Kennedy's cunning plan. How was World War III supposed to start? Cunning plan of supermarkets The last danger - in line at the checkout

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How large stores make us spend more.

Self-service stores are convenient not only for buyers, but also for sellers. After all, here you can use any tricks to impose a product on the consumer. We do not see malicious intent behind many familiar things, but almost everything that happens in the supermarket is aimed at increasing the profit of the store. It turns out that we are being manipulated, although we do not notice it. All these techniques have been developed over the years and take into account the peculiarities of the human psyche. According to various experts, spending on extra purchases can be quite impressive - from several thousand rubles a month.

If you are not going to shop for a week - do not take a cart

Over the past forty years (since the invention), supermarket carts have doubled in size. It is believed that the buyer subconsciously wants to fill a half-empty cart - that's why he will buy more, just so as not to carry a lone carton of milk to the checkout.

Sweets at the entrance - for a reason

There are two options here. The first concerns issues of conscience - if a person is given the opportunity to do the “right thing”, then subsequently he will more actively go beyond his own limits. That's why healthy foods, fruits and vegetables are located right at the entrance: the more money the buyer spends on useful goods, the more he buys harmful products like snacks and sweets.

The second scenario: at the entrance are optional, but very attractive products from profitable departments. Like fresh pastries and flowers. When you go there, you are still full of enthusiasm and quite willing to be pampered. In addition, the pleasant smells of flowers and pastries relax and stimulate the release of the so-called "hormone of joy" - dopamine, you look forward to pleasant purchases and forget about the strict list of necessary products that you came here with.

Read the price tags carefully, especially the colored ones.

As a rule, price tags that differ in color from the rest of the mass (red, yellow) are associated by buyers with discounts and special promotions. In fact, the discount is either insignificant or not at all, but you already have an impulse to buy this product. Often, when we see the word “Discounts” or the % sign, we don’t even look closely at the price that is written there.

Add the missing ruble to the "tricky" prices

A classic of the genre: the price of 999 rubles always seems to be less than 1000 rubles. But if you stop and think, then everything becomes clear. Signboards work in the same direction, where old prices written in small print are boldly crossed out, and new prices are highlighted. Your brain processes this information as a picture, not as an arithmetic problem. And in the end, you take an unnecessary thing to "save".

Shelves "at eye level" - not the best choice

Carefully! Children in the supermarket

Large stores could not miss this chance: sweets in bright packages or toys are always located at the level of the child's eyes. Then the child himself will take the goods he is interested in and will stand to the last to get it. Many parents will buy just not to get a scene with tears and screams. If not all adults can pass by bright counters, it is even more difficult for children.

Go your own way without relying on store location logic

Everything is simple here: in search of dairy products, you will go through the entire store and be sure to buy something. In addition, the categories of necessary products are scattered throughout the store: you already found milk, but you have to wander again to find eggs, and then walk a little more (grabbing unnecessary things along the way) to finally find the bread section. So you go around the entire supermarket and almost certainly take from the shelves what you do not really need.

In the supermarket you go counterclockwise - this is how traffic is organized. In this case, the buyer, moving through the store, turns left all the time, and his eyes most often fall on the middle of the wall to his right. It is in this place that the so-called golden shelves are located, and on them are goods that bring the greatest profit, or products with an expiring shelf life. Most often, this is not what you were looking for, but what you were quietly forced to buy.

Think: do you really need additional products?

Often, additional goods are located near the rest of the goods. Next to cookies are juices or sodas, next to shirts are ties. All for you to buy more.

Product quality yes, visual tricks no

In most supermarkets, the produce in the vegetable section is washed and polished to a shine. Often they are sprinkled with water, despite the fact that this way they spoil faster. Why? A shiny, smooth surface is associated with freshness. In fact, “fresh” fruits and vegetables could lie in a warehouse for a month, and in your refrigerator they will immediately lose their blooming appearance.
The same applies to meat - it is often sold on a white background or specially processed to make it seem fresh.

