Objective factors include various diseases of the male genital area, including:

Prostate diseases - the scourge of modern men

  • Vesiculitis.
  • (a real scourge of men over 40). It is because of him that many representatives of the older generation cannot become fathers.
  • Prostate adenoma (benign prostatic hyperplasia).

A man can eliminate subjective factors on his own, but he cannot cope with diseases on his own. The help of a treating specialist is required.

Ways to increase male reproductive abilities

The reproductive age of a man is a broad and individual concept. It all depends on the state of health of a particular individual, his food preferences, lifestyle. In order to maintain the ability to have children for many years, it is enough to follow simple recommendations.

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The reproductive age of a man is a period in the life of the stronger sex, which contributes to the onset of successful conception as much as possible. How does the reproductive age of men affect the conception of a child? At what age can a person conceive a child?

Optimal time frame

The reproductive age of a man, according to experts, significantly affects the success of the conception process. Depending on genetics, as well as the influence of various external and internal factors, normal reproductive function can be maintained even after 50 years. However, doctors say that the optimal reproductive age for conceiving a healthy child is about 20-40 years. After reaching the age of 45, the processes of genetic changes in the seminal fluid begin to develop, which can lead to infertility, and the desired pregnancy will not occur.

Already after the age of 30, in the ejaculate of men, both quantitative and qualitative indicators of seminal fluid are significantly reduced, and the mobility of germ cells decreases, which has an extremely negative effect on the reproductive health of the stronger sex and affects the onset of conception.

The ability to conceive a child in men over the age of 45 is especially adversely affected by the presence of bad habits, smoking and alcohol abuse.

Therefore, if a man wants to have a healthy and fully developed child even in adulthood, then experts recommend that he lead a sports lifestyle, refrain from bad habits and, in particular, from smoking, which adversely affects the cellular DNA structures of spermatozoa and significantly reduces reproductive age, necessary for successful conception.

What prevents the onset of fertilization

Is it possible for a woman to get pregnant if the age category of her partner is over 45 years old? According to experts, the reproductive function of the stronger sex is able to be preserved throughout almost their entire lives. At 50, the number of mature spermatozoa in the seminal ejaculate of a man decreases significantly, but still does not disappear at all. And therefore, the representative of the stronger sex is able to successfully conceive a child.

With age, the number of mature spermatozoa decreases.

However, the state of reproductive health in men in adulthood is affected not only by the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sperm, but also by a decrease in testosterone production, and it is this male sex hormone that is responsible for the success of fertilization and childbirth. As a result, the representatives of the stronger sex develop disorders of erectile function, as well as a decrease in libido (sexual desire) and the ability to have sex. However, even in this case, thanks to the possibilities of modern medicine, it is possible to conceive artificially using IVF methods or artificial insemination.

At the end of the reproductive age, the following changes begin to develop in men, which extremely negatively affects the possibility of a successful pregnancy and childbirth. These include the following manifestations:

  1. Mutations of a genetic nature, which are localized in the field of germ cells, have a negative effect on both the conception itself and the processes prenatal development fetus.
  2. Decreased strength, power and quantity of ejaculate during intimate contact, which reduces the release of sperm necessary for pregnancy.
  3. The lack of the ability of mature male germ cells to fertilize a female egg.

Procreation after forty

When a man reaches the age of 45 years and older, his reproductive function is significantly weakened, in addition, a genetic change in the germ cells of the future father has an extremely negative effect on the health and normal development of the child, which can cause the formation of the following pathologies in the baby:

  • Down Syndrome.
  • immunodeficiency states.
  • High risk of developing genetic pathologies.
  • Schizophrenia and other mental disorders in a child.
  • Dwarfism.
  • skin type mutations.

When a child is conceived after 45 years, it can adversely affect the health and development of the child.

In the case of conception in adulthood, the risks of transmitting autoimmune and autosomal dominant diseases to the unborn child increase significantly. Children from mature fathers are often born with abnormalities in the development of the limbs and bone structures of the skull, or with serious disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system. For this reason, experts recommend planning a pregnancy during the optimal reproductive age of a man, namely, at 20-40 years old.

How to prolong fertility

In order to preserve the reproductive function for a long time and increase the chances of having a healthy, and most importantly, fully developed baby, experts strongly advise the stronger sex to follow the following extremely simple recommendations:

  1. Give up smoking.
  2. Do not abuse alcoholic beverages.
  3. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Eat right and rationally.
  5. Take special vitamin and mineral complexes.
  6. Avoid overheating and hypothermia.
  7. Do sport.
  8. Take drugs - immunostimulants, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the immune system and increasing the overall tone of the body.
  9. Have a regular sex life.

Over the age of 45, a man is advised to avoid baths, saunas, and taking too hot baths. In addition, he should not wear excessively tight trousers or tight underwear made of synthetic materials, since overheating of the testicles has an extremely negative effect on the processes of spermatogenesis and reproductive function in general.

A year before the expected pregnancy, the future father should refuse products that contain:

  • Chemical dyes.
  • Flavorings.
  • preservatives.

To prolong the reproductive age, you need to give up bad habits.

Such food has an extremely negative effect on the ability to conceive. The daily diet of the stronger sex, who care about their reproductive health, must necessarily include foods rich in proteins, vitamins and microelements, aimed at the long-term preservation of the fertile function. If a person is obese, then he needs to sit on special diet and exercise to lose weight. Because, according to experts, excess weight negatively affects metabolic processes and significantly reduces the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Of course, expectant fathers should forget about the use of alcoholic beverages and smoking, because nicotine, like alcohol, adversely affects both erectile functions and the ability of spermatozoa to fertilize an egg.

And the health of the unborn baby in the event of pregnancy in the presence of bad habits of the father is under serious threat! Positive influence on the processes of spermatogenesis in the representatives of the stronger sex have:

  1. Vitamins of groups E and C.
  2. Selenium.
  3. Folic acid.

Therefore, men planning to conceive a baby are strongly recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes that include these components within six months. Good therapeutic effect give drugs folic acid, which prevent the development of inflammatory processes localized in the prostate gland, which has a beneficial effect on men's health in general.

No nervous overwork, stress, depressive states, psycho-emotional shocks, proper rest and normal sleep (at least 8 hours a day) also significantly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy, regardless of the age category of the parents!

At proper nutrition reproductive age can be extended.

What weakens the fertilizing function

The reproductive health of men is negatively affected by the presence of certain diseases that affect the male reproductive system. Among this kind of pathologies, experts distinguish the following diseases of the genitourinary system:

  • Traumatic injuries of the genital organs.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Venereal diseases.

This kind of pathological processes adversely affect the functional state of the testicles and prostate gland, which, in turn, adversely affects the reproductive health of the stronger sex. In the absence of timely adequate medical measures, serious complications may develop, up to impotence and male infertility.

In order to avoid such adverse consequences, men are recommended to visit a qualified urologist at least 2 times a year, who will help identify the development of pathological processes in the early stages and prescribe the most effective therapeutic course!

The ability to conceive in men is also affected by their psychological state. Excessive psychological stress, frequent stressful situations and permanent overwork have a negative impact on the functioning of the brain, as a result of which a person completely loses interest in intimate life, which leads to a reduction in reproductive age and the development of early impotence.

Reproductive age in men is a rather arbitrary concept. Some representatives of the stronger sex lose the ability to successfully conceive by the age of 40, while others maintain reproductive health until old age. healthy image of life, the absence of bad habits and diseases of the genitourinary system, proper, balanced nutrition increase the chances of successful conception in the representatives of the stronger sex of any age category!