A hungry man in a supermarket is an easy prey

The sight and smell of cooked and beautiful food on the shelves will most often force you to make a "hungry" purchase. It is better to have a snack before going to the store - then you are less likely to feel hungry right in the supermarket and do not buy what you want to eat on the spot.

Some purchases are not as profitable as they seem

It seems that the flow of promotions is simply inexhaustible. Buy one shampoo and get the second free. Super deal! However, before buying a shampoo, think about whether you really need it or will it gather dust on the shelf for six months? By buying two items at a lower price, you gain little, but the supermarket increases sales turnover. In addition, they usually sell stale or expired goods at reduced prices.

Music captivates customers

Rhythmic music makes customers move faster through the hall, fill baskets with goods, and provoke spontaneous purchases. A slow melody, on the contrary, contributes to a more thorough study of the assortment. The result is the same - the number of purchases and the profit of the store increase. Time flies unnoticed if a pleasant melody is playing in the hall, and the queues at the cashier seem to be much shorter. Many large supermarkets have special playlists for different times of the day. In the morning and afternoon hours, the main buyers are pensioners and housewives, and in the evening the shops are visited by the working population and students. Musical preferences, and the nature of shopping among these groups of consumers are different - hence the differences in music.

The last danger - in line at the checkout

In stores, a lot depends on your spontaneous purchases. Why do checkout counters have shelves full of candy bars, magazines, gum, mints, and soda? This is the supermarket's last chance to make you spend money. In any case, you will consider and choose such goods - after all, you need to somehow pass the time. And against the background of large purchases, chewing gum or a chocolate bar "on the road" will look like an insignificant waste. Tired of waiting, children will also in most cases be interested in the contents of these shelves.

Discount cards are more profitable for the store than for you

A small discount creates the illusion of benefits in this particular place. In addition, a regular customer is a gold mine. After all, you are highly likely come here again and leave even more money.

Reading "VO", I could not help but pay attention to the disputes between supporters of "Putin's cunning plan" and his opponents. Involuntarily you ask yourself: who is right? Indeed, how to explain that after the loud statements in 2014 in the spirit of “Russians do not abandon their own”, the DPR and LPR not only remain within the same borders and in a state of war, but have not even been officially recognized by Russia?

Personally, I think that the "cunning plan" in any case had to be. And it's not even that Vladimir Vladimirovich, as they say, is seven spans in the forehead. He is certainly an intelligent person, but he is, first of all, the president of a country that has specialized analytical structures responsible for collecting / summarizing / interpreting information. Structures that, by virtue of their existence, are obliged to "issue to the mountain" reports with specific action plans on a particular important issue. The president, after weighing the proposals, says the last "yes" in favor of one or another.

So, there is a "cunning plan", but what is it?

Supporters of the "cunning plan" put forward a number of versions.

Version one. They say that GDP does not need only Donbass, it needs all of Ukraine. Indeed, it seemed logical in 2014, especially when the most popular topics of articles were: "Ukraine will fall apart tomorrow" and "Ukrainians are about to start an uprising." But as time passes, we see that Ukraine is not going to fall apart. Moreover, the people in Ukraine are becoming more and more negative towards Russia.

Version two. The DPR and LPR were needed in order to distract the West from Crimea. But in the problem with the recognition of the new status of the Crimea, things are still there.

Version three. In the person of the DPR and LPR, Putin received leverage on the authorities of Ukraine, on the situation inside this country. Indeed, this version is most similar to the truth. The situation with the war in Donbas directly negatively affects the economy and politics within Ukraine. But, let's put it this way, it affects not only in favor of Russia. This is the above-mentioned growing negative attitude of the population towards Russia, and the ever-increasing process of rejection of the Ukrainian economy from the Russian one. Moreover, even in these conditions, in 2016 the Ukrainian economy showed growth.

Does this mean that the "cunning plan" failed? I think no. Analysts in Russia are very good, and GDP is very smart. So, the idea of ​​a "cunning plan" is in something else, and not in the above.

So, if we take as a starting point the statement that there is a "cunning plan" and that it has achieved its goal, then in order to understand its essence, you need to "look around" and ask yourself: what, under the influence of the events in Donbass, has changed in the world around us in such a way that which would meet the interests of the Russian leadership? And there is such a change, moreover, it is on the surface. It's just that adherents of different versions of the "cunning plan" are looking in the wrong direction. First of all, they look outside Russia, but you need to look inside!

Since 2014, Russian society has changed. And we are talking not only about the patriotic upsurge of Russians under the influence of the "Russian Spring". This rise would have been much greater if Russia had not stopped halfway in matters of assistance to the DNR and LNR. So why is the Russian leadership leaving the conflict in limbo?

Indicative of this is the main message of the Russian media. The main stream of material tells about the suffering and grief of ordinary people. The media say: look what happens if there is a violent change of power in the country. There is a split in society, as a result, they suffer simple people. And this message was heard by the citizens. Looking at what is happening in the Donbass, even the strongest critics of the Russian government are forced to admit that a revolution in Russia cannot be allowed. The same applies to the dissatisfaction of ordinary Russians with certain objective problems. Yes, say, for example, my friends and relatives, this and that is bad here, but we will not allow it to be like in the Donbass. On the example of Donbass, the people of Russia learned a very strong lesson: the revolution is not for us. The same thought, by the way, comes through in many comments on “VO”. You have to be a complete idiot to call on people in Russia for a violent change of power.

Thus, the "cunning plan" was to use the negative example of the ongoing conflict in the Donbass to make an anti-protest inoculation Russian society. And, apparently, this plan was successful.

US President John Kennedy seriously considered the idea of ​​unleashing a war against the USSR through a provocation using a Soviet military aircraft. This, in particular, is evidenced by documents published on the website of the US National Archives.

"The issue raised by the Attorney General"

We are talking about another batch of documents in the case of the assassination of President Kennedy, from which the secrecy stamp was removed.

Among them was found a document on the meeting of the Special Enlarged Group, which took place on March 22, 1962.

The group included Secretary of State CIA Director John McCone, assistant to the president national security McGeorge Bundy, US Chiefs of Staff Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer and US Attorney General Robert Kennedy. The meetings were also attended by President Kennedy and Secretary of State Dean Rusk.

At a meeting on March 22, 1962, "the question raised by the Attorney General about the ability of the United States to manufacture or acquire copies of Soviet aircraft" was considered.

The White House discussed the modification of the aircraft and the price of the issue

Why did the US need Soviet military aircraft? The document explains this circumstance. “There is a possibility that such aircraft can be used for provocation, to create an imitation of an air attack by enemy (Soviet) aircraft, to launch a surprise attack on enemy targets or a provocative operation, during which Soviet aircraft will attack the United States or friendly objects, which will become a pretext for US intervention, ”the document says.

According to documents, the idea belongs to the President's brother Robert Kennedy, but John F. Kennedy did not immediately abandon it. This possibility was seriously considered.

The document indicates which aircraft the Americans intended to use. We are talking about various modifications of the MiG-17 or MiG-19, as well as the Il-14. The Washington hawks even considered the cost of obtaining the right aircraft, as well as the time it would take to implement the plan.

The provocation was discussed before the "Caribbean Crisis"

Attention is drawn to the moment at which this meeting took place. The discussion of the possibility of transferring Soviet missiles to Cuba, which, according to many historians, gave rise to the "Caribbean crisis", took place only in May 1962. By March 1962, the US advantage in strategic forces was undeniable. Washington had 6,000 nuclear warheads against 300 Soviet ones. 1300 American strategic bombers, which could launch from numerous military bases along the perimeter of the borders of the USSR, were able to bring down about 3000 nuclear charges on the heads of Soviet citizens.

And in 1961, 15 PGM-19 Jupiter medium-range missiles with a range of 2400 km were deployed in Turkey, directly threatening the European part of Soviet Union including Moscow. The flight time of these missiles was less than 10 minutes.

There is no need to talk about some containment of "Soviet ambitions" - in fact, it was the USSR that was under the threat of a massive nuclear strike.

Nuclear war against the USSR was planned since the 1940s

The fact that, beginning in the late 1940s, the United States prepared elaborate plans to attack the USSR using atomic weapons, not a secret for a long time. For example, the Dropshot plan, approved by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff on December 19, 1949, provided for 300 atomic strikes on Soviet cities. After tens of millions of victims, the USSR, subjected to occupation, according to the plan of American strategists, in addition to changing the political system, was to lose forever military power and become economically dependent on the outside world.

The implementation of this and all subsequent similar plans became impossible due to the appearance of atomic weapons in the arsenal of the Soviet Union.

The advantage of the United States in the number of charges was significant, but the USSR had the opportunity to bring down in response atomic bombs on the heads of the Americans. Well-fed America was not ready to bear millions of victims even in the name of realizing its political ambitions.

The prospect of "unacceptable damage" proved more effective than any peace talks.

It is quite possible that in March 1962, President Kennedy and his entourage from the implementation of the provocative plan with the Soviet aircraft were forced to abandon the possibility that the Soviet response would be too destructive for the United States.

For the sake of invading Cuba, Washington was ready to blow up its own citizens

Dirty provocative methods in the United States were ready to be used not only in relation to the USSR. In the spring of the same 1962, Washington intended to use accusations against Havana of terrorist activities to invade Cuba. According to published documents, plans for terrorist attacks in Miami, other cities in Florida, and also in Washington were considered in military circles, as well as US intelligence agencies. After that, the secret services were supposed to capture the "Cuban agent" and publish documents confirming the involvement of the Cuban government in the terrorist war against the United States.

In the 1960s, everything worked out - the dangerous American plans were not put into practice. But over the past half century, the methods of conducting US policy have not changed significantly. And who knows what the White House Special At-Large Group is discussing in November 2017?

Although V.V. Putin did not formulate his strategy, which he has apparently been implementing since 1999, there will always be those willing to do it for him. This is exactly what A. Dutov did, using a comparison with the tactics of Barclay de Tolly and Kutuzov, which helped them not to defeat Napoleon, but to win the war.

M.I. Kutuzov, like Barclay before him, proceeded from the threefold superiority of Napoleon's army over the Russian army. Their plans - humiliating for national dignity, even with the surrender of the holy capital - were based on the need to fight with an obviously stronger enemy. Hence, a direct analogy to the era and actions of Vladimir Putin.

When V. Putin came to formal power in 1999, his real power was about 0%, while the power of the American-Israeli occupiers in Russia was close to 100%. Putin had nothing at all - except for Yeltsin's jester's cardboard crown. The oligarchy, which grew out of gangs and was led by the United States, owned the ALL economy, ALL the media, ALL regions (“having elected” bandit governors there), all parties, institutions, departments and institutions. Yeltsin's power did not extend beyond the Garden Ring in Moscow, and even within this ring was more than conditional. The successor of “Tsar” Boris had nothing but decorative symbols of power…

But Putin had his own plan. This plan was based on the monarchical feelings of the Russian people, unaccounted for by the occupiers, and on their great patience.

For the elites, Putin was only a hired manager (which he himself liked to emphasize in official speeches then) - but for common people felt, felt - like a monarch, like a deputy to the throne of the great kings of the Third Rome. Behind this feeling there was nothing objective, material - and therefore the scent of Westerners did not feel it, ignored it. Isn't it enough for a dark man to dream there? After all, all the forces and means are in the hands of the Judaized "elite", closed in an iron conspiracy!

Over the many past (frankly, difficult and shameful) years, the proportion of power has shifted. Now, of course, Putin does not have “about 0% of power” at all, as in 2003, when the most insignificant Ukraine slapped him in public with impunity (remember the story with the Tuzla braid).

And the pro-Western occupiers no longer have “about 100% of power”, but significantly less. For many years in a row, Putin has increased and increased his share of power to the detriment of the omnipotence of the Judaized oligarchy.

But even now, in 2017, one cannot say that Putin's power in Russia is 100%, and the power of the occupiers from the West is 0%. The children of thieves' privatization hold a lot of key positions and enjoy huge support, almost unlimited credit from the West. Therefore, not everything that is done in Russia is done by Putin. And this must be understood - no matter how you treat him, just for the sake of objectivity.

Putin, as a ruler, has been growing out of a decorative and ritual figure for a very long time. He planted a counter-elite around him on the principle of personal devotion to him, concentrated cash flows, real power powers in his hands. At the same time, steps forward alternated with incomprehensible steps back, which is why the country's movement was deprived of intelligibility and logical integrity.

For example, Putin canceled the election of governors, which gave power to local bandit clans, but then, as if in a mockery of himself, he appointed the same “godfathers” of regional mafias, who had previously “elected” themselves in the regions, as governors. And they stayed for many more years.

Then - I explain - that each blow was followed by elephantine doses of "sedatives" for local crime, and most importantly - for the West.
In assessing his forces as small and unreliable, Putin showed great sobriety.

Initially, "Putin's plan" proceeded from a sober understanding of the enemy's absolute superiority in forces and means.

This is insulting, unpleasant, insulting, but, alas, it was and remains a harsh reality.

How to fight an enemy who absolutely surpasses you in strength and means, and at the same time does not intend to sign any peace with you (even the "obscene" Brest peace)?
And you need to fight, because the goal of the enemy is your complete and final destruction, total genocide!
"Putin's plan" took into account both the impossibility of peace (the inevitability of a total genocide of Russians after their defeat), and the maximum minimum of funds that the Russian leader has in his hands.

Most of all, "Putin's plan" is reminiscent of the paradoxical answer of the Red Army soldier Sukhov in "White Sun of the Desert":

How do you want to die, quickly, or suffer? - the Basmachi ask the captive Sukhov.
- It is better, of course, to suffer ... - the imperturbable Sukhov answers.

In other words, Putin needed to buy time to strengthen the regime of his personal power - and he began to do this, literally, at any cost.
Putin's main task at the first stage was this: not to turn the long agony captive Russia in her instant execution.

By various tricks and incredible maneuvers (the main purpose of which was to lull the vigilance of Western masters), Putin achieved real power instead of Yeltsin's, decorative one.

It took years, even decades. Whether it was possible to throw off the yoke faster - let's leave the question open ...

Of course, the process is far from over. Putin's power hangs by a thread even today, and if someone does not see this, it is only because it is difficult for the layman to imagine the colossal power resource that Western Satanists possess. Russia is literally stuffed with their agents. The outskirts of Russia are occupied and terrorized by Nazi Gauleiters.

Power in Russia, like a featherbed with bedbugs, is stuffed with double and triple agents. Here are such "elites" who pretend to be Putin's friends, but serve Western Freemasonry. In defiance, they introduced others who pretend to be servants of the West, but themselves defected to Putin's side. There are also such heavyweights who play their own game, hoping to fool both the West and Putin ... There are, for sure, collaborators oriented towards China, etc.

Nothing can be said with certainty about any of the generals: they are bought out several times by opposing secret clans. About one you think that he is a Putinist - and he is a lieutenant of the Rothschilds. About the other, on the contrary, that he is an intruder from the West, and he is an agent of Putin ...

Putin's plan, which initially proceeded from the absolute superiority of the enemy's forces, still retains this preamble today. Whether this is true or not, judge for yourself, but Putin believes in this: that the West, having consolidated, will destroy Russia in a very short time. That is why the main task is to prevent the West from working out a common position behind the scenes.

Anonymous sources in the Pentagon told the American edition of The Daily Beast about the weak readiness for a hypothetical military conflict with Russia. “Can we beat the Russians today? Yes, but this will require all our resources,” said one of the interlocutors of the publication. “We are talking about the fact that we are not ready as we would like.” Another interlocutor of the publication said that one of the classified trainings showed that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan "depleted the US's ability to self-sufficiency."

Both opposing sides demonstrate the maximum contempt for such shabby sacrals as public opinion peoples, elections and referendums, domestic and international law, media image mass media etc.

Neither the West nor Putin appeal to the peoples of the world - the struggle is under the Masonic "carpet", behind the scenes. And we cannot see it - although our very life depends on this struggle. Even our simple biological existence today directly depends on the success of Putin's struggle, a struggle invisible to us.

As a realist politician, Putin is well aware of the true structure of Western power. He left idiotic tales about democracy and elections to the press secretary, and he did the right thing.
Presidents and parliamentarians - political prostitutes changed every four years, bought with giblets by the financial oligarchy - have never been rulers, never will be, because purely technically they cannot be rulers.

The West in reality is a cruel and terroristic, permeated with lack of rights and legal nihilism, overflowing (like any despotism) with cheap demagogy about democracy, the group autocracy of the richest families who have taken it into the hands of the richest families.
How is collective autocracy organized in the West? This is the unconditional and absolute power of the 100 (or 300) richest families. Everything else exists only as a buffoon decoration of the financial oligarchy. The autocracy of a group has many advantages: it is immortal, devoid of the subjectivism of a tsar in a monarchy, and so on.

But the decisions of Western oligarchic tyranny are closely linked to voting within the group. And the more decisively the West acts - the more oligarchs voted for action.

If all 100% of the oligarchs voted for some kind of war, then it is being waged with maximum intensity, and if 40% were against it, then it turns out to be a “strange war” or even sliding towards war in general. Very often, the West experiences a kind of paralysis of will, it “slows down” in an obvious way for the whole world and, like Buridan’s donkey, cannot budge.

The deep reason for such a stupor is discord and sharp discussion within the US autocratic group. When half of the “group autocrat” is for, and the other is against, America and the entire West begin to stagnate, as if they were paralyzed…

This feature of the Western group autocracy is actively, intensively used by Vladimir Putin in his strategy, now obvious to analysts. I will not call it good or bad, right or wrong - time will tell.

Right or wrong, but V. Putin, as a strategist, proceeds from the absolute superiority of the enemy in forces and means. If the all-European, all-Western army of Napoleon exceeded the Russian army by 3 times before the start of the invasion, now the proportions of sovereign power are even worse for us.

Like Napoleon, the most aggressive wing of Western Freemasonry dreams of giving a pitched battle, completely crushing the resisting Russia and finishing the job with a quick victory.

Like Barclay de Tolly and then Mikhail Kutuzov, Putin avoids a general battle in which he could lose everything at once in one day.

Putin is rapidly manoeuvring, now inflicting sensitive blows on the West, now rolling back and simulating capitulation. But Putin, like Barclay and Kutuzov, categorically refuses to gain a foothold in any positions where the West could deal him a decisive blow in a short pitched battle.

This strategy is the key to Putin's "unpredictability", who ALWAYS does not do what is expected of him.

Having signed a capitulation, such as the WTO, Putin does not intend to fulfill the terms of this capitulation, which puts all analysts into a stupor. All analysts were convinced that Putin would not risk directly annexing Crimea to Russia – and Putin did.

After that, all analysts unanimously declared that Putin had nothing to lose, and he would launch a big offensive in Ukraine. And this is really absolutely logical after the Crimea. Friends and, more importantly, enemies of Russia proceeded from this iron logic. Like, Putin will go to Kharkov, to Kyiv - and then the collective Napoleon of the West will receive the desired general battle! And Putin… simply did not show up to the ring, where the heavyweight boxer was waiting for him!

Putin's unpredictability is very reminiscent of the unpredictable behavior of M.I. Kutuzov in 1812, but only in the new conditions of a “hybrid war”. Why was it necessary to give a battle near Borodino, and even win it - in order to retreat again later ?! And who could believe that Kutuzov would surrender Moscow?! Believe me, the astonishment of contemporaries by the surrender of Moscow was much greater than the astonishment of our generation at the sight of the tragedy of Donbass...

The main, strategic goal of the “Putin’s plan” unknown to anyone “in the world”, but analytically easily calculated “Putin’s plan” is to achieve a split within the Western ruling Freemasonry, to provoke schizophrenia, a split personality in the collective personality of the Western financial oligarchy.

Putin needs half of the 100 (or 300) ghoul families to rush to war with Russia, and the other half to hold them by their tails, shouting, “Don't get involved, they'll die on their own!”.

If the group autocrat, who rules the West and has almost achieved world domination, is divided in himself, he will be paralyzed. He will turn (as he has done so many times before) into a paraplegic who twitches, but cannot act in a real way. The bifurcation of the will of this monster paralyzes all the structures and institutions of Western society, filled to capacity with absolutely slavish, lackey, obsessed with a servile illness performers.

Understand that the Western elite of the richest families is exactly the same tsar, emperor, autocrat, like Paul I or Louis XIV. This is the same tyrant and tyrant, who does not tolerate any objection to his will, and pulverizes everyone who hints at disagreement. The ONLY difference between the Western financial oligarchy and Paul I or Tamerlane is that it is a collective, group autocrat. Do you understand?! She rules like a king, people for her are cheaper than garbage, but she is not united within herself. And if half of it wants a war with Russia, and the other half is afraid of such a war, then it will, like a madman, spin around in an attempt to bite its coccyx ...

Putin hopes to drain the colossal power of Western tyranny, hopes for riots and protests in its rear, for its stretching of communications, for the emergence of fronts and hotbeds of tension other than the Russian one. From that, the most important task of Putin became this: not to give the "hawks" of the Western autocracy indisputable arguments against his "doves".

Putin is waging war not for the hearts of the peoples, and not for the picture in the press. All his actions are geared towards creating a split in the narrow oligarchic circle of behind-the-scenes forces. Every punished Khodorkovsky is countered by a “sedative” in the form of an unpunished Abramovich, every blow is countered by “soothing” liberal antics.

After all, it is the masses and crowds who may not understand that economic liberalism is a killer of peoples, a poison injected into the veins of the national organism. Elite behind-the-scenes forces know this very well. They have no doubt that the poison of liberalism is killing Russia from within, killing its economy.

From this they draw a 100% logical conclusion: there is no need to risk a nuclear apocalypse by attacking Russia openly: economic liberalism will kill it from the inside. But in the conditions of Putin's strategy, any obvious logic brings the enemy down.

The expectation that a Russian person is phenomenally patient, that he will endure all these years and decades of the most disgustingly liberal economic acts, and not give up - this is the calculation of a pragmatist who reaches the point of cynicism. Well, if you can’t stand it and turn around - with whom will you stay, Vladimir Vladimirovich?

Another thing is to ask yourself: how wide is the corridor of opportunities for Putin, as a strategist? Will he now be able to start building at the accelerated pace of the Stalinist five-year plans great Russia- and not get hit by a cohesive enemy, catastrophically superior to us in terms of strength and means?

As long as at least a part of Western Freemasonry hopes for Russia's self-extinction, the need for a big war is not obvious to the ghoul collective.

It is becoming more and more difficult for Putin to achieve the appearance of Russian self-extinction from year to year: fewer and fewer freemasonry ghouls believe in it.

The plot itself is also doubtful to calm the aggressor with the appearance of its extinction: how long can this continue, and how will it end?

But at the same time, one can understand the motives that guide Putin, and which, for obvious reasons, he cannot openly and personally announce. He literally does not care about everything - except for the split in the hundred of the richest families on the planet over the "Russian question".

This split, the indecision caused by the split in the West, seems to be the only chance for Putin's team to pull themselves, Russia and humanity out of the "end of history."

I am telling you the drama of history, in which there is no end yet - neither sad nor happy. No one today can say - is Putin right in coming up with SUCH a plan, and not another? No one can determine what will happen to Putin after the first successes of his plan, successes, quite possibly situational and tactical.

We do not yet know whether Putin will become Commander-in-Chief Kutuzov - or repeat tragic fate commander-in-chief Dukhonin. We will not call him a strategist and tactician - because we do not know if the Kutuzov maneuver is applicable in a modern hybrid war.

In general, nothing is yet known and not decided. Except for one thing: the victory of open Satanists will be the end of civilization, and you can’t argue with that…